Posts Tagged ‘political decisions’

Knowledge at its best …

Dear Mark:
What I learned from reading your publications, two to three thousands pages more or less in total, tops everything else I have study or read anywhere, outside of the Bible, from science, the universe to the history of religion.
Simply stated, I equate what your thirty-year effort has put out, easily to receiving a master to a doctors degree from any well-known college.
While recommending to others what you have accomplished in the past three decades or so within the Neothink Society and now our Society’s vision of the Twelve Visions Party (TVP, here is what I am prepared to verbalize, and if need be to publish it.
The Neothink Society and its TVP vision in today’s turbulent and corrupt political world are without a doubt our future, and the direction our Country and its people should be prepared to support!
The flawless prime law is what we need, not our presents flaw filled laws, with men and women and their endless personal agenda and ego driven law, forever getting us deeper into debt, with one entitlement program after another, which we and our posterity will never be able to pay.
New amendments to our present laws will direct all political decisions and actions, and restrict career, nest-feathering bureaucrats to protect citizens from initiatory force.
At such fundamental essence, government protects its people, and most patriotic Americans will support such and all efforts towards this end.
No initiatory law, not just politicians and career bureaucrats, but all loving patriotic Americans can determine the proper protection under our amended laws.
Who is in office, personal agendas, endless opinions, party affiliations, self-aggrandizing morons, and the election of unqualified elected demagogues, should come to an abrupt end.
Such as the idea of naming our proposed health care plan after a well known political philanderer should make most loving American feel embarrassed at such warped idea. Only a congress full of leftist ideologues could come up with such an idiotic idea.
What party holds power should become irrelevant no matter who becomes our next president. Flaw filled men and women should no longer control our government.
Thank you for your tireless effort! Rey

March 2025