Posts Tagged ‘positive changes’

Just a quick note to let you know my life has gone through some very positive changes…

Just a quick note to let you know my life has gone through some very positive changes in the last seven years, ever since I was introduced to Neothink.


I came from a place of darkness, within state of confusion, and surrounded by negative energy. I was basically dying slowly inside and out… at the ripe age of 30 years old. My life needed change and I did not know how to go about it. When I first fixed my eyes on reading Mark Hamilton’s’ literature, I knew it would spark a change in my life. Since then I became a better mother to my children. I became more productive at work and a greater asset to my employer…literally earning my paycheck. I became more honest with myself and everyone around me. I became more aware of my surroundings and could clearly see how what I do/think literally affects others’ lives. I quit smoking “cold turkey”. My skin cleared up and my body became more shapely. Everyone in my life noticed the positive changes right away. Because we are all creatures of habit; I did stray from what I learned in the heirloom packages and when I did… thoughts and actions once again resorted back to that negative place. I would fall into a state of confusion and my life would get increasingly difficult by the day. I even picked up smoking again. However with Mark Hamilton’s’ literature in my possession, I am now and forever will be…well equipped with the tools to overcome any addiction or harmful habits I have accrued over the years in my dying state. I know now more than ever I will never stray again. The Neothink package speaks truth because it comes from a place of complete honesty. I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!! I physically feel empowered when reading Mark Hamilton’s’ words, and without a doubt you will too. I DARE you, matter of fact I BEG of you to read it.
I have to admit, my first impression was not very good and after a billing error I thought this was some sort of scam. Well, I was out the money so I started to read the first heirloom package, then the second and third. My world became measurably different in numerous positive ways. From personal bankruptcy in 1994 to four time president of our State accounting association, legislative co-chairman of the National Society of Accountants State Regulation and Oversight Committee and owner operator of a multi-million dollar franchise business in just a few short years I am becoming the man I was meant to be. I now regularly win national growth awards with innovative products and services and serve on a committee of fifteen that represents a franchisee system preparing nearly 3 million tax returns! Mark Hamilton does not stop there. He gets to the core or “essence” of what is and in understanding this essence I am able to see through non-sequesters to the true meaning of things. This alone has resulted in saving my marriage and given me a deeper sense of love for my wife and family. Mark’s ongoing meetings help me to expand my understanding of “neothink” and its principles to better apply myself each and every day. I love getting up in the morning, I love going to work, meeting with my clients and creating values that better their lives as well.
I see things very differently today but I admit to being a neophyte in this wonderful new world. I am free of illusion that enslaves the masses to systems of entitlement and servitude. I saw great injustices in a local school system and despite my busy schedule I ran for the Board of Education. It took a tough loss to realize that sometimes people know what is best but cannot move against the safer, easier convention belief. In other words, it is safer to lose. I on the other hand, do not lose well, I have created a system to cut school budgets in my area dramatically and simultaneously increase the quality of education. The concept may have seemed hair-brained at its onset but now after several credible activist groups, even government agencies and non-profit foundations have confirmed my findings, the concept gains traction.
Neothinkers are dangerous only to those who seek to embolden themselves and their authority not through attained values but by usurping that which they have not earned. For one, I am more successful, more in love, and enjoying my children far more today with the path I have chosen and the guidance Mark Hamilton provides. I do more, give more to charity (100 times more than our President) and live better. I cannot wait for tomorrow. I cannot wait for an endless stream of tomorrows.
Most sincerely,
Michael A. C

Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.

It was the spring of the year 2008. I was in good health and determined to live to be at least 100 yrs. old. While I was tilling the garden I contemplated that I would like to someday dig the grave that I would eventually be buried in. Perhaps even design my own headstone. Here lies Carl Jess Okeson “He lived a long happy life” Since I thought there was no way to avoid the ultimate fate.
Now that I am part of the Neothink society the concept of living an unimaginably long life fills my mind everyday.
I look forward to becoming a millionaire. I have a vision of a dream house I would like to live in. These are aspirations I have gotten only after becoming a Neothink society member. Before I was settling on just getting by.
I have broadened my horiZons and experienced value enhancement just by commingling with members on the Neothink website.
The Neothink literature by Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.
When I first became a member on the website and I joined a clubhouse, I wanted to know what steps I could take to bring about the positive changes that Mark Hamilton wrote about in his literature. I was happy to find out a political party had been started called the Twelve Visions Party or TVP for short.
The success of the TVP would bring about many positive changes for me and all members of my family and the world.
Businesses would be more productive unleashed from heavy tax burdens. Technology would soar as more money could be put into research and development.
Employers would compete for valuable workers and a worker could pick and choose the job he or she wanted according to the benefits desired. Rather than now unable to find a job and taking whatever is available.
The value of our money would increase as competition for our dollars would increase by business, not to mention no taxes for us either.
As we become a working model for the rest of the world, other countries will reduce their governments to a protection only government and competitive businesses will handle the needs of the people, their valuable workforce.
We aren’t doing anything illegal by electing the President and political party the majority of the people want.
We live in the worlds greatest country that will allow this to happen. We should take advantage and put ourselves first rather than the organizations that control us. Thank you.

Mark, I would like to say how pleased and happy I am


Mark, I would like to say how pleased and happy I am to be a part of this movement. I am so excited about the Twelve Visions Party and look forward to its announcement to our Country.  It will be wonderful to see all the positive changes that will take place in our country as well as the world.

I have so enjoyed being a member of Neothink; I have learned so much and made so many great friends.

I look forward to seeing all our dreams come true and to do the right things for our country as well as set an example for the rest of the world.  Your work has been outstanding it has been a pleasure to study, and has already helped so many people.

My Clubhouse Administrator Daren has been very supportive and a great friend to me.  I know there is a lot to do and I will help in every way I can. I look forward to meeting you soon. Thank you for all your hard work and the Sacrifices you have made.  Sincerely,  Nancy H

Positive Changes


Dear Mark Hamliton

I just want to thank Mark Hamilton for being in my life. Mark Hamilton’s books have been a life saver for me. Over the last several months I have made so many positive changes. I have learned to be a self leader and my mind grows stronger everyday. I talk to everybody about Mark Hamilton’s books and changes I have made in my life.

Confusion, dishonesty, depression, was running rampant in my life as a man, but I understand why and how to change myself, because of Mark Hamilton’s books. The power of neothink is a great way of thinking to save man kind and all of humanity.

Mystical Governments is tearing our world apart. Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party has a very good approach to help all of humanity to move toward honesty, integrity, a good positive attitude, wealth, health, and peace.

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,

Although I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this email, I felt compelled to at least try to reach you.  After over 2 years of reading the multigenerational manuscripts, following your videos and contributing when I can to Business Alliance and TVP discussions, I know with all my heart that I’m here to support the work you do.  In fact, it would appear that I began the work to support your efforts about 7 years before I knew you existed.

The document attached is a short introduction to a concept model that fits like a glove within the Miss Annabelle story.  Ever since I read the book the first time, I’ve felt certain that this model could provide proof in a “prototype community setting” of the power of the TVP and the positive changes it can bring about.  The vision I’ve been given is to take this model to New Orleans to help improve the economy there.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that if TVP could be involved in a “community healing project” like this – we could catapult the TVP movement forward in a big way.

I had hoped to fully launch this model here in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC, where I currently live.  Unfortunately, we have run out of funds to continue our work, and the house we had planned to use as a cornerstone to showcase the model is now going up for sale since it has been taken from us in a foreclosure auction.

We still have hopes of finding someone who might purchase the house from the note holder before we must move out on Jan 31st.  The house itself can be obtained for a good bargain right now – and if a buyer wanted to help us continue our work by purchasing the house before we move, we would be happy to provide that person with majority ownership of the corporation that houses this concept model.

Regardless of whether we must move or not, the most important thing to me is to find someone – like yourself – who might be able to see the value in the TSAI concept model and might have ideas or resources to help keep it moving forward.  If my husband and I must take traditional jobs in order to survive from here out, my biggest fear is that the power of this model will never be realized, and an opportunity for faster movement of TVP might be lost for good.

Please believe that I will give away this 9 year project if that becomes necessary.  Although my heart is with it and would like to continue the work I’ve started, it’s more important to me to find SOMEONE to take this forward than it is for that someone to be just me.

I would be honored and humbled to be able to have a discussion with someone at NTS about this model.  I hope to hear from someone – I can be reached at the numbers below – or at this email address.

Life Changing Breakthrough


My name is David Groode and there is so much I can say in praise of Neothink, I am not even sure where to begin.
When I first got my invitation to become involved in Neothink, my life was a mess and I was in the process of attempting to put everything back together as a result of a huge shattering on many levels that I had gone through as an adult.
As a result of reading the books and being connected with Neothink, I was able to put myself back together psychologically and get my life back on track and find my true self that I thought was broken and that I had lost.
I have never been to any meetings yet, or have met anyone in person that is also a member – because I have recognized the need to clear some things in myself first – so I could show up in a more impeccable way.
One of the big things that changed for me as a result of reading the books is that I cleared a gigantic piece of mysticism that was clearly holding me back in life. The reason it was holding me back was that it did not allow me to see reality in a clear way when it came to taking responsibility for my own life, in my choices and actions. After I was able to finally clear this layer of mysticism that was in the way, it was like having a different life, so much more healthier and empowering on all levels, and so much more productive.
Although I do recognize that working on myself and making positive changes in my life and in the world is a continuous process, I am very grateful that I opened the door and gained keys of knowledge that has supported me to access and unlock some of my most powerful integrations, which has brought everything to another level.
As a result, I am now living in the most beautiful home with my partner and I am able to manage our “movie star rent.” I was also able to quit a job that I was very unhappy in and now I am working for myself full time, doing what I love, and sharing my talents with my clients and in the world.
The value that I have gained through being connected with Neothink is indescribable in what I have been able to access within myself and to create in my life. I am looking forward to meeting other members soon and to sharing and creating together.
I can now go through life with complete confidence and trust in the decisions and choices that I am making and to know that everything is amazing!

I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!!

I came from a place of darkness, within state of confusion, and surrounded by negative energy. I was basically dying slowly inside and the ripe age of 30 years old. My life needed change and I did not know how to go about it. When I first fixed my eyes on reading Mark Hamiltons’ literature, I knew it would spark a change in my life. Since then I became a better mother to my children. I became more productive at work and a greater asset to my employer…literally earning my paycheck. I became more honest with myself and everyone around me. I became more aware of my surroundings and could clearly see how what I do/think literally affects others’ lives. I quit smoking “cold turkey”. My skin cleared up and my body became more shapely. Everyone in my life noticed the positive changes right away. Because we are all creatures of habit; I did stray from what I learned in the heirloom packages and when I did… thoughts and actions once again resorted back to that negative place. I would fall into a state of confusion and my life would get increasingly difficult by the day. I even picked up smoking again. However with Mark Hamiltons’ literature in my possession, I am now and forever will be…well equipped with the tools to overcome any addiction or harmful habits I have accrued over the years in my dying state. I know now more than ever I will never stray again. The Neothink package speaks truth because it comes from a place of complete honesty. I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!! I physically feel empowered when reading Mark Hamiltons’ words, and without a doubt you will too. I DARE you, matter of fact I BEG of you to read it.

The Neothink literature by Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.

From Carl Jess Okeson, Fond du Lac, WI

It was the spring of the year 2008.  I was in good health and determined to live to be at least 100 yrs. old.  While I was tilling the garden I contemplated that I would like to someday dig the grave that I would eventually be buried in.  Perhaps even design my own headstone.  Here lies Carl Jess Okeson “He lived a long happy life”  Since I thought there was no way to avoid the ultimate fate.

Now that I am part of the Neothink society the concept of living an unimaginably long life fills my mind everyday.

I look forward to becomming a millionaire.  I have a vision of a dream house I would like to live in.  These are aspirations I have gotten only after becomming a Neothink society member.  Before I was settling on just getting by.

I have broadened my horiZons and expierienced value enhancement just by commingling with members on the Neothink website.

The Neothink literature by Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.

When I first became a member on the website and I joined a clubhouse, I wanted to know what steps I could take to bring about the positive changes that Mark Hamilton wrote about in his literature.  I was happy to find out a political party had been started called the Twelve Visions Party or TVP for short.

The sucess of the TVP would bring about many positive changes for me and all members of my family and the world.

Businesses would be more productive unleashed from heavy tax burdens.  Technology would soar as more money could be put into research and development.

Employers would compete for vauable workers and a worker could pick and choose the job he or she wanted according to the benefits desired.  Rather than now unable to find a job and taking whatever is available.

The value of our money would increase as competition for our dollars would increase by business, not to mention no taxes for us either.

As we become a working model for the rest of the world, other countries will reduce their governments to a protection only government and competative businesses will handle the needs of the people, their valuable workforce.

We aren’t doing anything illegal by electing the President and political party the majority of the people want.

We live in the worlds greatest country that will allow this to happen.  We should take advantage and put ourselves first rather than the organizations that control us.           Thank you.

Neothink and the TVP have a conceivable plan

I had taken an interest in Neothink and the TVP over a year ago. I firmly believe in them and what they stand for. Our country’s ruling class has been dishonest with us as a society for as long as I can remember. It’s refreshing to see a dedicated movement aimed at changing this dishonesty. In my opinion, the politicians in this country are among the most dishonest and corrupt people in the world. I think its safe to say that many in our society share those same sentiments. That could be one of the major reasons that voter turnouts in political elections continue to be around 50%. They have proven that time and time again. I think that government has their hands in too much of our business and certainly too deep in our pockets. 

 Neothink and the TVP have a conceivable plan that would allow all people in our society to prosper and live happy and healthy lives with no more government intervention than that of protection.

To stop The Neothink and the TVP movement would eliminate a valuable choice that would otherwise have been available to us. A choice that would give us an opportunity to participate in positive changes for all of us. Attempting to stop Neothink and The TVP would also be a clear indication of how much “Freedom of Choice” really means to our ruling class.

In closing, I want to say that I will continue to be a supporter of Neothink and the TVP and what they stand for.

Marty G

March 2025