Posts Tagged ‘powerful tools’

What doe’s TVP, and Mark Hamilton mean to me


What doe’s TVP, and Mark Hamilton mean to me, well TVP means freedom such as I dreamed of as child.  Freedom of the individual to grow up in a society that reinforces the natural God given talents we all have.  Not pushed to conform to a apparition of the person we once were as a child, the person we once dreamed of becoming.  Do you remember how as a child you would sit and dream of all the wonderful things you would do some day?  Have you ever asked yourself, Were is the money, fame and love that I dreamed of as a child?  Is this obtainable by the average person?  The answer is yes, Yes you can, you can find your child of the past and free him or her to create the world you have always dreamed of.  You can do the seemingly impossible by using the powerful tools found in the Prime Literature.  You can begin to pull yourself out the stagnation trap that this world of illusion has pulled over all of our eyes. 

By understanding why it is I, we all feel and act like we do, I have gained a greater love for my fellow man that I have never felt before.  And this love and reality that the true value here is us,  you, me, red, yellow, black or white, no matter were you come from, conscious life is the greatest value in the universe.  I Am truly thankful for this Mark, you have freed my heart and mind to sore were Eagles fly.  I look forward to the future with bright hope knowing there is and always was something more out there, and thanks to Mark and his kindness to allow me to be part of something that will prove to be the greatest  journey of my life, it has been like a dream so far, and I only expect greater things in my future.  Man what a ride, to the future Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party.

Martin F

March 2025