Posts Tagged ‘political platform’

Mark Hamilton is a very passionate and caring man…

Over the past few years, I feel that I have been reborn through reading Mark Hamilton’s literature; and his life mentoring lessons has enriched my life. He has taught me to be a self leader and that I can be the person that I was met to be. My life has changed over the past year with the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for is a better life for all mankind. I can see a brighter future for me, my children and future generations.
Mark Hamilton is a very passionate and caring man of mankind, that is trying to prevent us from destroying all the good and beauty in the world. He creates beauty. Example of that is the Sky Walk at the Grand Canyon. When he talks about health, wealth. safety and make the poor rich in the political platform this is for all mankind. The political system that we have is crippling us from advancing technologies in future. One Example of that would be in the medical field.
Some of the values that I have learn from Mark Hamilton is that there is abundant of wealth out there. That everyone can share the wealth and not just the few in the elite class.
To this day, I am glad there is a Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party in my life.
Otherwise, I would of never known that life could be more fulfilling and with a purpose.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton
(Ali) Alice Rinebold
P.S. I am not a writer

I stand behind Mark Hamilton

This i is from the desk of Tony I. I am a level 5 apprentice. The information I have gained business wise from Mark Hamilton the is virtually priceless. I full intend to use his wise business sense to start my own business and use his business practices. His views and organization of the TVP makes the most impressive political points. I believe in the goodness and honesty of Mark and the political platform he represents. I whole heartily agree with him the only purpose the government should have in the lives of its country’s citizens is protection only. Looking out for the infringement against each individual, from harm by fraud and deception of another. I stand behind Mark Hamilton %100 and he has my total support.

I support both the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party

I have read much of the Neothink literature and am very familiar with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).  I would encourage everyone to research the literature and TVP political platform.  Both have very optimistic and enlightening ideas about government, culture, society, justice, equality, responsibility, accountability, and self-leadership and individual rights.  Some ideas expressed seem grandiose but are not unbelievable, maybe just slightly revolutionary.  But that’s how Ideas with great power are often seen (as Revolutionary) because Ideas have varied effect depending on whether or not they threaten or assist someone.  Mark Hamilton is a visionary, an American, and a responsible citizen.  As such, he is trying to forge a better future for all of us.  “I support both the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party because their ideas possess great hope and strength for the future United States of America.”

March 2025