Posts Tagged ‘poverty’

Mark Hamilton – Thank You

I want to thank you for changing the way I think. You have filled my mind with powerful positive energy and it feels exhilarating. You’ve taught me that I am one-hundred percent responsible for everything that happens in my life. Your literature has inspired me beyond any other source of encouragement. I feel as though I have already entered into the Twelve Visions World. When the rest of the world joins the Twelve Visions World, every value-creating human will feel just as excited to wake up every morning no matter the circumstances. I don’t think that there is another person alive who loves humanity in a more reverent way than you do. You are the most dedicated person when it comes to transforming this world into a place where poverty doesn’t exist and pure love reigns. I believe in you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for the invaluable knowledge and immense inspiration you’ve brought into my life.
Connor S

My life before Neothink

Before I discovered Neothink I was a lost child and young adult searching for a way out of this horrible life I was living. Soon after I found a way out of poverty, misery and complete un happiness thru Neothink society. This society has help me so much in areas of my way of thinking and handling everyday life. Each day it get better and better. Without the help of Mark Hamilton and our society I would of been a failure in life and not reaching for higher goals in life like I once new before I discovered Neothink and desired so baddly. Now I have many ideas and goals I have set and mainly I want to help and protect this world from corruption but witout Neothink and Mark Hamilton that wouldn’t of come to be. Thankyou Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton very much.


Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


Peace has always been for me something hard to imagine, especially in a world today that is ruled by political agendas and wartime uprising. If it wasn’t for Mark Hamilton and his literature, I thought I’d never see actualized in my lifetime a day and age where all people, from the super-rich to the poverty-stricken poor, can live like millionaires and be at peace with each other. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be a part of history and to share this new message and new way of thinking, called Neothink, to every man, woman, and child. Everyone should order these books! Thank you, Mark, for all you have done, have accomplished, and will accomplish.

Adam H.
New York

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go…


The Twelve Visions Party was formed by people just like you and I that are tired of politicians lying. Fed up with them creating a crisis to get us, the citizenry, afraid enough to vote for laws that though sound good on the surface but in all actuality limit our own freedoms, and then over taxing us, many into poverty, and then not being financially responsible with the money.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go there and read, cover to cover, the TVP platform to learn for yourselves what the mission of the TVP really is, regardless of what you may have heard or read.

I look very much forward to doing my part in bringing to fruition the goals of the TVP and look forward to you joining us in that mission.

Have a Fantastic Day!

Steven H

Peace and Powerful Literature

Peace has always been for me something hard to imagine, especially in a world today that is ruled by political agendas and wartime uprising. If it wasn’t for Mark Hamilton and his literature, I thought I’d never see actualized in my lifetime a day and age where all people, from the super-rich to the poverty-stricken poor, can live like millionaires and be at peace with each other. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be a part of history and to share this new message and new way of thinking, called Neothink, to every man, woman, and child. Thank you, Mark, for all you have done, have accomplished, and will accomplish.

Adam H.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I want to thank you for changing the way I think. You have filled my mind with powerful positive energy and it feels exhilarating. You’ve taught me that I am one-hundred percent responsible for everything that  happens in my life. Your literature has inspired me beyond any other source of encouragement. I feel as though I have already entered into the Twelve Visions World. When the rest of the world joins the Twelve Visions World, every value-creating human will feel just as excited to wake up every morning no matter the circumstances. I don’t think that there is another person alive who loves humanity in a more reverent way than you do. You are the most dedicated person when it comes to transforming this world into a place where poverty doesn’t exist and pure love reigns. I believe in you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for the invaluable knowledge and immense inspiration you’ve brought into my life.

Connor S

Twelve Visions Party is the answer

Dear Mark:

I was introduced to The Neothink Society by Martin H.  I have only been with the Society a few months, but I am already beginning to see the difference the books are making in my life.  They are teaching me how to integrate, power think and utilize my mini-day schedule to become more productive and successful.  I have met several Neothink Brothers and Sisters through the website, face book and the WA State A-Team.  I have a ways to go to finally understand all of Mark Hamilton’s teachings, but as I continue to read his books, integrate his lessons, I am able to grow my essence.

Twelve Visions Party is the answer to bringing our country back around to a state of stability.  I love the fact that TVP involves all the people, not run by one political party.  There will be no more poverty.  We will be able to live harmoniously among ourselves.

Silencing the truth is wrong!  Mark Hamilton is on the right path to bringing government back to the people and away from the corporation with the Twelve Visions Party.  Through the organization of the TVP, Mark Hamilton integrates the truth and empowers others to grow their essence.  I believe Mark Hamilton is on the right path to turning our country around with the Twelve Visions Party.  I support Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party without blinking my eyes but with my whole essence.

Thank you, Mark for the opportunity to share my testimonial with you.


Sheila F

March 2025