Posts Tagged ‘politicians’

To Mark Hamilton, NTS and TVP,

          I feel I’m in a like minded group of people that will help me to grow. The Neothink will help me become the person I was meant be. The society we live in today will never let this happen because they spin a web of illusions, so they can drain all of our money and dreams from our veins and minds in the name of doing good for us! 

          We need to stand up and open our eyes to what’s going on!

We need to see past the gobbling politicians and take back the child they have stolen

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton

I know the name “Twelve Visions Party” may seem a little “hokey” to those not familiar with Neothink literature, but have a little “vision” of your own and read Mark Hamilton’s description of what the Party is really about. If a person takes the time to read the information, I don’t see how they could not get excited about the TVP! This could do more for the “average” person, and our country as a whole than anything since we became an independent country. This type of thinking would then most likely spread around the world as others saw what it did for the “average” person in this country.

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton, Neothink, The Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) – do yourself possibly the best favor you’ve ever done for yourself – DON’T LISTEN to the media, the politicians, or any “talking heads”. Take charge of your own life, use your own amazing mind. Read the Neothink literature.

No matter how smart you think you are, don’t make the common mistake thinking you have nothing to learn (I see this in many of the technical professionals I’ve worked with).

Thank you Mark Hamilton for spending the biggest part of your life putting it all together and coming up with Neothink. Life is now awesome!!!


Phil G

Hey Neothink world,


            If it weren’t for Neothink and the society I myself would still be in the everyday rut.  In reading the second multigenerational package I was able to find the person I was meant to be.  Before that, out of boredom, I would leave work and drink beer all weekend long and watch tv, but know I spend many hours researching penny stocks, buying into dividend reinvestment plans and am now beginning to look into options investing.  Although not exactly where I’d like to be just yet in my portfolio, it is getting easier to see the end results I’m looking for through doing the puzzle building in my mind.  If it weren’t for Neothink and the society, I’d probably still be “working for the weekend” as the song goes, but now life is new and exciting and full of options.

I call Neothink the rut buster.  If the government wants to take that away from me, there going to have to physically come and get the manuscripts!  If more folks were privy to our writings and ideas we might be able to truly adopt a Neothink Constitution.  The politicians are scared of these publications not for the fact that the ideas in our books won’t work, but for the fact their days are numbered once the anticivilization catches on to our teachings.

Thanks to you Mark and the society for showing me how to truly be my own authority and be who I want to be.

Brian N

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party…


Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party, I can now look forward to the future of the USA.  It seems to be obvious that our elected officials can no longer think for themselves, and just follow the leader (the sheep syndrome).  When politicians only vote their parties line, it is time to vote them out.  I do believe the TVP will bring forth candidates that think for themselves and make decisions based on the good of America.  However I will do as Mark Hamilton has taught me to do.  I will look at all candidates and vote for the one I think will do the best job to make America great again.   Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP.

Dave L

I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party

I want to begin by saying thank you all you have done for me.  Before finding you and the Twelve Vision Party, I thought the US was on the wrong path and going down the path to destruction.  I have not seen anything lately to change this view.  I could not see a way out of this mess the politicians and power elite in this country have created for us.
Then,  I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party and for the first time in about 40 years I felt alive again and I started to dream of a long fun filled life with new hope for the future of our civilization and our planet. Yes, with your help and writings I have found my Friday night essence and have started to live the dream. 
With this new found zest for life my energy has returned and I am looking forward to working to help establish the Universe of Consciousness and the Twelve Vision Party.


Dear Mark, 
The message of Neothink is tried and true. You become what you think about.  It has been the message of  Zig Ziglar, Clement Stone, and a host of others over the last 35 years.  It is the true way to build oneself to the image wanted.   Adding in the promise of lasting life adds a dynamic that the Egyptians thought up 3,500 years ago.  It works.   Healthful living is always a good thing.  Your whole concept beats religion hands down.  Who wants to take leadership from groups who tolerate homosexuality and pedophilia in its leaders?   Everyone today hates politicians.  So our people will replace them with a new group that lives honestly and treats others honestly.   We will have no neocheaters in our ranks.     I feel that I will be able to turn my life around to a better life.   My only problem is that I still haven’t found out what I really want to do.   Bill

March 2025