Posts Tagged ‘planet earth’

Thank You Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton, I have nothing but praise for his work, his efforts his vision and dedication to helping mankind makes the leap into Neothink Consciousness. It has been a perioulous journey for me to be able to detach from bicameral and mystic fragments that tend to be buried in our psych.  Mark Hamilton has placed great emphasis in his work that encourages self leadership and value creation for self and others.

The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. This is the foundation for the Twelve Visions Party. The prime law associated with TVP guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.

Looking back on the world and over 2000 years  and more of it evolutionary stages, we would have to be mentally, physically and spiritually blind to not see our past contribution and its inevitable  headwinds moving towards a catastrophic  apex  which will initiate profound change.   These changes are not desirous for many. Therefore, we must awake to a new concept to save ourselves, the world and the universe.

I am proud to be a member of Neothink.  I am proud to be linked to a phenomenal being such as Mark Hamilton. I have encountered nothing but honesty and genuine concern in his effort to help mankind to utilize this planet earth as a means of fair competition and business concepts that will allow man to have a meaningful life.

Thank You Mark Hamilton, Thank you Neothink Members, Thank you Chicago A- Team I thank myself for drawing such a beautiful concept into being.

Bonnie T

To All Voters and Fellow Americans

To All Voters and Fellow Americans:

After attending the big event in Chicago where I saw the Twelve Visions Party Emerge as the only logical choice for many dis-enfranchised voters from the left and right. I now know that this is the only choice to get us as a country back on the right track to actually change direction. If we continue the same direction the “conservative” and “liberal” leaders have steered us in from the past, we may never be able to recover before it is too late. Imagine a political party that can be run as a business and in a results oriented direction, as opposed to the insanity that most political leaders have kept us in. The TVP and Neothink Society are the only hope our country, and for that matter, the Planet Earth really have. When rational minds look at where we are and how we got here, they only need to look at the current self-serving politicians to see how a corrupt system is actually being kept in place by these parasitical elite greedy bastards that only care about their greedy self-serving needs. Enough is enough, and I say we all get behind this powerful movement and take back our country from the very people that we elected from broken promises and usless rhetoric that only served to get them elected or re-elected.

Mark Hamilton, the founder of Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party is a true visionary that has a complete answer to change this insane world and has a plan to put this all into action. I feel strongly that by putting my support behind the TVP and Mark Hamilton, I can and will make a positive change in this country that can help change most everything else that is currently wrong with our society and country. The Twelve Visions Party also has a platform and direction that makes more sense than anything I’ve ever read. Since most everything political before has only gotten us deeper in debt and made a mess of everything else, don’t you think it is time for a big positive change? Well I do and I’m throwing my full support for the only thing I feel has a chance to make things the way they should be, and that is supporting the Twelve Visions Party and only electing officials from this wonderful party that will make the needed changes in our government for all the right reasons.


MG, Irvine, CA

I am going to tell you the honest reality of what the Neothink Society has done for me.

My name is Rick and I am going to tell you the honest reality of what the Neothink Society has done for me.

The Neothink Society has transformed my life from a living hell to being a truly happy person. The knowledge I have gained from being a member of this fully integrated organization has transformed my life for the better in more ways than one. The people in this loving environment have taught me to be a self leader as opposed to a follower. A self leader takes full responsibility for his or her life. A follower follows others and most often blames other circumstances, or others, for his or her unhappiness. I was once a follower and had an excuse for everything. If this sounds familiar to you, you may be experiencing the same problem. I learned who I was following didn’t give a crap about what I really needed or wanted for that matter. Every person on planet Earth has the RIGHT to this knowledge. I searched in vain for a long time before my search ended with the Neothink Society. I have met the most honest people on this planet within this organization and I would encourage anyone who would like to experience a true feeling of Family, to become a member in the Neothink Society. It may help you to evolve into a different person, The person you were meant to be. Happy,Prosperous,Healthy and in control of your own life.

The Twelve Visions Party is the New party in the political arena. The new party will make ALL of the people rich including the poor. I have made my decision to help real CHANGE for the people,not the wealthy politicians. I love the Neothink Society and really don’t know what I would do without it.

Thank You,


The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM


Myles Conefrey Testimonial


Myles Conefrey Testimonial about the greatest value on planet earth, the coming of the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, who will become our heroes in protecting individual rights by restoring amazing values to our Society our friends, family and co-workers, all our loved ones, and to the entire world.  This is the one and only Party that offers Americans HOPE.  This is not a dishonest illusion, but PURE and SIMPLE FACT.  I suggest that everybody learn all they can about the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, its PLATFORM of the twelve (12) steps and our great intentions to help this country out of its present mess and debt it is creating daily for the next several generations. 

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM, one that I can support 110% + and feel great about doing so.  I have read several manuscripts of Mark Hamilton and his family and have found no more valuable reading anywhere else on planet earth.  The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM has so much to offer everyone who has an open mind and a willingness to create values for themselves and all their loved ones.  I’m now 71 years of age and in my lifetime I have never seen a Platform that could even hold a feather to the TVP PLATFORM.  You owe it to yourselves to read and learn all you can about the TVP and what it stands for, once you do, I’m sure you will have no problem joining and supporting our efforts to create a much better tomorrow for our loved ones, present and future.

Please go and take a look at all the emotional testimonials that are available at more than 20 websites starting with and continue from there and also see the individual video testimonials.  These great testimonials are value reflections of the individuals who have felt such great happiness and NEW HOPE for our SOCIETY and the future of America and the World.

This is a PLATFORM that will change the World, as we know it today, into a form of government and individual rights for all.  A government that will not only work here in the United States, but has the potential to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the world.  The TVP is the PARTY of NEW HOPE and need your support in our uphill battle to correct the present situation, not only in this country, but throughout the world.  The (12) TWELVE VISIONS could be considered to be the (12) TWELVE MIRACLES of the 21st Century.

I, Myles Conefrey, first got involved in mid-March, 2009 when I first started reading Mark Hamilton’s Literature and several interesting Testimonials from people in all walks of life.  This information made reference to the greatest kept secret of all times and for Money, Power and Romantic Love, and that something astounding is about to happen in my life!  The knowledge obtained from Mark Hamilton’s Literature I found to be the most interesting literature I have ever encountered in my lifetime of 71+ years, and should be required reading for high school students today because it offers those students a glimpse of what they can obtain in the years ahead with the most phenomenal personal abilities that lead to enormous wealth, health, love, and peace.

Become aware of what’s coming down the pipe-line.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is not a political party but, will be offering methods to help change the USA and eventually the World for the better.

Mini Day Power Thinking and Neo Tech is coming.  Depoliticize and down-size government:  Anti-Political Party.

The politicians are the problem, not the government.  We are not changing vehicles, only the drivers.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is the Business Man Party and we are trying to change the way the government does its business for the better and for each and everyone who wishes to have their individual rights back.  Come join us in working with the concepts and not the processors that our present government produces.

Join with us in the Forward Movement and Forward Essence – Wealth, Health and Peace, PRIME LAW FOR PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

We the people of America, feel the new emotions, the cause of what we hope to achieve.  Come and take part in this movement for a better day.  Every vote will count for a TVP candidate in all upcoming elections.

Integrate principals, develop family enterprises, unlock doors for the next generations – for our children and grandchildren, lean about the law of attraction, believe in your dream and it will come true.  Move forward with your dream by becoming involved and understanding and integrating these great opportunities and NEOTHINK principals.

If you are not going to INVEST IN YOURSELF, who are you going to invest in?  Come and build relationships and social integration.  Learn and understand the difference between Value Production and Value Creation in your life.  Come and learn more about the Prime Literature and exchange ideas with other people who present their values and give their reason for coming to the TVP Clubhouses in their area.  Remember, (There is Power in Numbers) so, come and integrate your value added concepts.  Learn about Thought, Discipline and Control, Stimulation, Education, and Integration for a better tomorrow by checking out the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM.

Join in the FORWARD MOVEMENT, THE FORWARD ESSENCE and help create the world you want to LIVE IN!!!  Help remove the ruling class and the suppressed class will rise up to bring about Wealth, Health and Peace not only in this country but eventually throughout the World.

Join the TV – TWELVE VISION PARTY, they understand what needs to be changed and they will work for us and our individual right under the PRIME LAW.

The virtue of Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)

This is a testimony about the nobility and virtue of Mark Hamilton (MH), Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that I want to share with the conscious world in order to validate the outstanding character of these people.

    I will take the definitions of “Anticivilization” and “Neothink” and apply them to the people I lived around in 2005 when Mark Hamilton contacted me and show you how they helped me with them.

    “Anticivilization is the irrational civilization criminally infesting planet Earth — an unreal civilization riddled with professional value destroyers who cause endless cycles of wars, destruction, misery, and death.”

    “Neothink is a noun or an adjective meaning fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality. Neothink creates a collection of new techniques or new technology that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining honest advantages in all situations. Neothink provides the integrations to collapse the illusions, hoaxes, and all other forms of irrationality manipulated by parasitical elites through subjective, political-agenda laws and arbitrary ego ‘justice’.”

    Basically, the people I lived around in 2005 when Mr. Hamilton contacted me are exactly as the definition of “anticivilization” describes them to be, and the way Mr. Hamilton helped me is exactly defined in the definition of “Neothink”.

    Neothink helps us with the anticivilization. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party help victims of the anticiviliztion with the anticivilization.

    The anticivilization is my Reservation in New Town, North Dakota, the Ft. Berthold Resservation, also known as the Three Affiliated Tribes: Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikera Nation.  

    As soon as I got there in 2001, people began starting trouble and were trying to victimize me. What they did to me is described in the definition of “anticivilization” above. Now I understand that this is how they that live there are in their natural state from the stagnation created by the isolation. They are criminal and professional value destroyers causing endless cycles of wars, destruction, misery and death. What happened to me in New Town was destruction and misery and these things start wars and cause death. They tried to make me commit suicide by ruining my life…but I don’t get like that over a ruined life because I am more experienced than they are due to the fact that I was raised in a bigger city, i.e. Los Angeles, CA where I have returned to.

    Isolation creates low growth, low population, mental problems, and closed mindedness, i.e. it makes people mental midgets. So they could not understand me due to the low growth and low population. They are wrong about me and I laughed at them instead of committed suicide due to what MH, Neothink and the TVP revealed to me in their literature about the anticivilization. He, he, he…

    They provoked in public places such as colleges and stores. Fought me when I was drunk and trying to have fun. Broke me up with a girlfriend. Tried to steal my property and tried to kill me. However, I am stronger than they are and all they could do was backbite. Through backbiting, behind the back so not to get caught, they fought me when I was so drunk I couldn’t walk and broke me up with my girlfriend. So they are weaker than Mr. Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party.

    How did Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions party help me? Just as defined above, through their literature, with fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality, they showed me what was going on and taught me new techniques on how to gain the full advantage in all the situations they attacked me with, i.e. the illusions, hoaxes and irrationality.

    Once one understands that the people that control the anticivilization are parasitical elites controlling the masses through subjective political-agenda laws and arbitrary ego justice, i.e. professional value destroyers destroying the values and laws they create by transgressing them, and what to do from the literature, depoliticizing and demystifying them becomes child’s play.

    The people in that town are professional value destroyers and parasitical elites controlling their subjects through dishonest oppressive manipulations. They oppress to suppress. With oppression they debilitate any creative abilities in order to rule over them. They tried to suppress me with their public attacks but Mr. Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP, like God-men, saw and reached out and saved me from their goal to suppress and then kill me.

    Now I have learned the business mode mentality and launched out into entrepreneurship and am starting about 5-online businesses! I am alive due to what they do on a daily basis in Neothink and the TVP.

    There are millions more that have been and can be saved by Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party. To attempt to close down such godlike people is evidence of criminal intent because that will start a war because the ones that prevent war would be gone…Thank you for your time & attention and a big huge thanks to Mr. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, as well as to GIN, the Global Information Network.

Mr. Darrin M. P

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM


Myles Conefrey Testimonial


Myles Conefrey Testimonial about the greatest value on planet earth, the coming of the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, who will become our heroes in protecting individual rights by restoring amazing values to our Society our friends, family and co-workers, all our loved ones, and to the entire world.  This is the one and only Party that offers Americans HOPE.  This is not a dishonest illusion, but PURE and SIMPLE FACT.  I suggest that everybody learn all they can about the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, its PLATFORM of the twelve (12) steps and our great intentions to help this country out of its present mess and debt it is creating daily for the next several generations. 

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM, one that I can support 110% + and feel great about doing so.  I have read several manuscripts of Mark Hamilton and his family and have found no more valuable reading anywhere else on planet earth.  The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM has so much to offer everyone who has an open mind and a willingness to create values for themselves and all their loved ones.  I’m now 71 years of age and in my lifetime I have never seen a Platform that could even hold a feather to the TVP PLATFORM.  You owe it to yourselves to read and learn all you can about the TVP and what it stands for, once you do, I’m sure you will have no problem joining and supporting our efforts to create a much better tomorrow for our loved ones, present and future.

Please go and take a look at all the emotional testimonials that are available at more than 20 websites starting with and continue from there and also see the individual video testimonials.  These great testimonials are value reflections of the individuals who have felt such great happiness and NEW HOPE for our SOCIETY and the future of America and the World.

This is a PLATFORM that will change the World, as we know it today, into a form of government and individual rights for all.  A government that will not only work here in the United States, but has the potential to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the world.  The TVP is the PARTY of NEW HOPE and need your support in our uphill battle to correct the present situation, not only in this country, but throughout the world.  The (12) TWELVE VISIONS could be considered to be the (12) TWELVE MIRACLES of the 21st Century.

I, Myles Conefrey, first got involved in mid-March, 2009 when I first started reading Mark Hamilton’s Literature and several interesting Testimonials from people in all walks of life.  This information made reference to the greatest kept secret of all times and for Money, Power and Romantic Love, and that something astounding is about to happen in my life!  The knowledge obtained from Mark Hamilton’s Literature I found to be the most interesting literature I have ever encountered in my lifetime of 71+ years, and should be required reading for high school students today because it offers those students a glimpse of what they can obtain in the years ahead with the most phenomenal personal abilities that lead to enormous wealth, health, love, and peace.

Become aware of what’s coming down the pipe-line.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is not a political party but, will be offering methods to help change the USA and eventually the World for the better.

Mini Day Power Thinking and Neo Tech is coming.  Depoliticize and down-size government:  Anti-Political Party.

The politicians are the problem, not the government.  We are not changing vehicles, only the drivers.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is the Business Man Party and we are trying to change the way the government does its business for the better and for each and everyone who wishes to have their individual rights back.  Come join us in working with the concepts and not the processors that our present government produces.

Join with us in the Forward Movement and Forward Essence – Wealth, Health and Peace, PRIME LAW FOR PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

We the people of America, feel the new emotions, the cause of what we hope to achieve.  Come and take part in this movement for a better day.  Every vote will count for a TVP candidate in all upcoming elections.

Integrate principals, develop family enterprises, unlock doors for the next generations – for our children and grandchildren, lean about the law of attraction, believe in your dream and it will come true.  Move forward with your dream by becoming involved and understanding and integrating these great opportunities and NEOTHINK principals.

If you are not going to INVEST IN YOURSELF, who are you going to invest in?  Come and build relationships and social integration.  Learn and understand the difference between Value Production and Value Creation in your life.  Come and learn more about the Prime Literature and exchange ideas with other people who present their values and give their reason for coming to the TVP Clubhouses in their area.  Remember, (There is Power in Numbers) so, come and integrate your value added concepts.  Learn about Thought, Discipline and Control, Stimulation, Education, and Integration for a better tomorrow by checking out the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM.

Join in the FORWARD MOVEMENT, THE FORWARD ESSENCE and help create the world you want to LIVE IN!!!  Help remove the ruling class and the suppressed class will rise up to bring about Wealth, Health and Peace not only in this country but eventually throughout the World.

Join the TV – TWELVE VISION PARTY, they understand what needs to be changed and they will work for us and our individual right under the PRIME LAW.

Neothink wants to save life

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

My heart is with you, I am a older person I lived my life through the hardships to find a decent way to live, I never found it until the later end of my life.

I encounter the teaching of Neothink it is the knowledge put aside for what is called power, legal law, and justice is how the world is known. None in those comments is honesty includes so many mistakes have been made, ignoring the honesty for one self and for all. That is the only think the society Neothink which has been brought forward from century ago to teach and reverse is honesty throughout humanity.  Jesus started honesty and he was destroyed, life grew powerful anyways, honesty went forgotten, power now rules the world. What the society of Neothink is about is only the simplest honesty in every hart in human life. So everybody in plant earth can live in harmony with each other. It would take a lot to explain now a days, power, law and justice is included it drove the world to destruction. Peace and harmony does not excite any more, for the simplest thing honesty being ignored and Neothink is urgently working to restore it to all humanity in the plant earth.  Neothink is in danger, the power and the law shows the strength to destroy the honesty they do not want to understand. Earth is a planet that belong to the universe and is govern from the Universe,  we do not know how long the planet earth will exist, think about, what human life has built and destroy for as far back as the records go. The Universe can be distinguished in no time without warning, no human power will concur the will of the universe. Neothink wants to save life not destroy.  What is wrong with that? Human power has lost its ability Neothink doesn’t need weapons, bomb atom bomb  it just restores trust and harmony in human life, which has been put aside and forgotten. So let it be.

Thank you

Martha O



When I received my invitation letter to join the NEOTHINK Society, I knew I was about to embark in a journey that would change my life. Reading the secret information from Mark Hamilton’s heavily guarded literature really opened my eyes. Now, I am walking through life with thousands of years old of the Society’s Secrets and Visions. I am able to see through daily illusions to what is, see the future, start my own company, diet down to the body I want, focus downstream, create my own life, apply top marketing secrets that every marketers want, build super puzzles, and much more. I fear nothing. Now that I am illuminated, I am grateful for everything Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have done for me.

I am forever grateful for the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that Mark Hamilton created, to depoliticize America and the rest of the world in order to bring Health, Wealth, Peace and Safety on earth through an indestructible protection law for humanity: “The PRIME LAW.”

With the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) president in the White House and the “PRIME LAW” in place; we will be living in the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD. A totally different Civilisation. Wow!!!

Then and on, never again will there be War, Poverty, Malady, Hatred, Aging, Terrorism, Nuclear menaces, illusions, Politics, Inequality, Mysticism, and Silent Frustractions.
Integrated honesty will prevail. And the world will be at peace.

Looking at America among all Nations on Planet earth, it looks clear that it is a Nation where all good things are coming from. It is a blessed piece of land.


Thank you immensely, Mr. Mark Hamilton, to caring for humanity. It is a moral responsibility to opening the NEOTHINK Society and its TWELVE VISIONS PARTY to the world. Now, all human beings: “The Highest Values of the Universe” will be able to live a creation driven life.



Paola A

I personally don’t Know Mark Hamilton, however, I have read extensively most of his literature, and I have only read wisdom and a deep understanding of humanity in his writings.  He is a visionary whose primary focus is the well being of humanity.  I wish there were more Mark Hamiltons in the world maybe then planet earth would be a much more peaceful place. I have also learn through Mark Hamilton’s writings that it takes personal responsibility to make the necessary changes in my own personal life which then can be reflected in the world.  Sometimes it is easier to find a scapegoat than to face reality.  And for those of you who are easily persuaded by the media slogans I will ask you to fist go the source and then make a fair judgment.
Paola A

March 2025