Posts Tagged ‘political structure’

Looking forward to my 70’s!

Mark Hamilton and his writings have changed my life! I have an amazing hope now for our future! His writings are coming to life, not just within my own personal life, but within our political structure as well, specifically with his creation of The Twelve Visions Party. “Make all the people rich, including the poor!” This is the 3rd party’s platform, soon to be “The” Party! It is an honor to be among those that are helping to make our world a better place. It has always been my quest and I now have the opportunity to become a part of this living story of Mark Hamilton. I am almost 50 and am looking forward to my 70’s! Wealth, Health and Peace is the promise! These are truly exciting times!

Love Led me here…

… me to this wonderful group of friends who have passion, love, happiness, and pride in what they do. When others are daily experiencing skepticism, doubt and are living discouraging lives, the members of the Neothink Society® are full of hope for the future.
The hope is the Twelve Visions Party® a grassroots effort of many who plan to bring “Wealth, Health, Peace” which contains “The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program for the Masses In the History of Mankind”. How will that happen? Simply, with a vote in favor of Individual Rights. If anyone reading this has skepticism and wants to do an analysis, please visit to understand how easy this will be and how the Twelve Visions Party®, founded by Mark Hamilton, offers the opportunity for men, women and children to finally be free.
As families share the Prime Law of Protection they will no longer be content with the Ruling Elite deciding how they spend their days. The Neothink Society® is scattered throughout the United States, and several foreign countries, and their teachings can show you how to step into the role you have always wanted. The life of your dreams. The movie the Secret revealed how powerful your mind is; now, you can use that knowledge to change the political structure in this once strong Country, too!
I am grateful to Mark Hamilton who is not anything like the scam artists, and hucksters that are out there in these times trying to make a dishonest buck. He is a loving, compassionate, honest businessman who is giving others a leg up!
Come learn more about us by going to
Jill A. Reed

Then examine the literature of Mark Hamilton

Computers are wonderful technological machines that can serve as very useful tools for us. Among their attributes are: receiving, calculating, storing, and retrieving data, encryption & decryption, messaging, and the like. Who among us though, would enjoy being thought of, or treated as, a computer? Ask yourself: “Am I a computer?” Or on the contrary, “Am I an intelligent, sentient, creative, self-reliant, and capable individual?”
A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions – the lists of such instructions being called “programs.” A computer has no free will. It is told precisely what to do and how and when to do it. It is programmed by the programmer and must carry out that programming. The way I see it, our current government and political structure have grown into over-powering, monster-sized programmers that have turned many of us into machines and taken control of 1) our individual internal hard drives (our minds) through use of their propaganda and their stronghold over the media, and 2) our individual external hardware (our bodies, physical selves) by regulating every aspect of our daily lives, right down to the fine minutia…and doing so, not for our benefit (as they would have us believe), but for completing their own power-hungry and greedy agendas.
Control of the various forms of media results in controlling “which” versions of truth we really are exposed to and what our minds get to take in – the programmer’s (government’s) “software” versions. Much of our citizenry have been turned into machines that accept what is fed into them – including the idea that they, like computers, must accept things because there really is no escape from the programmer and besides, they can’t really work things out for themselves. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we the citizenry can’t spell out any of the “text” for ourselves unless we live by the computer binary code of 1s and 0s – the Republican and Democratic parties!
If you do not fit the above description of a computer and you know that you are an individual with inherent freedoms as your rights, then examine the literature of Mark Hamilton and of the political party that he created – the Twelve Visions Party. His guidelines are not for controlling his fellow countrymen and -women, but are for helping all to think for themselves and build an honest, unified, functional government and country that is once again truly of, by, and for The People.
The Twelve Visions Party should be nurtured, supported and protected by us because it truly represents us and our visions of the future that will make us free and prosperous again. It holds the viable promise of a future that any and all of us would want for our children. No coercion, no manipulation, no threat of hellfire and damnation…just building value creations and living in peace, unity, health and prosperity…real happiness….
Liz S, N.Y.

I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton…


I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink S0ciety has meant to you.  I also want you to tell your story of what the success of the Twelve Visions P@rty will mean to you, your loved ones, and to the world.  Contrast all that value to what the silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement would mean for you, your family, and the world…Neothink political structure of government.
I have been a member of the Neothink Society since the spring of 2009.  
I have purchased all of the Manuscripts that were for sale, I was surprised to learn that others were thinking just as I was.  It gave me the feeling that I am not alone.  
The Twelve Visions Party gives wonderful in site into how fair and just it will be when that comes into reality……….  The beginning  is now a reality.  
There is still a long way to go and I will be proud and happy to be counted among those who are in support of Mark Hamilton.
There are different areas of interest in which you can participate in the Neothink Society.  Some are: Joining or starting a clubhouse, business, aging (my interest) and more. Mark Hamilton has done a wonderful job Neothinking this plan for a newer, richer existence for us all regardless of race, color or sex.  

B. Finch

Wake Up America!


About five years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, little did I know that my life was about to be changed from a life of stagnation to an exhilarating life of creation.  At that time in my life I spent most of my time playing video games. I responded to the letter, Mark Hamilton sent to me and I ordered a book from him. When that first book arrived it was too big to fit into my mailbox so I had to go to the post office to pick it up. Except, to learn something specific I hadn’t read a book in 20 years, so as you can imagine when I saw this first book with over 1000 pages I was quite intimidated. I haven’t played a video game in over three years, because I don’t have time to waste in a life of stagnation.

I started reading and my life started changing for the better. I found myself so interested in this first book that I was reading 10 hours a day, instead of getting up in the morning and playing video games I was immersing myself in this prime literature I received from Mark Hamilton. I ended up ordering two more books, and both of them were very large. Inside the pages of these manuscripts I found that I had a desire to learn. I have continued to read and study every day to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

Because of Mark Hamilton I joined the Neothink® ® Society three years ago. Since joining I have met people from all over the United States, and Canada. The friendships I have made in the past three years are lifelong friendships filled with fully integrated honesty and love! Inside the Neothink® ® Society is a group of like-minded individuals who realize something just isn’t quite right with the way our government is running this country and we are working to correct the injustices and illusions that are being put over on the American people.

While reading the third manuscript, I became interested in the current political structure in this country. I no longer went along with the status quo; I began seeing the destructive nature of career politicians. I began understanding the need within myself, to help with restructuring, what is right now a corrupt government system in this country and bringing to it a fully integrated and honest system of government. With the Prime Law (see the Twelve Visions Party® national platform on the website) as an amendment to the United States Constitution will end an era of corrupt Career politicians and bring a New Beginning to the political arena filled with Honest Businessmen and Women.

We had our first Twelve Visions Party® National Convention on July 18, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois. I was quite honored to have been the first speaker and the last speaker of the day at this historic event. I recite the Prime Law each and every day, the Prime Law is in my mind and in my heart; it has become an integral part of who I am. From this one Prime Law which is the foundation of the Twelve Visions Party® and as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will bring universal wealth, health and peace which has never before been known on this planet. Thank you, Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to become a Value Creator.

We have had over 200 years of career politicians, breaking down the United States Constitution and now our current government is attempting to bring socialism to this country. It is time for us, “We the People” to stand up and let our voices be heard. We can no longer stand by and let a government filled with career politicians, whose personal agendas are destroying the U.S. Constitution and taking away our freedom, which the founding fathers of this country fought and died to Create.

The media in this country is controlled by a parasitical elite class that wants to keep the American people, ignorant so they can be easily controlled. If you are among those who believe the propaganda the parasitical elite class (the media) wants you to believe, then you need to start studying Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature so that your eyes will be opened to what is really happening with the current political system in this country!

The Twelve Visions Party® with its Prime Law, written by Mark Hamilton is the only chance this country has to recover from the degradation that 200+ years of career politicians has brought to this country. Wake Up America and see through to what really is! Never before have we had this chance; let’s restore the U.S. Constitution to what it was in the beginning of this country, and with the Prime Law as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution we will ensure that never again will a corrupt government be allowed to take away our rights, our freedom!

Wake up America, before it’s too late!

Thank you again Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes, and bringing me into a life of Value Creation.

Kenneth T

Love Led me here…

… me to this wonderful group of friends who have passion, love, happiness, and pride in what they do. When others are daily experiencing skepticism, doubt and are living discouraging lives, the members of the Neothink Society® are full of hope for the future.

The hope is the Twelve Visions Party® a grassroots effort of many who plan to bring “Wealth, Health, Peace” which contains “The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program for the Masses In the History of Mankind”. How will that happen? Simply, with a vote in favor of Individual Rights. If anyone reading this has skepticism and wants to do an analysis, please visit to understand how easy this will be and how the Twelve Visions Party®, founded by Mark Hamilton, offers the opportunity for men, women and children to finally be free.

As families share the Prime Law of Protection they will no longer be content with the Ruling Elite deciding how they spend their days. The Neothink Society® is scattered throughout the United States, and several foreign countries, and their teachings can show you how to step into the role you have always wanted. The life of your dreams. The movie the Secret revealed how powerful your mind is; now, you can use that knowledge to change the political structure in this once strong Country, too!

I am grateful to Mark Hamilton who is not anything like the scam artists, and hucksters that are out there in these times trying to make a dishonest buck. He is a loving, compassionate, honest businessman who is giving others a leg up!

Come learn more about us by going to

Jill A. Reed

March 2025