Posts Tagged ‘politicians’

Thanks Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton and the TVP has given me peace of mind.If I didn’t know about the Neothink world I would be scared to death right now.I would have no hope.We have to give the people hope to fight the Progressives and politicians we have now. Without hope for a better world a lot of people will give up We have to give them that hope.We have to show them the truth.We have to show them what WE stand for. We have to give them the PRIME LAW. If we could get a couple of states to start using the PRIME LAW we could show the rest of the states what we are all about.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now.


I have been deeply distressed to see what the politicians are doing to our wonderful country. It scares me to think that they can take over as blatantly as they have and how they are destroying a vital country as we are. We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now. We need to know that business is preserved so that we can grow again into the generous and rich country we have always been. When the government gets involved in everything, we suffer, which brings the rest of the world down as well. By getting government and politicians out of the way and letting the people use their talents, we could be leading the way to a fantastically wealthy world. Neothink has taught me just what is really going on. Greed and power are taking over and we, the people, are suffering for it. It’s past time to take action. We need to stop the power and corruption NOW!


Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton


Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton I am very happy to write my testimonial in support.  When the opportunity came to join Neothink for my partner there was no hesitation in my mind and I was glad to pay the joining fee for her even though money was an extreme issue at the time.  To date I have only read the Neothink Discovery book.  The teachings inside have already made a change in my life and my ability to use my though processes though the teachings of Integrated Thinking contained in the book.  I feel myself slowly beginning to change and I am starting to overcome the different challenges that have plagued me so far in my life.  I feel the love and compassion contained in the writings of Mark Hamilton for myself and all of us as well and it is important that ordinary people like you and me have the opportunity to create a force for good to ensure that everyone will prosper as we all should.  We have a basic right and need to work together to create ourselves a prosperous civilization that we and children will be able to live in joyously.  I feel that with the TVP party that Mark Hamilton intends to start that we the people will have the most needed opportunity that false politicians cannot and will not ever deliver.  I am happy to give my time as I am able to help with other people create this deserved bright future for us all.

With Regards

Graeme Y

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go…


The Twelve Visions Party was formed by people just like you and I that are tired of politicians lying. Fed up with them creating a crisis to get us, the citizenry, afraid enough to vote for laws that though sound good on the surface but in all actuality limit our own freedoms, and then over taxing us, many into poverty, and then not being financially responsible with the money.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go there and read, cover to cover, the TVP platform to learn for yourselves what the mission of the TVP really is, regardless of what you may have heard or read.

I look very much forward to doing my part in bringing to fruition the goals of the TVP and look forward to you joining us in that mission.

Have a Fantastic Day!

Steven H

Tony I


Before I received the literature I was falling into hopelessness and was beginning to think about taking my own life. Do to no hope for the future, not enough money to pay the bills, and loneliness. After I received my first package as I began to read hope filled me for the first time in a long time. The more I read the better I felt. The more hope that began to fill me. Not long after my girlfriend returned to me I did not start gaining wealth but I did gain the knowledge  on how to start building wealth and  how to grow my business. I plan on starting a second business and I have very high hopes of its success. Without Mark and his literature I would not have any hope at all and most likely may have died. I can not tell you what the difference of how I feel about life and the future. I owe all of this to him and the secret society.
     As far as his political agenda I am all for it. Politicians today suck up a lot of money out of the economy, and I mean a lot. Law makers have been making laws for over 200 years don’t you think every law imaginable should have and could have been written in that amount of time. As far as I am concerned  this new party of  Marks  solves a  lot of our problems while enforcing individual rights.  Keeping  the right amount of politicians to do only what needs to be done. But getting ride of all the ones that suck our tax dollars up. Freeing Americans to build values and create enough jobs for every one.

Tony I



Dear Mark, 
The message of Neothink is tried and true. You become what you think about.  It has been the message of  Zig Ziglar, Clement Stone, and a host of others over the last 35 years.  It is the true way to build oneself to the image wanted.   Adding in the promise of lasting life adds a dynamic that the Egyptians thought up 3,500 years ago.  It works.   Healthful living is always a good thing.  Your whole concept beats religion hands down.  Who wants to take leadership from groups who tolerate homosexuality and pedophilia in its leaders?   Everyone today hates politicians.  So our people will replace them with a new group that lives honestly and treats others honestly.   We will have no neocheaters in our ranks.     I feel that I will be able to turn my life around to a better life.   My only problem is that I still haven’t found out what I really want to do.   Bill

To Mark Hamilton

To  Mark Hamilton

From Mike C I wanted to sent this line to Mr. Mark to let him know from the

bottom of my heart how grateful I am. you prime literature, Neothink society, and

twelve visions party has changed my life 360 degrees. I can’t conceive at this point living without the NEOTHINK SOCIETY The TVP means a lot to me my love ones and my friends I personally recommend this society t anybody. This is real this is not a fiction I am 64 years old and as a PASTOR of the church it wasn’t easy BUT you Mr. Mark changed me I have hopes real hopes for a better tomorrow Mr. Mark I am with you WE WILL SURVIVE THEY ARE NOT INTOUCHABLE My father used tell me this the STRONGER survive until the WEAKED allowed them in their words the POLITICIANS SURVIVED UNTIL NOW

I beg up there if you want Twelve Visions World ok lets bound together in one body

Mr.Mark thankyou  Mike C

Neothink will teach our kid’s value


Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction in the way life and business should be handled.  He and neothink has shown me that society can function together and create a better way  to live, IN a honest environment,free of mysticism ,cheaters , value destroyers and parasitical politicians and lawyers.Neothink will teach our kid’s value and honesty,and teach them to prosper and live a healthy life. WE ALL can live a better life by achieving thees goals,As Mark Hamilton and Neothink showed only great concern for the well being of all people and nations.                               don stacey

I am going to tell you the honest reality of what the Neothink Society has done for me.

My name is Rick and I am going to tell you the honest reality of what the Neothink Society has done for me.

The Neothink Society has transformed my life from a living hell to being a truly happy person. The knowledge I have gained from being a member of this fully integrated organization has transformed my life for the better in more ways than one. The people in this loving environment have taught me to be a self leader as opposed to a follower. A self leader takes full responsibility for his or her life. A follower follows others and most often blames other circumstances, or others, for his or her unhappiness. I was once a follower and had an excuse for everything. If this sounds familiar to you, you may be experiencing the same problem. I learned who I was following didn’t give a crap about what I really needed or wanted for that matter. Every person on planet Earth has the RIGHT to this knowledge. I searched in vain for a long time before my search ended with the Neothink Society. I have met the most honest people on this planet within this organization and I would encourage anyone who would like to experience a true feeling of Family, to become a member in the Neothink Society. It may help you to evolve into a different person, The person you were meant to be. Happy,Prosperous,Healthy and in control of your own life.

The Twelve Visions Party is the New party in the political arena. The new party will make ALL of the people rich including the poor. I have made my decision to help real CHANGE for the people,not the wealthy politicians. I love the Neothink Society and really don’t know what I would do without it.

Thank You,


It is with great pleasure and appreciation

Dear Mark Hamilton:
It is with great pleasure and appreciationthat I write this testimony of what you, Neothink Society, the literature, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) has done for me.  In the year 2007, you and the programs literally saved my life.  After years of working diligently on improving my life through education and surviving an abusive marriage, where I left and raised my boys on my own for over 20 years, I was ready to give up.  Then the readings and information from your programs gave me the insight and clarity to continue.
The dishonest U.S. government continues to take my freedom away and control me through unjust taxes and laws that only reward the politicians.  Even with a Master’s Degree, it has been impossible to live a life that I was meant to live.  One only needs to take the illusionary veil off the current criminal system to clearly see what cheating acts it is committing.
I encourage anyone that questions you (Mark Hamilton), the Neothink Society, and TVP to simply read the literature and decide on their own accord  (don’t be swayed by the created crisis junkies) and evaluate what amazing benefits and the truth that exits in Mark Hamilton’s programs.
I owe my life to Mark Hamilton and I am very grateful for his mission, along with our paths connecting.
Your apprentice,

March 2025