Posts Tagged ‘political leaders’

We need a more equal society for all the people to prosper.

We need a more equal society for all the people to prosper. I thank you Mark Hamilton and is Neothink for a positive future in the society. To have every person to grow to is highest potential, to do that is for honesty and true with a positive mind without the dishonest and illusions with this political leaders. to have wealth, health peace in mind

Anyone that believes that Mark Hamilton is running a scam operation…

I understand that the political leaders are going to make Mark Hamilton look like a scam artist, perhaps even a “cult leader”. However, I do not feel he is leading any real cult–in fact, he is trying to set our minds free so we can fully integrate our thinking and eventually think for ourselves.
I have been in a cult (I was once one of Jehovah’s Witnesses). They gave me one set of rules, claiming that they came from the Bible–and then, once I was all the way in, they started adding rules. No matter how much I worked for the cult, they wanted even more. One of the ground rules is that you are not allowed to go against the cult leaders–or you would be cut off from fellowship from other members. What was bad about that is that, while you were in, they bashed people on the outside as “bad associations” and “wicked agents of Satan”. Effectively, all the information you were allowed to get about religion, morals, or the Bible came from this group–and you would be “disfellowshipped” for reading outside material on this subject.
When I first got my books, I hunted for any signs of this control–and found none. Such things as fornication, gambling, and materialism (condemned in my former religion) were viewed as being between the individuals involved only, with no one else needing to meddle. And, I saw nothing against listening to certain types of music (my former religion was all against certain music, particularly music from other religions). Nor was there anything against celebrating the holidays and special days (my former religion views it as a major sin to celebrate holidays).
As a former cult member, I know what makes a cult dangerous. Deceptive recruiting, mindless repetition during meetings, wasting all of one’s time in dead works, controlling access to outside sources, and condemning involvement in the outside world all make up some of the hallmarks–and, I am pleased to report that the Neothink Society contains none of these problems. Mark Hamilton is not deceptive in recruiting–yes, people get impatient and expect results without effort, but the literature does say that one cannot use the mind to alter reality. And, I am allowed to look at any web site (even those that fly in the face of the paradigm) without any threats of censorship (try THAT with a cult).
Dishonest politicians? Hardly. I have seen both sides of the Establishment making grandiose promises, all the way back to Carter (and we all know what disaster he turned out to be). The Republicans have sold out to religion–look at Bush. About the biggest major problem I had with Bush is his ties to Christianity–and look at the trouble that generated. And the Democrats–more accurately labeled DUMP-o-CRAPs, only want to grow the government so everything anyone does is what they tell you to (freedom, anyone??). I have seen that with Carter, Clinton, and now Obama (which is eerily similar to “Osama”). Endless regulations choking off our economy have stemmed from these sources.
Now, the report card. They have declared war on cancer in the 1950s–yet all I have seen are endless pledge drives and “We are working on a cure” promises. So what is this war on drugs–and, along with the drugs, we see violence and crime resulting from the inflated prices that street drugs command (much of it because they are illegal). The energy crisis? This was back in 1973. Talk about nuclear power plants has fizzled, as both political sides have caved into wimpy excuses. Nuclear fusion has not gotten off the ground. We still have yet to get other alternative sources beyond experimental small scale usage. And now we have the STUPIDEST “alternative” energy system–take away our food corn, drive up food prices, and make alcohol. Progress?
As of now, Social Security is a mess, and your tax dollars (originally taken for Social Security) may be used for paying down this massive debt. We have not had a surplus–at least not a real surplus–since I can remember. I can remember when the deficits were in the range of 20-40 billion per year, and now it is in the trillions per year range. Real unemployment has exceeded “official” unemployment. And inflation has been consistent, with the exception of the 1930s, since the Fed was instituted. All the while, as recently as this summer, your leaders refused to allow a full audit of the Fed–who may well have been responsible for a bogus “rally” on Wall Street this past 6 months.
Additionally, they regulate our personal lives too much. We have policies that prevent singles from meeting without a string of “jail bait” and “Gotcha” type laws. And, when two people do manage to get together, stagnation (often from work) makes it go stale (along with social mores, which have nothing to do with what is good and more to do with religion). Work today is monotonous at best (and that’s if you have the PRIVILEGE of having a job, which should have been a RIGHT). Homes and apartments come with too many rules. We have speed limits on our highways that are set by insurance companies to find excuses to jack up premiums (our interstates were designed for speeds of 75-85 MPH; why are speed limits often much lower?). And, there are patchworks of stupid laws that anyone can become a criminal for no reason–disrupting livelihoods and creating more problems later on.
Education? No child left behind? I thought we were supposed to be tackling this “illiteracy” problem–since the 1970s! There was a program called Hooked on Phonics that came out in 1987, with good enough results that it is still on the market today. Since the free market has had phonics, why on earth are we still using the look-say method that DOES NOT WORK? Haven’t they had more than 20 years to see that phonics makes enough of a difference to pay $100 or more for a product?
Anyone that says that Mark Hamilton is running a scam operation really needs to look at what our government has accomplished in the past 50 years. Anyone that believes that Mark Hamilton is running a scam operation because they are told by the media needs to look at what our government has accomplished in the past 50 years. This once-great country is on the verge of becoming a totalitarian country, where we are little better off than the Soviet Union was at its height (or, if religions have their say, the Second Dark Ages). That alone should tell who the real scam operations are–the existing government system that has been holding us back into the 1950s, and threatens to push us back into the Second Dark Ages. DON’T FALL FOR IT!
Dennis W.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink Founder

Personal Testimonial From Gary Charles T. for the Neothink Society
First let me say, Neothink, simply means “New Thinking” or taking a new approach in one’s thoughts to the world around us. It is the exact Opposite of what people call a “Cult”. In fact, it has nothing to do with religious doctrine whatsoever. Before you cast ANY Judgment about what you think or what the press or anyone else has told you, you really need to understand what Neothink and the members of the Society are all about.
I want to share some of my understanding and benefits with you about Neothink and brief words about the Founder. Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand with no bias, opinion or coercion in ones thoughts. To uncover one’s True potential from one’s own perspective, not from others opinions or doctrines they believe. I once had a professor in college who shared a thought with me that I have not been able to shake my entire life and that thought is “If You Believe It, its true”.
I personally have looked at life and how our Society has changed in America, I’ve watched Countless people believe in Corporate America only to see them lose their jobs. Jobs were not as important as usurping maximum profits from their companies at the value creating employees peril of job Loss to China. This is just one example of how believing something is true does not make it in reality True. As human development has progressed through Mankind’s History, It has become clear many hundreds of thousands of people have been usurped by religion and by political leaders who sent them to death, the ultimate price one pays. Just look at the Christian’s Crusades, many people were thrown to the lions, too many Men died in battles for the sake of their leaders. This is historical Fact, no one can argue with. So then, as people have become More enlightened, come to value their lives, our life spans have Increased, our ability to share knowledge and contribute to The quality of each other’s lives and our ability to understand The world we live in better each day our country” America” Was born. America, the beacon of “Freedom” throughout The world, the birthplace of the “individual’s rights”. It has Now also become apparent as evidenced that after 200 years of freedoms that their many in our society who are interested in themselves to the point of putting our country in jeopardy. The crash of the economy and the fact that the people who Control money control our Society. There are many wealthy People who are exceptions to the Greed so prevalent in our society, but there are many, many more who continue to usurp power and control over what the vast majority of regular Americans Are able to do. Just look at the Credit Card Industry, they get People hooked on their cards knowing full well that 80% of their card holders will not be able to pay their balances off. Everyone and will run up debt upon which the Card Issuers Can slap massive interest rates, fees and penalties on and Legally steal the wealth from the vast majority of card holders. So what does this have to do with Neothink? Neothink is once Again an opportunity to create for oneself a new way of thinking. That allows one to see clearly that there is another way to View life and its possibilities. That through creating honest Values that mean something to our fellow humans we can Move forward to the next level of understanding Enlightenment for all Humankind. Just as in history ancient Man worshiped gods created by leaders of society then, until Knowledge and understanding spread to cause man to invent Science to begin to prove or disprove beliefs, we as Mankind Are on the verge of taking Our Consciousness and Understanding To a new level of understanding. This new level of understanding will allow everyone in our Human Society to benefit, not just the privileged few who now control most of what allows the majority of us to be capable of doing; Neothink is a new Vehicle for all mankind to move the Human Endeavor of “Consciousness Life” forward. For our ability as a species to “Think”, Reflect and make choices is unique in the Universe we know, and it is that ability that is so precious to us. We must move forward to preserve our loved ones and all the Knowledge, love and understanding our consciousness gives us. To that end the preservation of all that makes who we are. A footnote about the founder of Neothink, Mark Hamilton. Mark is certainly one of the most selfless Human Beings of Our time. He has spent decades of his life, in fact devoted Himself to the betterment of the human condition through His writings. They are truthful, as they have examined what has happened in our history as humans, and the writings give us a fresh, new ability to think on new and exciting Levels. The only people who will not want to understand This about what Mark has written are the people in positions Of power that will feel threaten that the playing field for All Men and Women can be leveled for all of Society. The Twelve Visions Party, Mark’s creation is the vehicle that will assist us on the ultimate life preserving Journey. I for one, as free thinking individual welcome the opportunities that lie ahead for all of mankind with Neothink, Please, Keep an open mind and join us in this journey, no one will be left behind.

Mark Hamilton, the founder of Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party is a true visionary…

To All Voters and Fellow Americans:
After attending the big event in Chicago where I saw the Twelve Visions Party Emerge as the only logical choice for many dis-enfranchised voters from the left and right. I now know that this is the only choice to get us as a country back on the right track to actually change direction. If we continue the same direction the “conservative” and “liberal” leaders have steered us in from the past, we may never be able to recover before it is too late. Imagine a political party that can be run as a business and in a results oriented direction, as opposed to the insanity that most political leaders have kept us in. The TVP and Neothink Society are the only hope our country, and for that matter, the Planet Earth really have. When rational minds look at where we are and how we got here, they only need to look at the current self-serving politicians to see how a corrupt system is actually being kept in place by these parasitical elite greedy bastards that only care about their greedy self-serving needs. Enough is enough, and I say we all get behind this powerful movement and take back our country from the very people that we elected from broken promises and usless rhetoric that only served to get them elected or re-elected.
Mark Hamilton, the founder of Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party is a true visionary that has a complete answer to change this insane world and has a plan to put this all into action. I feel strongly that by putting my support behind the TVP and Mark Hamilton, I can and will make a positive change in this country that can help change most everything else that is currently wrong with our society and country. The Twelve Visions Party also has a platform and direction that makes more sense than anything I’ve ever read. Since most everything political before has only gotten us deeper in debt and made a mess of everything else, don’t you think it is time for a big positive change? Well I do and I’m throwing my full support for the only thing I feel has a chance to make things the way they should be, and that is supporting the Twelve Visions Party and only electing officials from this wonderful party that will make the needed changes in our government for all the right reasons.
MG, Irvine, CA

I want to share some of my understanding

Personal Testimonial From Gary C for the Neothink Society
Let me say, Neothink, simply means “New Thinking” or taking a new approach to one’ thoughts to the world around us. It is the exact opposite of what people call “Cult”. In fact, it has nothing to do with religious doctrine whatsoever. Before you cast ANY Judgment about what you think or what the press or anyone else has told you, you really need to understand what Neothink and the members of the Society are all about. I want to share some of my understanding and benefits with you about Neothink and brief words about the Founder.
Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand. With no bias, opinions or coercion in ones thoughts. To uncover one’s true potential from one’s own perspective, not from others opinions or doctrines they believe. I once had a professor in college who shared a thought with me that I have not been able to shake my entire life. And that thought is “If You Believe It, It’s true”. I personally have looked at life and our Society change in America. I’ve watched countless people believe in Corporate America only to see them lose their jobs. Many Corporate Business leaders decided that American jobs were not as important as usurping __________ profits from their companies of the value creating employees peril of job loss to China. This is just one example of how believing something as true does not make it in reality true.
As human development has progressed through Mankind’s History, it has become clear many hundreds of thousands of people have been usurped by religion & by political leaders who sent them to death, the ultimate price one pays. Just look at the Christian’s Crusades, many people were thrown to the lions, too many men died in battles for the sake of their leaders. This is historical fact, no one can argue with. So then, as people have become more enlightened, come to value their lives, our life spans have increased, our ability to share knowledge and contribute to the quality of each other’s lives and our ability to understand the world we live in better each day our country “America” was born. America, the beacon of “Freedom” throughout the world, the birthplace of the “individual rights”. It has now also become apparent as evidenced that after 200 years of freedoms that their many in our society who are interested in themselves to the point of putting our country in jeopardy. The crash of the economy and the fact that the people who control money control our Society. There are many wealthy people who are exceptions to the Greed so prevalent in our society. But there are many, many more who continue to usurp power and control over what the vast majority of regular Americans are able to do. Just look at the Credit Card Industry, they get people hooked on their cards knowing full well that 80% of their card holders will not be able to pay their balances off. Everyone and will run up debt upon which the Card Issuers can slap massive interest rates, fees and penalties on and legally steal the wealth from the vast majority of card holders.
So what does this have to do with Neothink? Neothink, is once again an opportunity to create for oneself a new way of thinking, that allows one to see clearly that there is another way to view life and its possibilities. That through creating honest values that mean something to our fellow humans we can move forward to the next level of understanding and enlightenment for all humankind. Just as in history, ancient man worshipped gods crated by leaders of society then, until knowledge and understanding spread to cause man to invent science to begin to prove or disprove beliefs, we as mankind are on the verge of taking Our Consciousness and Understanding to a new level of understanding. This new level of understanding will allow everyone in our Human Society to Benefit, not just the privileged few who now control most of what allows the majority of us to be capable of doing. Neothink is a new vehicle for all mankind to move the Human Endeavor of “Consciousness Life” forward. For our ability as a species to “Think”, Reflect and make choices is unique to the Universe we know, and it is that ability that is so precious to us. We must move forward to preserve our loved ones and all the knowledge, love and understanding our consciousness gives us. To that end the preservation of all that makes who we are, this is what the Neothink Society is all about.
A footnote about the founder of Neothink, Mark Hamilton. Mark is certainly one of the most selfless Human Beings of our time. He has spent decades of his life, in fact devoted Himself to the betterment of the human condition though his writing. They are _____, as they have examined what has happened in our history as humans, and the writings give us a fresh, new ability to think on new and exciting levels. The only people who will not want to understand this about what Mark has written are the people in positions of power that will feel threatened that the playing field for all men and women can be leveled for all Society. The Twelve Visions Party, Mark’s creation is the vehicle that will assist us on the ultimate live preserving Journey. I, for one, as a free thinking individual welcome the opportunities that lie ahead for all of mankind with Neothink. Please, keep an open mind and join us in this journey, no one will be left behind.

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again

The Twelve Visions Party is the only way Americans can prosper again. Sadly, most do not know that our political leaders only have power because we provide their livelihoods. For many years, children have not been taught to take perceptions and group them into integrated knowledge, this has kept us from seeing the illusions of politics. Our Education System has failed our children.

Our Forefathers arrived because they were suppressed by rulers. We face the same dominance today. Our taxes support career politicians who pass hundreds of bills that do not serve to Protect or honestly help Us. Yet that is their job, as reflected in our Foundation, so long ago prepared.

Today force, used to bring fear to the people, causes us to be subservient to the rulers. There are only two classes of people the ruling elite and the rest of us. There is nothing in between.

If you are reading this and you do not make the rules, you should check into this party founded by Mark Hamilton. The Twelve Visions Party is the solution to a force-backed system that is failing each American’s Prosperity. Join today and become part of the Greatest Get Rich Program in the History of Mankind.

Find me in Facebook to ask questions, I am wearing a Fun Meter on my lapel. I am bringing fun to America again, come join me!

Jill Reed

Our only hope


I understand that the political leaders are going to make Mark Hamilton look like a scam artist, perhaps even a “cult leader”. However, I do not feel he is leading any real cult–in fact, he is trying to set our minds free so we can fully integrate our thinking and eventually think for ourselves.

I have been in a cult (I was once one of Jehovah’s Witlesses). They gave me one set of rules, claiming that they came from the Bible–and then, once I was all the way in, they started adding rules. No matter how much I worked for the cult, they wanted even more. One of the ground rules is that you are not allowed to go against the cult leaders–or you would be cut off from fellowship from other members. What was bad about that is that, while you were in, they bashed people on the outside as “bad associations” and “wicked agents of Satan”. Effectively, all the information you were allowed to get about religion, morals, or the Bible came from this group–and you would be “disfellowshipped” for reading outside material on this subject.

When I first got my books, I hunted for any signs of this control–and found none. Such things as fornication, gambling, and materialism (condemned in my former religion) were viewed as being between the individuals involved only, with no one else needing to meddle. And, I saw nothing against listening to certain types of music (my former religion was all against certain music, particularly music from other religions). Nor was there anything against celebrating the holidays and special days (my former religion views it as a major sin to celebrate holidays).

As a former cult member, I know what makes a cult dangerous. Deceptive recruiting, mindless repetition during meetings, wasting all of one’s time in dead works, controlling access to outside sources, and condemning involvement in the outside world all make up some of the hallmarks–and, I am pleased to report that the Neothink Society contains none of these problems. Mark Hamilton is not deceptive in recruiting–yes, people get impatient and expect results without effort, but the literature does say that one cannot use the mind to alter reality. And, I am allowed to look at any web site (even those that fly in the face of the paradigm) without any threats of censorship (try THAT with a cult).

Dishonest politicians? Hardly. I have seen both sides of the Establishment making grandiose promises, all the way back to Carter (and we all know what disaster he turned out to be). The Republicans have sold out to religion–look at Bush. About the biggest major problem I had with Bush is his ties to Christianity–and look at the trouble that generated. And the Democrats–more accurately labelled DUMP-o-CRAPs, only want to grow the government so everything anyone does is what they tell you to (freedom, anyone??). I have seen that with Carter, Clinton, and now Obama (which is eerily similar to “Osama”). Endless regulations choking off our economy have stemmed from these sources.

Now, the report card. They have declared war on cancer in the 1950s–yet all I have seen are endless pledge drives and “We are working on a cure” promises. So what is this war on drugs–and, along with the drugs, we see violence and crime resulting from the inflated prices that street drugs command (much of it because they are illegal). The energy crisis? This was back in 1973. Talk about nuclear power plants has fizzled, as both political sides have caved into wimpy excuses. Nuclear fusion has not gotten off the ground. We still have yet to get other alternative sources beyond experimental small scale usage. And now we have the STUPIDEST “alternative” energy system–take away our food corn, drive up food prices, and make alcohol. Progress?

As of now, Social Security is a mess, and your tax dollars (originally taken for Social Security) may be used for paying down this massive debt. We have not had a surplus–at least not a real surplus–since I can remember. I can remember when the deficits were in the range of 20-40 billion per year, and now it is in the trillions per year range. Real unemployment has exceeded “official” unemployment. And inflation has been consistent, with the exception of the 1930s, since the Fed was instituted. All the while, as recently as this summer, your leaders refused to allow a full audit of the Fed–who may well have been responsible for a bogus “rally” on Wall Street this past 6 months.

Additionally, they regulate our personal lives too much. We have policies that prevent singles from meeting without a string of “jail bait” and “Gotcha” type laws. And, when two people do manage to get together, stagnation (often from work) makes it go stale (along with social mores, which have nothing to do with what is good and more to do with religion). Work today is monotonous at best (and that’s if you have the PRIVILEGE of having a job, which should have been a RIGHT). Homes and apartments come with too many rules. We have speed limits on our highways that are set by insurance companies to find excuses to jack up premiums (our interstates were designed for speeds of 75-85 MPH; why are speed limits often much lower?). And, there are patchworks of stupid laws that anyone can become a criminal for no reason–disrupting livelihoods and creating more problems later on.

Education? No child left behind? I thought we were supposed to be tackling this “illiteracy” problem–since the 1970s! There was a program called Hooked on Phonics that came out in 1987, with good enough results that it is still on the market today. Since the free market has had phonics, why on earth are we still using the look-say method that DOES NOT WORK? Haven’t they had more than 20 years to see that phonics makes enough of a difference to pay $100 or more for a product?

Anyone that says that Mark Hamilton is running a scam operation really needs to look at what our government has accomplished in the past 50 years. Anyone that believes that Mark Hamilton is running a scam operation because they are told by the media needs to look at what our government has accomplished in the past 50 years. This once-great country is on the verge of becoming a totalitarian country, where we are little better off than the Soviet Union was at its height (or, if religions have their say, the Second Dark Ages). That alone should tell who the real scam operations are–the existing government system that has been holding us back into the 1950s, and threatens to push us back into the Second Dark Ages. DON’T FALL FOR IT!

Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand…

Personal Testimonial From Gary Charles T. for the Neothink Society

First let me say, Neothink, simply means “New Thinking” or taking a New approach in one’s thoughts to the world around us. It is the exact Opposite of what people call a “Cult”. in fact, it has nothing to do With religious doctrine whatsoever. Before you cast ANY Judgment About what you think or what the press or anyone else has told You, you really need to understand what Neothink and the members Of the Society are all about. I want to share some of my understanding And benefits with you about Neothink and brief words about the Founder.

Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand With no bias, opinion or coercion in ones thoughts. To uncover one’s True potential from one’s own perspective, not from others opinions Or doctrines they believe. I once had a professor in college who shared A thought with me that I have not been able to shake my entire life And that thought is “If You Believe It, It’s true”. I personally have Looked at life and our Society change in America, I’ve watched Countless people believe in Corporate America only to see them Lose their jobs. Many Corporate Business leaders decided that American

. Jobs were not as important as usurping maximum profits from

Their companies at the value creating employees peril of job

Loss to China. This is just one example of how believing something Is true does not make it in reality True.

As human development has progressed through Mankind’s History, It has become clear many hundreds of thousands of people have Been usurped by religion, & by political leaders who sent them To death, the ultimate price one pays. Just look at the Christian’s Crusades, many people were thrown to the lions, too many Men died in battles for the sake of their leaders. This is historical Fact, no one can argue with. So then, as people have become More enlightened, come to value their lives, our life spans have Increased, our ability to share knowledge and contribute to

The quality of each others lives and our ability to understand

The world we live in better each day our country” America”

Was born. America, the beacon of “Freedom” throughout

The world, the birthplace of the “individual’s rights”. It has

Now also become apparent as evidenced that after 200 years

Of freedoms that their many in our society who are interested

In themselves to the point of putting our country in jeopardy.

The crash of the economy and the fact that the people who

Control money control our Society. There are many wealthy

People who are exceptions to the Greed so prevalent in our society, But there are many, many more who continue to usurp power And control over what the vast majority of regular Americans Are able to do. Just look at the Credit Card Industry, they get People hooked on their cards knowing full well that 80% of their card holders will not be able to pay their balances off.

Everyone and will run up debt upon which the Card Issuers

Can slap massive interest rates, fees and penalties on and

Legally steal the wealth from the vast majority of card holders.

So what does this have to do with Neothink? Neothink, is once

Again an opportunity to create for oneself a new way of thinking.

That allows one to see clearly that there is another way to

View life and it’s possibilities. That through creating honest

Values that mean something to our fellow humans we can

Move forward to the next level of understanding an

Enlightenment for all Humankind. Just as in history ancient

Man worshiped gods created by leaders of society then, until

Knowledge and understanding spread to cause man to invent

Science to begin to prove or disprove beliefs, we as Mankind

Are on the verge of taking Our Consciousness and Understanding

To a new level of understanding. This new level of understanding

Will allow everyone in our Human Society to Benefit, not

Just the privileged few who now control most of what allows

The majority of us to be capable of doing, Neothink is a new

Vehicle for all mankind to move the Human Endeavor of

“Consciousness Life” forward. For our ability as a species to

“Think”, Reflect and make choices is unique in the Universe

We know, and it is that ability that is so precious to us. We

Must move forward to preserve our loved ones and all the

Knowledge, love and understanding our consciousness gives

Us. To that end the preservation of all that makes who

We are.

A footnote about the founder of Neothink, Mark Hamilton.

Mark is certainly one of the most selfless Human Beings of

Our time. He has spent decades of his life, in fact devoted

Himself to the betterment of the human condition through

His writings. They are truthful, as they have examined what

Has happened in our history as humans, and the writings

Give us a fresh, new ability to think on new an exciting

Levels. The only people who will not want to understand

This about what Mark has written are the people in positions

Of power that will feel threaten that the playing field for

All Men and Women can be leveled for all of Society. The

Twelve Visions Party, Mark’s creation is the vehicle that

Will assist us on the ultimate life preserving Journey. I

For one, as free thinking individual welcome the opportunities

That lie ahead for all of mankind with Neothink, Please,

Keep an open mind and join us in this journey, no one

Will be left behind.

To All Voters and Fellow Americans

To All Voters and Fellow Americans:

After attending the big event in Chicago where I saw the Twelve Visions Party Emerge as the only logical choice for many dis-enfranchised voters from the left and right. I now know that this is the only choice to get us as a country back on the right track to actually change direction. If we continue the same direction the “conservative” and “liberal” leaders have steered us in from the past, we may never be able to recover before it is too late. Imagine a political party that can be run as a business and in a results oriented direction, as opposed to the insanity that most political leaders have kept us in. The TVP and Neothink Society are the only hope our country, and for that matter, the Planet Earth really have. When rational minds look at where we are and how we got here, they only need to look at the current self-serving politicians to see how a corrupt system is actually being kept in place by these parasitical elite greedy bastards that only care about their greedy self-serving needs. Enough is enough, and I say we all get behind this powerful movement and take back our country from the very people that we elected from broken promises and usless rhetoric that only served to get them elected or re-elected.

Mark Hamilton, the founder of Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party is a true visionary that has a complete answer to change this insane world and has a plan to put this all into action. I feel strongly that by putting my support behind the TVP and Mark Hamilton, I can and will make a positive change in this country that can help change most everything else that is currently wrong with our society and country. The Twelve Visions Party also has a platform and direction that makes more sense than anything I’ve ever read. Since most everything political before has only gotten us deeper in debt and made a mess of everything else, don’t you think it is time for a big positive change? Well I do and I’m throwing my full support for the only thing I feel has a chance to make things the way they should be, and that is supporting the Twelve Visions Party and only electing officials from this wonderful party that will make the needed changes in our government for all the right reasons.


MG, Irvine, CA

How would a Superpuzzle type Business Alliance be effective in foreign trade?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Business will boom because businesses will work together more, labor pools will grow, and the amount of trade and foreign expansion will increase. There would be free trade world wide thriving on competition causing prices to fall. Trade agreements imposed by political leaders will become null and void because they don’t pertain to protection.

March 2025