Posts Tagged ‘planet earth’

Mr. Mark Hamilton

Mr. Mark Hamilton
On my journey;
When I start to read the book of Frenk R. Wallace, Pax Neo Teck, and finish only
three pages I started to shake. I could not stop shaking, I have to stop reading and go for
a walk. When I come down, I continuously read the book.
I have reach page 110, I have enough to read, to see sad picture of humanity in my mind.
Same night I went to dance, I see people happy dancing, some a celebrating the 50et
marriage university, no one have idea what is going on in their life. In short time they will to depart.
This is truly sad story.
I see eternal life in every one, they don’t know, they are dancing in bubble around and around
for century, something grab me up in my mind, my heart want to cry, but I can’t cry on
public place, I am holding up.
This morning, picture came back in my mind when I was 45, when I came back from my
vision in my mind, I am standing there, people are walking quietly all around,, but they don’t
have that love in their heart, every one mind their own mind, even dressed in same color uniform.
I am not one with them.
Then I look out side, the tree in back yard, there is my love! I want desperately to run out and
hug the tree. But people would laugh, I can’t do that. I know at that time I have been received the love what I have ask for. I have a peace and joy, nature display beautiful site of love
and show me, we are one.
In my vision of darkness on planet earth, I have seen same people standing in the light together
in the fear, and same uniform.
This morning my love cry, how can I leave my brothers and sisters in this uncivilized world, and
I am in different, on the other site. Then I know, we are working together, my brothers and sisters
will show me the way, because I am not alone, we are one, in this life
The tiffs and opportunist came in to innocent human minds, stilling the lives. This same tiffs
believe for 2000 years you will wake up, the day will come, you will say enough. They believe
and know, only one have to wake up, and the day will come, you will shake up the dust,
and you will see your self immortal. That one is author of book Pax Neothink.
But you wont cry. You will joy, share and forgive; you will laugh what happened before. I am
continue reading the book. Please say thanks to little Markie for the book.
Sincerely yours;
Stefica S

Mark Hamilton’s writings, it takes personal responsibility…

I personally don’t Know Mark Hamilton, however, I have read extensively most of his literature, and I have only read wisdom and a deep understanding of humanity in his writings. He is a visionary whose primary focus is the well being of humanity. I wish there were more Mark Hamiltons in the world maybe then planet earth would be a much more peaceful place. I have also learn through Mark Hamilton’s writings that it takes personal responsibility to make the necessary changes in my own personal life which then can be reflected in the world. Sometimes it is easier to find a scapegoat than to face reality. And for those of you who are easily persuaded by the media slogans I will ask you to fist go the source and then make a fair judgment.
Paola A



When I received my invitation letter to join the NEOTHINK Society, I knew I was about to embark in a journey that would change my life. Reading the secret information from Mark Hamilton’s heavily guarded literature really opened my eyes. Now, I am walking through life with thousands of years old of the Society’s Secrets and Visions. I am able to see through daily illusions to what is, see the future, start my own company, diet down to the body I want, focus downstream, create my own life, apply top marketing secrets that every marketers want, build super puzzles, and much more. I fear nothing. Now that I am illuminated, I am grateful for everything Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have done for me.

I am forever grateful for the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that Mark Hamilton created, to depoliticize America and the rest of the world in order to bring Health, Wealth, Peace and Safety on earth through an indestructible protection law for humanity: The PRIME LAW.

With the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) president in the White House and the PRIME LAW in place; we will be living in the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD, A totally different Civilization. Wow!!!

Then and on, never again will there be War, Poverty, Malady, Hatred, Crime, Aging, Terrorism, Nuclear menaces, illusions, Politics, Inequality, Mysticism, and Silent Frustrations.

Integrated honesty will prevail. And the world will be at peace.

Looking at America among all Nations on Planet earth, it looks clear that it is a Nation where all good things are coming from. It is a blessed piece of land.


Thank you immensely, Mr. Mark Hamilton, to caring for humanity. It is a moral responsibility to opening the NEOTHINK Society and its TWELVE VISIONS PARTY to the world. Now, all human beings: The Highest Values of the Universe will be able to live a creation driven life.


“Butterflies are Free”

I think there was a movie called that once.I never saw it, but the phrase means alot to me now. Suppose a butterfly never got to complete it’s metamorphosis from a lowly worm to creature that uses currents of wind, created by it’s own new wings, to travel in a beautiful form of true natural art. Suppose it was stopped mid-life to evolve any farther than worm on the ground. The beauty of the creature would never be recognized. Well, that is exactly what Mark Hamilton made me realize through his genius literature, had happened to the human beings on the planet earth. A force they could’nt see because they and their ancestors had been blinded by false truths that they were done evolving. That the ancestors we have were exactly all there is to humanity, no more. You get to a certain point in life and then stop and just wait to grow old and die. That my friend is giving up on your own personal evolution, to become the Butterfly type creature we were all meant to become. We through the beliefs most humans believe, are stuck in the lowly worm phase. Mark Hamilton taught me that I can evolve just as nature intended. Armed with this knowledge, I’m on my way to evolution, thanks from the center of my heart Mark Hamilton, You Rock…
Sincerely, Jon Running

Testimony 2


This is a testimony about the nobility and virtue of Mark Hamilton (MH), Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that I want to share with the conscious world in order to validate the outstanding character of these people.
I will take the definitions of “Anticivilization” and “Neothink” and apply them to the people I lived around in 2005 when Mark Hamilton contacted me and show you how they helped me with them.
“Anticivilization is the irrational civilization criminally infesting planet Earth — an unreal civilization riddled with professional value destroyers who cause endless cycles of wars, destruction, misery, and death.”
“Neothink is a noun or an adjective meaning fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality. Neothink creates a collection of new techniques or new technology that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining honest advantages in all situations. Neothink provides the integrations to collapse the illusions, hoaxes, and all other forms of irrationality manipulated by parasitical elites through subjective, political-agenda laws and arbitrary ego ‘justice’.”

Basically, the people I lived around in 2005 when Mr. Hamilton contacted me are exactly as the definition of “anticivilization” describes them to be, and the way Mr. Hamilton helped me is exactly defined in the definition of “Neothink”.

Neothink helps us with the anticivilization. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party help victims of the anticiviliztion with the anticivilization.

The anticivilization is my Reservation in New Town, North Dakota, the Ft. Berthold Reservation, also known as the Three Affiliated Tribes: Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikera Nation.

As soon as I got there in 2001, people began starting trouble and were trying to victimize me. What they did to me is described in the definition of “anticivilization” above. Now I understand that this is how they that live there are in their natural state from the stagnation created by the isolation. They are criminal and professional value destroyers causing endless cycles of wars, destruction, misery and death. What happened to me in New Town was destruction and misery and these things start wars and cause death. They tried to make me commit suicide by ruining my life…but I don’t get like that over a ruined life because I am more experienced than they are due to the fact that I was raised in a bigger city, i.e. Los Angeles, CA where I have returned to.

Isolation creates low growth, low population, mental problems, and closed mindedness, i.e. it makes people mental midgets. So they could not understand me due to the low growth and low population. They are wrong about me and I laughed at them instead of committed suicide due to what MH, Neothink and the TVP revealed to me in their literature about the anticivilization. He, he, he…

They provoked in public places such as colleges and stores. Fought me when I was drunk and trying to have fun. Broke me up with a girlfriend. Tried to steal my property and tried to kill me. However, I am stronger than they are and all they could do was backbite. Through backbiting, behind the back so not to get caught, they fought me when I was so drunk I couldn’t walk and broke me up with my girlfriend. So they are weaker than Mr. Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party.

How did Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions party help me? Just as defined above, through their literature, with fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality, they showed me what was going on and taught me new techniques on how to gain the full advantage in all the situations they attacked me with, i.e. the illusions, hoaxes and irrationality.

Once one understands that the people that control the anticivilization are parasitical elites controlling the masses through subjective political-agenda laws and arbitrary ego justice, i.e. professional value destroyers destroying the values and laws they create by transgressing them, and what to do from the literature, depoliticizing and demystifying them becomes child’s play.

The people in that town are professional value destroyers and parasitical elites controlling their subjects through dishonest oppressive manipulations. They oppress to suppress. With oppression they debilitate any creative abilities in order to rule over them. They tried to suppress me with their public attacks but Mr. Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP, like God-men, saw and reached out and saved me from their goal to suppress and then kill me.

Now I have learned the business mode mentality and launched out into entreneurship and am starting about 5-online businesses! I am alive due to what they do on a daily basis in Neothink and the TVP.

There are millions more that have been and can be saved by Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party. To attempt to close down such godlike people is evidence of criminal intent because that will start a war because the ones that prevent war would be gone…Thank you for your time & attention and a big huge thanks to Mr. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, as well as to GIN, the Global Information Network.

Mr. Darrin M. Pegram


Neo-Realty Investments


Disentangle the Matrix of Illusions


My name is Travis Whitaker from Neptune, NJ. I’m 22 years old and I couldn’t be more confident in my true direction in life to make a powerful impact in disentangling my fellow beings from the Matrix of Illusions through Mark Hamilton’s works.

Prior to being contacted by Mark and the Neothink Society, I was “lost on the sauce.” Although I was searching for the honest way of life and the person I was meant to be, I just didn’t find what I was looking for in reading personal development/self-improvement books. A LOT of key components were left out which makes a HUGE difference in your perspective at life and human purpose. I don’t discredit what Ive read through the personal development books 100% because through reading those types of books they helped mold me with an open mindedness that I didn’t possess prior to reading them.

Through this open mindedness I was able to take, what I like to call, “open minded action” to receive what I believe is the MOST IMPORTANT LITERATURE OF OUR TIME. This timeless information WILL SAVE humanity and is the driving force to our RIGHTEOUS DESTINY ON HERE EARTH….NOW!!!

I am really so THANKFUL for being apart of such an enlightened group of individuals striving to attain common goals which is for the benefit of all not just within the Neothink Society but for all human life on planet Earth.
That common goal will be accomplished with the Twelve Visions Party. I have no doubt in this movement because of the honesty for human life it reflects. As one who despises politics, I know for a fact that this party is not what were use to seeing in that spectrum of governing which makes all the difference. For the past 200 years, and even more recently, political agendas have gotten out of hand and its time to take back our country and bring the PROSPERITY that our founding fathers fought so hard and died for.

Mark thank you so much for throwing out my lifeline!! Who knows where I would’ve been mentally without reading these life advantages. At age 22 I’m find that my path will indeed make history and I will continue to be a role model for the Neothink Society and your literature.

The Matrix of Illusions leaves one in stagnation, while Mark Hamilton’s literature will free your mind to the life of Value Creation which is our righteous path to reach the Twelve Visions World

Love -> Wealth -> Peace -> Happiness

Travis V. Whitaker

Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party…


Being in the Neothink Society has made my life better in every aspect that I know. I still remember that day in June 2006 when I received the personal letter from Mark Hamilton inviting me to join the society that would make all of my dreams and desires come true. After a while, when I had purchased all of his literature and read it, I was taken into a new world; into a world that everyone should be living in right now at this moment. In that world life was so much fun, happiness was abundant, and everyone was doing something he or she loved to do all the time. I wasn’t a big reader before getting his books, but reading his books made me appreciate the penmanship and time it takes to write such life changing works and thus made me like to read anything that relates positively in my life.

Now I will explain what the Twelve Visions Party will mean to me and to everyone on planet earth. First of all, life in general will be at least hundreds of times than it currently is right now. The economy will always be going up, people’s wealth, health, and happiness will always be going up, there will be no more wars, violence, and destruction, and much more. The U.S. Government will actually care about its citizens and will actually listen to what they have to say about anything that can help them bettering the overall living conditions of life. That means my family will be able to have access to real education, real health care, and real wealth easily and efficiently. With the Twelve Visions Party, everyone can be rich in anything they want to be rich in and everyone will realize this is the way that everyone should have been living life all along for many millenniums ago.

I will write briefly what it would mean to me if all of this didn’t happen on earth. Life on earth could be very grim; people could be poor all around the world. My family and I could have no hope for living for the future and the point of living a great and always exciting life would cease to exist.

Lastly, people will realize that the Twelve Visions Party is the movement that will change all good hearted people’s lives for the better. I’ll simply say this, with the help of Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party, the world will be a paradise that everyone can enjoy each and every day forever.

For me, it’s quite simple.  Reading Neothink literature made me realize how much “the wool has been pulled over our eyes” and continues to be.  I am able to see the harm people we’re supposed to look up to are doing.  Until now I didn’t recognize this; I always thought that that’s the way it is.  But it doesn’t have to be; I can see now that using our conscious minds brings better results.  And that’s in all aspects of life, too.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party…


Being in the Neothink Society has made my life better in every aspect that I know. I still remember that day in June 2006 when I received the personal letter from Mark Hamilton inviting me to join the society that would make all of my dreams and desires come true. After a while, when I had purchased all of his literature and read it, I was taken into a new world; into a world that everyone should be living in right now at this moment. In that world life was so much fun, happiness was abundant, and everyone was doing something he or she loved to do all the time. I wasn’t a big reader before getting his books, but reading his books made me appreciate the penmanship and time it takes to write such life changing works and thus made me like to read anything that relates positively in my life.

Now I will explain what the Twelve Visions Party will mean to me and to everyone on planet earth. First of all, life in general will be at least hundreds of times than it currently is right now. The economy will always be going up, people’s wealth, health, and happiness will always be going up, there will be no more wars, violence, and destruction, and much more. The U.S. Government will actually care about its citizens and will actually listen to what they have to say about anything that can help them bettering the overall living conditions of life. That means my family will be able to have access to real education, real health care, and real wealth easily and efficiently. With the Twelve Visions Party, everyone can be rich in anything they want to be rich in and everyone will realize this is the way that everyone should have been living life all along for many millenniums ago.

I will write briefly what it would mean to me if all of this didn’t happen on earth. Life on earth could be very grim; people could be poor all around the world. My family and I could have no hope for living for the future and the point of living a great and always exciting life would cease to exist.

Lastly, people will realize that the Twelve Visions Party is the movement that will change all good hearted people’s lives for the better. I’ll simply say this, with the help of Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party, the world will be a paradise that everyone can enjoy each and every day forever.

For me, it’s quite simple.  Reading Neothink literature made me realize how much “the wool has been pulled over our eyes” and continues to be.  I am able to see the harm people we’re supposed to look up to are doing.  Until now I didn’t recognize this; I always thought that that’s the way it is.  But it doesn’t have to be; I can see now that using our conscious minds brings better results.  And that’s in all aspects of life, too.

Paola A


I personally don’t Know Mark Hamilton, however, I have read extensively most of his literature, and I have only read wisdom and a deep understanding of humanity in his writings.  He is a visionary whose primary focus is the well being of humanity.  I wish there were more Mark Hamiltons in the world maybe then planet earth would be a much more peaceful place. I have also learn through Mark Hamilton’s writings that it takes personal responsibility to make the necessary changes in my own personal life which then can be reflected in the world.  Sometimes it is easier to find a scapegoat than to face reality.  And for those of you who are easily persuaded by the media slogans I will ask you to fist go the source and then make a fair judgment.
Paola A


Just to know that there are a few honest people left in this world, is such a comfort. But to find an entirely new way of transforming everything through real, honest evaluation is an evolution into understanding my own life, life on earth, and how we all can be transitioned for brighter and more prosperous futures. This is possible through the NeoThink writings of Mark Hamilton. He has used the teachings of history-past and present, to convey ideas that have always been part of who we are as Americans. Our constitution was based on the freedoms of each individual. Mr. Hamilton’s new Twelve Visions Party is based on this founding premise.
How can a new political party have anything to do with honesty? Individualism? Find out for yourself by learning the facts. Turn a deaf ear to the usual attack & slander style politics we have become so accustomed. I have found a NEW group of positive, honest, friends in the NeoThink Society and Twelve Visions Party with Mark Hamilton in the lead. The future of America and planet earth will be great! Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Elaine O

March 2025