Posts Tagged ‘pride’

I stand by you and your decision to keep NEOTHINK going.

I stand by you and your decision to keep NEOTHINK going.

There are many of us who want to live our lives as advanced human begins aware of where we stand in the world and the universe.

The movement that you have started has found a voice among the people that have been selected as advanced humans who dear to dream of an elite society that will uplift all of humanity.

The world will become a place where science will advance our lives without the need for greed. The natural resources of the earth can be sheared by all without the need for monetary gain and worthless pride.

Your leadership and courage to stand up for humanity is greatly appreciated and will be greatly rewarded in the time to come.

All the best to you and family MARK


I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON

I felt so lost, confused, abused, I was angry with the world around me.
Every one I new, had betrayed me, my own family, the hypocrites telling me, how to live my life. Since I was little I was confused about the bible, peoples tell you one thing, but they go and do other thing that are not good, every body had betrayed me my whole life.I was feeling empty.
about a year ego, one letter come and I followed instruction I ordered some literature. Immediately I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON I star reading and I felt something inside me, and change my life, in the way I think, then I new this Man who His life has dedicated to understand the way peoples think, and what we should do with our life.
MR: MARK HAMILTON open his acknowledge, to help those who were willing to see another world, with in the world we live.
This abusive and destructive world we live in need the MARK HAMILTON and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to teach them everything we have learn.
NEOTHINK provide a WEALTH, of information that can make every body who are willing to learn a life full of Happiness, Health, and Wealth, that every one will embrace.
With gratitude and pride I have love this MAN MR: MARK HAMILTON and his NEOTHINK literature for inviting me to be a member of this society, Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we have open minds, and we understand. We have a treasure in our hand and minds, 2500 years of acknowledge.
Floris E C

I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON

I felt so lost, confused, abused, I was angry with the world around me.
Every one I new, had betrayed me, my own family, the hyprocrites telling me, how to live my life. Since I was little I was confused about the bible, peoples tell you one thing, but they go and do other thing that are not good, every body had betrayed me my whole life.I was feeling empty.
about a year ego, one letter come and I followed instrution I ordered some literature. Inmediately I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON I star reading and I felt something inside me, and change my life, in the way I think, then I new this Man who His life has dedicated to understand the way peoples think, and what we should do with our life.
MR: MARK HAMILTON open his acknowledge, to help those who were willing to see another world,with in the world we live.
This abusive and destructive world we live in need the MARK HAMILTON and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to teach them everything we have learn.
NEOTHINK provide a WEALTH, of information that can make every body who are willing to learn a life full of Happines, Health, and Wealth, that every one will embrace.
With gratitude and pride I have love this MAN MR: MARK HAMILTON and his NEOTHINK literature for inviting me to be a menber of this society, Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we have open minds, and we understand.We have a treasure in our hand and minds, 2500 years of ackowledge.
Floris E C

AH! Another Victory!

Do you ever get tired of WINNING IN LIFE! I LOVE every SINGLE DELICIOUS VICTORY! I Relish these incredible and wonderful and ‘OH SO SATISFYING’ VICTORIES!
What is a VICTORY? It is an accomplishment that fills you with pride! Your hard work brought about SOMETHING REALLY REALLY GOOD!
Since reading Mark Hamilton’s coveted Neothink Society Multigenerational Manuscripts, now just three years ago, my life has been filled with MORE VICTORIES than … than my entire life before this point!
I can FEEL myself moving up to the next level! Here I come! And all around me, my loved ones are quietly discovering that they too LOVE to WIN! All around me people are WINNING in LIFE! VICTORY for ALL HONEST PEOPLE!
Come join the celebration!
I’ll see you in the Neothink Society Website!

Mark Hamilton! Look How the Neothink Society Expands!

Dear Mark Hamilton,
It happened again! Just when I thought I had seen everything the Neothink Society has to offer, suddenly there is something new! Or actually… like three or four new things! It happened while I was listening to last Wednesday’s national A-Team call (2/17/2010): and I saw how your apprentices were creating even more values for me, for all members of the Neothink Society, and for the world. Their efforts in the direction of the Business Alliance and Health and Wellness helped me see a whole new vision. With so many people steadily building values, one little effort after one little integration, your Neothink Society really is growing into something that no one will be able to resist! I can hardly believe the value that I gain simply by being a member! Look at all of these BENEFITS! And they keep on growing from the pure love of your apprentices!
Mark Hamilton, I would love to learn more about the moment when you saw this vision: when you saw your apprentices growing and growing the value of the Neothink Society into a product that delivers 100x or 1000x or 10Millionx the value of what is paid by new members.
If there had been “no doubt” before about the coming Twelve Visions World; Now, Mark Hamilton, it is an absolute certainty!
Thank you for creating the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton. It is the most amazing thing that I have ever comprehended, and gets better with each passing week! I can hardly wait to add more of my own contributions to this absolute marvel!
Love & Pride to be here helping it grow!
Yon Cole

I am proud to be part of the Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party.


Hey this is Darren W. I just want thank you for being part of my life. Your Heirloom package have been a life saver for me. Over the last six month I have separated myself from a life Mysticism. I am my on authority and my mind get stronger everyday. I talk to everybody about Your Heirloom packages and changes it has made in my life.

Here are some change I have made because of your writing:

Mysticism was rampant in my bicameral mentality as a man, but I understand why and how to change for the better of me and my family. The power of Neothink is the only way of thinking to save mankind and all of humanity. Mystical Governments thinking is tearing our world apart. TVP is the greatest and right approach in getting all of humanity moving toward honesty, integrity, a good positive, “Gosh!” attitude.

I, Darren W, am a person of integrity with a good, positive, “Gosh!” attitude and specific goals. I have a high energy level, am enthusiastic, and take pride in my appearance and what I do. I have a healthy self-image, a passion for what is right, and a solid hope for the future.

I am proud to be part of the Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party.

Thank-you, Mark Hamilton, THANK-YOU!


Who would have ever thought that here in the 21st century, in the age of communication and world wide web, in a time and place that we “think” we know so much and “think” that we are so well educated, who would have thought, that so many of us are living “in the dark”!? A dark world intentionally created for us by the greedy and corrupt who want to use our lives to make theirs better.

Thank-you Mark Hamilton for introducing my family and I to the “real” world of hope! Thank you for introducing us to a beautiful world of possibilities!!

Mark has taught us to think for ourselves-not to be blindly led. Mark has introduced us to a beautiful world where healthy, happy people live and work to their fullest potential and enjoy, once again, the value of pride in doing your best! Mark has introduced us to the abilities of the mind and to use it to its fullest extent! To use the greatest “gift” we have. How happy we are to now look forward to tomorrow because each day has a meaning!

Mark has showed us how to live in a world of happiness, well being, and hope for all!

Read what Mark has to say, THINK for yourself-instead of listening to what others have told you to be true, then see if you want to live in the world Mark describes or the one we have been forced to live in for many years!

Thank-you, Mark Hamilton, THANK-YOU!

Ruth C

Mark Hamilton and the manuscripts truly satisfy…


It is with great pride and pleasure that I am a member of The Neothink Society and that I have in my possession the most powerful and positive literature that exists in the three Neothink Manuscripts, they are priceless.  Mark Hamilton and the manuscripts truly satisfy my personal needs to absorb and continue learning about what he sharing with us, especially when these days are filled with nothing but lies and uncertainty. What he speaks of is truly breathtaking and enlightening for sure, its all about thinking outside the box, which is what this world needs to do, and that is to reinvent themselves and the way “they” think. Not one day goes by that there isn’t a negative TV program or commercial that brings nothing but fear and “new drugs” and of course “the end of the world” to all of us.  I am pleased to say that I am so very humbled to be a part of this wonderful organization in our time.

A chance to be heard!

How often have you wanted a chance to be heard? How little do you find that opportunity throughout your lifetime? When you were little and you were scolded or shunned for asking too many questions, did you just give up trying? Not so with the Neothink Society, founded by Mark Hamilton.

Come join us, be heard, show how smart you are and learn some more. Remember that pride you experienced when you “Just knew”? Feel it again! Come feel love, pride, and happiness once again! Then be part of the grass roots movement to ensure the success of the Twelve Visions Party as it brings The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program For the Masses In the History of Mankind!

Jill Reed

Thinking outside the box

It is with great pride and pleasure that I am a member of The NeoThink Society and that I have in my possession the most powerful and positive literature that exists in the three Neothink Manuscripts, they are priceless. Mr. Hamilton and the manuscripts truly satisfy my personal needs to absorb and continue learning about what he sharing with us, especially when these days are filled with nothing but lies and uncertainty. What he speaks of is truly breathtaking and enlightning for sure, its all about thinking outside the box, which is what this world needs to do, and that is to reinvent themselves and the way “they” think. Not one day goes by that there isn’t a negative TV program or commercial that brings nothing but fear and “new drugs” and of course “the end of the world” to all of us. I am pleased to say that I am so very humbled to be a part of this wonderful organization in our time.

March 2025