Posts Tagged ‘politics and religion’

Just maybe, JUST MAYBE, Neothink is the answer …

Just maybe, JUST MAYBE, Neothink is the answer to all my questions in life.

Just maybe if I read and absorb the Neothink literature honestly with an open mind, I will discover that I have found answers. But most importantly, listened to my inner being and rationalized in my mind that Neothink helped me find myself and I broke out of the bubble to look back in at all the insanity that plagued and poisoned my life and my mind, and I woke up! Neothink has been the ultimate blessing in my life, besides my wife and my children.

Without it, I would go jump off a bridge. Politics and religion have done nothing for me. Neothink has. Blessing to Mr. Mark Hamilton for providing me with the tools of Neothink, so I could breath and live again.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink manuscripts opened my eyes

For many years I have questioned Politics and Religion. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink manuscripts opened my eyes. I now understand why people are so obsessed. I Truly enjoyed reading The Neothink Heirlooms. They are educational and inspiring.
I believe when the rest of the world is introduced to The Neothink Society they to will revel in this new way of thinking and living.
Thank you Mark Hamilton
Kim Brown


I,Mickey B

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Hi, my name is Jody Jay W. How would you like to change the world and the society we live in? By joining us in the Neo-think society and supporting our political campaign the “Twelve Visions Party” you can totally change this world you live in and dictate and control your own life. Mark Hamilton the creator of the Neothink society has given us that opportunity to do this. I am creating the life I desire to live. I now build my own furniture and create fantasy artwork on the pieces. These are a few of the things I have accomplished so far in the society. I control my own destiny and dictate my own life. We were not intended to sit around and wait to die and get out of this life. We are creators and are capable of doing anything we set our mind to. My next goal is to start a new self defense system to gear toward women to help them better defend themselves. I have also lived disease free for almost 13 years and do not have a need for medication or going to a doctor which I haven’t in the last 13 years. I live a good life and enjoy it. Would you like to join Mark Hamilton, me, and the rest of the Neothink Society and change the world where you can create the life you really want to live? Or do you want to be controlled by politics and religion and go to your grave quick and get out of this life.
The choice is yours to make. Join us for a better happier more fulfilled life, or sit around in a dead end rut job, miserable, and wanting to hurry up and die. YOUR DESTINY IS IN YOUR HANDS! SUPPORT THE “TWELVE VISIONS PARTY”!

Thank You Mark Hamilton for being here

Thank You Mark Hamilton for being here
in this century of a troubled and uncertain future of America and the world. Your neothink Literature such
as The Neothink Package and Miss Annabelle`s Secrets, PaxNeothink all make sense in this Anti-Civilized,psycotic,irrational,dishonest world disguised as politics and religion. These are not philosopys but
accurate truths that you and others have uncovered. Today,that reality provides
a new psychology for replacing impoverishment with prosperity, stagnation with romance, hatred with camaraderie,war with peace and death with life. Everyone will be rich even the poor,Congressional members of both House and Senate both Federal and State will be replaced with honest,Value creation business men and women and the Prime Law of the Land when added to the Constitution and end the terrany that has plagued humans for thousands of years. Mark Hamilton is the true Phrophet of today and the future and it is a honor and privledge to help change this world to one for happiness, prosperity, Love and immortaltlity.
Live Long and Prosper,
S.W.(Mike) Cramer 3rd
will end

Mark Hamilton has shown me how to unlock …

Ever since I was a little child, all i wanted was to feel exhilarated forever. I remember so clearly playing and loving life. And then, “reality” started to set in for me and my family. These beautiful moments would soon begin to fade. People close to me and others far away through the media and television began to pile drive my mind with beliefs and opinions. And the world around me began to suppress and start to cripple my progress and comprehension of life and the world around me. The endless labyrinths of politics and religion. The two things in this life that are said to help us all, actually started to corrupt me and the people around me. I lost the desire to live. Mentally and emotionally compressed, I could not function to and through reality… And then I was invited by Mark Hamilton to join the NEOTHINK SOCIETY I must say now with a great sigh of relief, that I feel the purity, love and beauty of a child. The kind you feel for a very short time when you are child. Before the pollution of this world begins to wither our beautiful childhood. Mark Hamilton and the S.O.S have shown me the keys to a true and happy life, they have given them to me and have shown me how to use them! Mark Hamilton has shown me how to unlock the greatest potential in myself with true honesty that benefits everyone and everything around me! I have found my purpose in life as a creative person. Thanks to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, i have discovered an abundance of talent and intellect. I have uncovered abilities as a musician and have taken them to greater levels with ease, confidence and power. My abilities as a painter and sculpture have excelled dramatically. I can see opportunity where ever i go because I can see ever so clearly now. I can honestly say that as I awake every day I feel beautiful. And most importantly I feel a tremendous love for everyone around me. Without the naiveté of a hopeless optimist. The S.O.S, to me… simply reinstates the phrase “think for yourself, and question authority”. A powerful weapon against any person, religion or political agenda with a false and corrupt agenda. honesty always makes its way to the front row. No matter what.
My heart overflows beyond words. I am deeply grateful and thankful to Mark Hamilton and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY
Aside from all the corruption, lies and illusions of this world, I have reconnected with the child within. the beauty that should have never been lost or even faded.
I will share a lyric by A Perfect Circle.

the twelve visions is the foundation for a free society


dear sir,

the twelve visions is the foundation for a free society.

1- people need freedom to choose their Friday night interest to have value for their success in life and to be happy in their pursuit of a profession.

2- the only ones the workers and the general public are the only tax base in America.  Rich people don’t contribute to the tax base.  The rich have a system of write offs from doing big ventures in business.

3- politics and religion has tried to control the public on what they think you should be doing in life situations.  The society tries to open people’s minds  and do some thinking about life itself.

Our fore fathers who first settled  this country would turn over their graves if they knew what is happening today.

Our freedom today has been compromised with this trying to control other countries in our beliefs.

This country should not be in other countries politics or siding with certain countries to fight a war which they have been fighting for generations.

Reading the books the society composed has changed my thinking of things in general.  I would advise people to read the books and see for themselves the value of a better way of doing things.

from gordon

Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings…


Neothink opened my eyes and let me know that I wasn’t alone about he way I thought about and saw how politics and religion affected me and the people around me. Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings I can now speak freely about the corruption around me and KNOW that there are others who feel and think as I do. Thank you, Mark, for freeing my mind and my voice. I can now move on to finding others around me who think like I do and start spreading Neothink to all those whose inner child cries out for the change needed to make this a better world. A better day is coming soon, and Neothink is the forerunner to all of it.

Anthony B

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…

I am an individual living in the supposedly free country of the United States of America.  I am writing this today because I am concerned for the future of our country and for all peoples of the Earth, and mostly for myself and my family.  There is a storm coming.  It is a positively charged storm that will, in time, bring happiness, health and much longer life and prosperity to everyone, if we will let it happen.  I know this sounds incredible, it is.  But it’s also real.  Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society are working hard to push the ceiling up off of everyone that is being held in place by politicians, political businessmen and religious leaders around the world.  I am a very happy Neothink customer.  I have been one for many years (since the mid-eighties, in fact) and have ordered numerous products.  I have received great value and personal benefit from the materials I have purchased.  Neothink information helps one to see things as they really are–to see reality.  Neothink (N-T) literature has helped me to become well-grounded and to recognize politics and religion for what they really are:  mechanisms for controlling and extracting wealth from “the common man.”  N-T has given me concrete steps that can be applied in any business or job I can think of to be more efficient and productive.  If I had not encountered Neothink, I would have foundered in a sea of mental uncertainty and I know without any doubt whatsoever that I would not be as well-off as I am today.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton & Co. from the bottom of my heart.

Great T

How would you like to change the world and the society we live in?

Hi, my name is Jody Jay Watson. How would you like to change the world and the society we live in? By joining us in the Neothink society and supporting our political campaign the “Twelve Visions Party” you can totally change this world you live in and dictate and control your own life. Mark Hamilton the creator of the Neo-think society has given us that opportunity to do this. I am creating the life I desire to live. I now build my own furniture and create fantasy artwork on the pieces. You can check out my Study room and Bedroom videos on my youtube link at . I also taught myself to build my own website and created my own business . I do fantasy artwork and sell on t-shirts, ballcaps, posters, etc. You can view my website at .   I also just recently published a poetry/artwork book in full color. You can view it at .   These are a few of the things I have accomplished so far in the society. I control my own destiny and dictate my own life. We were not intended to sit around and wait to die and get out of this life. We are creators and are capable of doing anything we set our mind to. My next goal is to start a new self defense system to gear toward women to help them better defend themselves. I have also lived disease free for almost 13 years and do not have a need for medication or going to a doctor which I haven’t in the last 13 years. I live a good life and enjoy it. Would you like to join Mark Hamilton, me, and the rest of the Neo-think Society and change the world where you can create the life you really want to live? Or do you want to be controlled by politics and religion and go to your grave quick and get out of this life.   The choice is yours to make. Join us for a better happier more fulfilled life, or sit around in a dead end rut job, miserable, and wanting to hurry up and die.

March 2025