Posts Tagged ‘planet earth’

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton "and friends" are …

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton “and friends” are among the rare, few human beings on planet earth that actually value humanity and the survival of mankind above all else. The “controllers” feel threatened and the “slaves” are waking up, thanks to Neothink.

My amazing journey as a searcher of knowledge and…

My amazing journey as a searcher of knowledge and wisdom has been a wonderful experience since I was 13 years old. Once I expanded my mind to the possibility of learning and taking in new and different information; a new world started to unfold right before my eyes.

You see I love reading. I get excited about new information that will make life better for every human being on planet earth. I would read any material that might answer those deep emotional questions concerning life itself. It is what has kept a burning desire inside me lit. I want to know all that can be known about me and the world around me. November of 2006 I received a first-class letter inviting me to join an exclusive group of some of the world most famous and powerful people. The letter spoke about similar traits that I had with some very famous individuals who was very wealthy. I remember having a big smile on my face at the time, just the thought of being associated with people who had major achievements in life made me pay attention to every word that was written. And the thought of them having what I wanted out of life made me feel good. I jumped at the chance to see if this was a real invitation, to join this exclusive association of wealthy individuals. I kept thinking is this real?

Well I am here to tell you after 5 years of being accepted into the Neothink Society and being personally mentored by Mark Hamilton. My life has been transformed into a vector of creation that I love.


When I received my invitation letter to join the NEOTHINK Society, I knew I was about to embark in a journey that would change my life. Reading the secret information from Mark Hamilton’s heavily guarded literature really opened my eyes. Now, I am walking through life with thousands of years old of the Society’s Secrets and Visions. I am able to see through daily illusions to what is, see the future, start my own company, diet down to the body I want, focus downstream, create my own life, apply top marketing secrets that every marketers want, build super puzzles, and much more. I fear nothing. Now that I am illuminated, I am grateful for everything Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have done for me.

I am forever grateful for the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that Mark Hamilton created, to depoliticize America and the rest of the world in order to bring Health, Wealth, Peace and Safety on earth through an indestructible protection law for humanity: The PRIME LAW.

With the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) president in the White House and the PRIME LAW in place; we will be living in the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD, A totally different Civilization. Wow!!!

Then and on, never again will there be War, Poverty, Malady, Hatred, Crime, Aging, Terrorism, Nuclear menaces, illusions, Politics, Inequality, Mysticism, and Silent Frustrations.

Integrated honesty will prevail. And the world will be at peace.

Looking at America among all Nations on Planet earth, it looks clear that it is a Nation where all good things are coming from. It is a blessed piece of land.


Thank you immensely, Mr. Mark Hamilton, to caring for humanity. It is a moral responsibility to opening the NEOTHINK Society and its TWELVE VISIONS PARTY to the world. Now, all human beings: The Highest Values of the Universe will be able to live a creation driven life.


I am so grateful after some few years of my study…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I am so grateful after some few years of my study and my appreciation to your work at Neothink and also at Neothink Society. I am so excited about the recent coming out with the Twelve Vision Party has finally come to the public domain.
I am 52 years and an African from the third world and from the most deprive area on the planet earth can say that my association you Mark Hamilton and his publishing work over the years has done so much to me and my family and will do so greatly to my continent Africa to such an extent that if their has been so great many discovery In the past nothing compare will take place in the USA when Mark Hamilton win a free and fair election in the USA without any use of force.
I feel sure that Mark represent peace and human liberty, the happiness that we long dream of many century. Why should humanity live the way we led ourselves I think the Neothink world in all has show the way and its so strong in mind that I cannot think a day without any reference to Neothink as I observe things all around me each day. My health is in it best form at 52 years I feel within me as someone who is 25 years old.
How did I come to this great conclusion its simple that is the very way we think about ourselves define more about our health . If you have been lie to and it not natural to your nature as a human being it will affect your health and I think this single most powerful advantage I gain from Neothink and as an African I think my more than well place to say that Neothink is great and will free the whole of Africa. That change is the USA with the Twelve Vision Party it will affect Africa so POSITIVELY that the continent will ever remain thankful to any individual, any group, any Party for that matter will be so grateful that we only pray that it should be the end of all human slavery.
Mark Hamilton and others working and on behave Neothink I can only rest assure that the whole world will stand up to the greatest historical EVENT in history and that we will do all we can to help spread it in every part of Africa and the world that Peace, Health and Wealth will truly come to exist of earth.
I have learn many great things that I cannot even write about them as if am praising myself but when we achieve that dream we have for ourselves we shall silence the current media world wide and I think that is what they are most afraid of but we cannot allow them again. Mark Hamilton please move forward fearlessly we will stand for you worldwide you have started already we cannot wait again the time is now.
I can’t say many things but a little one simple and pain is all that we need to get others to also come and learn and free their mind. One last thing I will say about Neothink Zon Power is that it clean your mind like an antivirus for the computer so their is a mind virus spread by the current establishment and it needs to be clear off for Good.
Thank you all of Neothink and Society.
Erik K. Dzordzordzi

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP:
Mark Hamilton, all I can say now in my burnt out state is, you and the Original Twelve Visions Party Team, I believe are the only way that I may be able to get my beloved spouse Susan Mary Strain, back in physical presence. And that only through your visions and applications of new technologies, along with your Twelve Visions Party team, may all the earth’s people finely have a way for humanity to exist hear on earth, along with everlasting life, for all of us on planet earth and in the heavens of the universe of conscious life, through the human spirit.
With the very highest educational materials I have received from you, Mark Hamilton, I believe it is possible for me and my beloved Susan, to continue living the love and happiness we shared without being crushed by evil. Not only would we be able to continue in the greatest love and happiness of all, ( “that was the love and life we shared together”), but we would have the opportunity to have children and normalize our life completely as we grow into the future.
My hope is that we Americans may all find a way to work together to utilize Mark Hamilton’s ideas for a bright and beautiful life and future for all of us. Hopefully we Americans can all pull together and use all new and old ideas that help us all as Americans; and that help all human life. That we may live the greatest and most beautiful life, love, peace and happiness of all, ( even as we do now all share, in some ways), right here in America, and share that love and life with the world. America has been know as having the leading edge in bringing peace and humanity to all Americans and also to the world round. My hope is that we can remain in this capacity for the sake of all Americans and all the world round. That all humanity and civilization may continue, and also grow into a more beautiful world and life, for all human existence and humanity the world round.
I hope this message will help you Mark Hamilton and the Original Twelve Visions Party team, and all, in some capacity. If you call upon me again at some time, I will do my best to share my thoughts and feeling at that time.

Mr. Mark Hamilton must continue as this man is a genius

I had received a package in the mail one day, it just sat there on the sidewalk waiting for me to open it. Upon opening it this book with my name was on the cover. In awe and excited I opened the book to read. Inside that book and the books to follow, the information listed was written unlike any other book I had read. I couldn’t pick up another book since then, as I really felt my entire life was based on other books that were not telling the entire story of life on Planet Earth. Before reading that book written by Mark Hamilton, I had a belief created by others that wasn’t entirely true as I now see. Simple because after reading the book, seeing through appearances is simple, and more simple each day. The book stated I would fall in love and would see things about myself that I needed to slightly change. That took place, not out of magic, yet because of the type of person that book deciphered I am. I found love, and I found my own flaws and began correcting my flaws which was of my personality. My new found love and soon to be wife Terri can see my attempt to be a better man by how I present my words or how I am in front of others in public. I choose to be a better man for her as well, that is what love is. In these books it is very interesting and feel more writings by Mr. Mark Hamilton must continue as this man is a genius. The books bound are filled with knowledge that is as accurate and sound as any book I had read, yet these books are not misleading they tell the truth in how the truth of a story is intended to be explained or written. I had searched for the correct knowledge life long, I’ll be 43 on August 27th at 11:55 PM, and that is a long time to be searching as I had been a searcher, it is interesting to me when one finds out pure knowledge or the correct application of processes. It mentions in the books a thing about dishonesties as well. I could author a book on that myself! I dealt with a postal system that stolen letters, and dealt with a bank that refused to acknowledge forgery of my TCF account, which is illegal for a bank to do. I dealt with others that had stolen things of significant value, things that can’t be replaced. I dealt with wrongful incarceration and never filed to compensate for the time I done in jail. I dealt with injuries a Medicare system wouldn’t give surgery on, and all of these things were before neothink society ever came to me. And when I had reflected back onto those poor in taste events of the dishonesties out there, it makes me just want to spit! And it is weird, really it is, as I am a guy that builds things, and invents things and writes all for self profit, yet I couldn’t get up financially because those dishonest person thought I was some weak minded fool . If you play their game, they end up really embarrassed and upset. They cause their own problems, which is why they always seem to manipulate an issue or won’t answer the issue fully or they end up finding a way to set it aside until another day. Well, here I sit without a business I wanted to create because of being on a check system of overdraft fees from TCF who, might I add, lied through their teeth to the attorney generals office, or then the problem may be deeper then that. If they would had taken the police report and arrested the individuals who stolen my checks my state ID and my debit card I wouldn’t of had the problems I had in the past, and would have a bank account at this time. *please note, anything I write has copyright ownership by Mr. Mark Hamilton, and any invention along with my fiancée Terri Ann Murdock. I am Patrick B. Rasmusson by the way, and would like some of these so called individuals that are dishonest in America, let them know and the honest persons as well, I had given my time to protect the US of A with my own plans that were forwarded to the GOV after 9/11. They, the dishonest really need to reconsider their circumstances! They are alive, they could of been blown up time and time again after 9/11. So I deserve some credit and merit, and which oddly it states to protect America in so many words from Terrorism on the first page of one of my heirloom packages. That was before I ever received a book from Mr. Mark Hamilton, a genius engineer by my opinion to build the sky walk, whom is a very honest and hard working man just as I. Anyone in America would appreciate his books. Anyone would. If someone is really looking for the best written faction story, I’d read Miss Annabelle’s Secrets. I am well read to a degree, and found the most interesting and compelling book to be just that, Miss Annabelle’s Secrets. In the story it mentions some of the dishonesties in the public, with he town’s mayors and those that hold power over others for abusive reasons. It is bad, no different then that guy who ran his aircraft into a building over IRS tax laws because of software design issues. Compelling as my testimonial is, I am widely different then any of my Neothink Society members or anyone else for that matter. I like everyone, I just don’t hang out because I am looking to be in a good mood not a bad one and at times persons aren’t right in what they say. It is a development flaw I believe of how the social sectors were raised in the different corners of the globe, which isn’t then an individual fault of each as much as it is a sign showing we really need to change our behaviors on Planet Earth. Some of the most honest human beings I had found just so happens to be adults with slight retardation and mental health issues at DHS in the town I live. They are happy and non-threatening and non-violent. They listen and are fun to talk to and are diligent workers with their disabilities. They are not unpredictable as most of the others allegedly normal persons in civilization, yet that isn’t entirely true, there are many out there that want a life and to be happy just like them living peacefully. I say what I do about the allegedly sane, the aforementioned, because a majority of the time it is how I ended up thinking of a mass part of normal human consciousness. If there wasn’t dishonesties out there, I wouldn’t be without a business and would had a financial revenue created. And before I ever read about the dishonesties mentioned in my books by NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I knew about those dishonest persons because I dealt with those persons. Wouldn’t it be better to try to want to make everyone happy where the economy works as well as the ability to smoothly operate like when Henry Ford developed the assembly line for Ford Motor Company? What would Earth look as if we actually invested our daily lives into building the land on earth with better building to house all that expensive tech equipment in every ones home or business? Do we have enough sand on Earth to make one city on Earth and all glass enclosure like a greenhouse, or a huge dome over the top of an entire city made of glass? What if we took our dreams to build what we always dreamed of as it would be fun as exciting? If I Amy on a side issue, premise liability of unnatural conditions is very real. And if someone has proof of a slip and fall case and was injured as a result of someone else’s property, that property owner if liable needs to compensate all fund requests! There are flaws in the law. I experienced then first hand. Yet, “THEY” didn’t at the time know I was involved in so much and turned me away from compensation because if I won the case then everyone that was hurt as a result of unnatural conditions of a sidewalks surface, snow and ice in this case shoveled onto a sidewalk from a street, would be compensated over their medical bills and the time off of work. I feel on a city sidewalk. The city attorney stated it was natural snow and ice conditions and he lives in this town and anyone who lives in this town knows the snow plows plow the snow and the ice on the sidewalks. Because that is what is called common knowledge of the public then the Mayor’s office or then city council should create a job by hiring those to remove the snow and the ice off of the sidewalk into another location so pedestrians can walk on the sidewalks and not in the street during winter without the thought of falling. There was 20 case per half hour of slip and fall cases. All of which if each person filed a compensation small claims request, then maybe the city might do something that would prevent injuries on their own sidewalks by thinking at least. I had given them some invention ideas that could had saved others from slipping and falling yet they didn’t use them. My ideas would had created job growth and new design of sidewalks. Maybe one day they will wake up and decide they may wish to implement those designs for their own sake if they ever have to walk during a winter storm on a sidewalk. The books I read by Mr. Mark Hamilton have a classic example of what I had been through in my own life and can fully concur with the context of those books. If I would had gained ground in this town, and had strong footing, then all of those that alleged and stated all these very indecent things about me in the past would be out of luck and embarrassed. Plus they sure wouldn’t want a brilliant man a hard line thinker to make them look bad over their critically unruly and innate ways of life while hidden from their own agenda fears from the illusions and dishonesties they had created on their own. They are marked! They have to deal with their own consequences, and when they do they might be concerned about others lives for the firs time in their own life! I can let some things go, yet I can’t let everything go. And by the way, the US post office has criminals that had worked in there as I still never got my money order back that they stolen out of the mail box in front of Jewel Osco on Midland and Jefferson Street in Joliet, Illinois. When Neo-Think Society asked me to pay for that first Miss Annabelle’s Secrets book, I did so, four times. And found out the US postage office had crooks working in their stealing mail to get cash when the economy was down. They hadn’t compensated my refund request yet. Too they owe me money from Nicor gas money order as well. I couldn’t send a check as a result of the persons who stolen my checks and forged them, by name they are, John Eigenher, Frank Emery, Kyle Smith who openly also admitted to the crime to me, and Charles Morgan. Those criminals had me wrongfully incarcerated because I had asked for my money back they stolen from me so I could by something. While they were smoking their crack in their garage they ganged up on me and phoned in a a false police report. The charges were ultimately dropped and the case was dismissed as they lied and the jury saw threw their little lies! They are also the reason why I have a second NC number and why the first set of books covers are torn from the type of company they kept in their house. Too, I am never again going to vote for another president the rest of my natural life, or anyone else for that matter unless they are Neothink members or then me. Why? I stated everyone I voted for got into office. A group of person picked up a rock and hit me as I was walking away. They didn’t know at the time I was up on the level either. My face bled and my radio was smashed and my phone stolen and my money taken. So when I am out in public and I don’t want to talk or I am trying to evade from being around certain people, then it is probably for good reason. If others settle down and decide they want to compensate my losses, then I will listen. I should had been rich already. I even put together a book with a design of a garbage can for sale for a kitchen. It was bound by Invent Help and a patient search was preformed on it. So I wanted to sell the idea to reinvest into something else so Terri and I can move forward in life happily with everyone else if they decide to be friendly and want to move and progress forward without any problematic issues. Too, Bank of America had the money to hire people to work on every last home loan modification there is. They should had modified our loan we filed for way back in January . BAC needs to modify our loan now!
Patrick B. Rasmusson

Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton & Neothink Members

Hi Mr. Mark  Hamilton & Neothink Members:
Not sure what to say or really how to say all that has happened from 2005 up till now.  But let me be clear, I will try to be profoundly honest as never before. Ever since receiving the Neothink Orientation Booklet, Powerful Letters from Powerful Society Members, Neothink Heirloom 1, Neothink Heirloom 2, Neothink Heirloom 3, Boo’s Great Adventures, my life has gone through a complete transformation and continues to do so.
Let me preface this by saying I believe that the newly emerging Illuminati and society have been trying to get a hold of my Dad, Mom and my Father in law for some time.  I truly believe (and am still researching this)) that my family genealogy/line holds some powerful secrets, potential royal blue blood line from Europe and possibly Israel.  I have already found some connections to this.  Family crests, my middle name–which may go back to the Royal Edwards in England. Why do I mention this.  Because it is important to know and recognize the past in order to move into the future. In any event, I was the last member of my family to totally come into the possession of some of the most powerful and greatest secrets on the planet earth found in Neothink.
It was about 2005/2006 when Neothink came to me in full.  I absorbed the material like a sponge and continue to do so to this very day.  It is like my Shangri La, my hope in a dark place, my yearning for deeper knowledge, my oasis.  The powerful letters told me how I could be wealthy beyond compare, attract beautiful women, become powerful, famous, run with the upper class of the Neothink Society.  The letters indicated that I had power talents, abilities and that I would bring eternal secrets to the society that may have not yet been explored, that I also have double sine waves from Dr. Ian Scott.  The Letters are truly what keep me going to this day, because they talked so much about where I am and where I am going and where I will be.
The society gave me hope, confidence, inner strength like never before, power like never before, the ability to read minds and maybe influence them, attract women like crazy((which actually happened)), make me a genius, smarter than ever before(I studied, and passed 4 appraisal classes which were tough)).  In fact, even while married I did attract a beautiful woman and women.  One in particular I fell in love with, because of the deep connection-spiritually, physically(sexually), and mentally.  I have had deep profound moments of visionary dreams happening right in front of my eyes.  As Mr. Hamilton has stated it is like a vision is forming in front of you and snapping things together.  I have had deep moments of Neothink.  I have been able to foretell future events in my life with an uncanny ability.

I refused to put up with external/negative thinking and circumstances.  For the first time in over 15 years I did not feel stifled, snuffed out and actually felt exhilarated and freed from all of the crap going on in the world–stupid corporate America-stupid jobs–controlling, manipulative, domineering, demanding, abusive people.  You get the idea.  And I hate to say this, but my wife was one of these people.  You see we had been married for 16 years with 2 boys.  Two boys which I love dearly and will pass the society information to when they are ready. However, my wife did not exhilarate me any more, there was no spark, no love, no effort made in the intimacy department–only frigidity, abusive, controlling, toxic, demanding.  Sex maybe once in a great while every 3 months, to 6 months to longer.  It got extremely frustrated.  Plus I was Mr. Mom and working long grave yard hours when Neothink came to me.  This had been going for some time.  Well, I got tired of it and as you say in Vision 7–of Heirloom II –love died along with a lot of other things.

So here is all the bad stuff.  I had an affair, because the Neothink Info and power is extremely powerful and it does change you and make you into a internally strong genius creating powerful man which women love.  I lost my wife(got divorced), lost my kids to sole custody, lost/sold my home.  I also lost the job I had been for over 3 1/2 years.  As you said in your letters, I had a lousy job, lousy love life, lousy car–which I still have.  I went from 1400 square feet to probably 400 square feet which is where I am now–renting 1 bedroom apartment-lousy.

So again to recap–powerful calling, talents, abilities due to self awareness and power through Neothink.  Lost Wife, kids, house, money and now I am losing my job with a county government(which may work itself to be a good thing) but we will see((I am still in the middle of dealing with)).  The society also saw powerful writing ability in me, (maybe noble stuff).  I did publish one thing a while ago, but yet to start on any new writing projects–but moving towards my downstream focus-essence.  Trying to find this desperately.  So life stinks.  Love life died, no money, no job and the economy right now is in the crapper.  I am just being honest here.  Now I have to search again for another stupid job.

So, but, the beautiful thing is that Neo think will save me and has already done so.  I know that my boys((Boo’s Great Adventure)) will inherit the Hoffman Dynasty.  I know that all that the society has told me about myself will come to pass.  I know that I have double sine waves, my name means something, belong to royalty and will bring that Royalty on through to creativity building and values through Neothink, that the powerful Hoffman Dynasty will be built by me and help from the society and its members. That I will help millions achieve their downstream focus and help them to reach the exhilaration found in the Twelve Visions World.  That I will bring all of the secrets I now know and more to the society.  I know that I will live the life of luxury, cars, cash, suits, houses, women or one good loving, gentle woman that believes in me(gifts, talents, my history and the values I will bring to this life and world), the good life will happen.  I am still moving in that direction and waiting with more action on my part.

I will utilize my genius and creative ability to bring powerful secrets, medically, possibly scientifically and most certainly spiritually.  After line of King David.  See I don’t regret the past or look at the Bible as immoral necessarily–but I do believe that religion(external circumstantial blocked and mystic thinking is what puts most Christians in a box unable to think outside that box)) I could go more into that, but will stop at that point.   However, I believe the society has only made my faith, abilities and power even greater.   I will help to bring the eternal secrets and know where to look.  I do not forget about my line through King David, King Solomon and all the immortals prior to them and after them even now.

So where does this leave me today……I don’t know really.  I continue to study like never before the secrets of the universe in all areas, study Neothink  as never before and hope like the great Neothink Celebrity man, that I get the woman, the house, the freedom, the luxury, the wealth, the downstream focus, the ability to create wealth and keep it and help countless millions achieve their dreams as well.  Along with achieving the 1 big secret stated in Miss Annabelle’s Secrets (The Third Heirloom Package).   I also want to buy the CD’s/Tapes from the last letter.  I am serious about the Neothink Society and am looking to move into the Society that runs parallel to the masses now that I am single and have the opportunity to create great values.  I hope this gives you help, hope, inspiration Mr. Hamilton.  It is because of you and your great Members before you, alongside of you and now the great level 12 apprentices that we will move the world whether they are ready or not into the Twelve Visions World.  My life has gone through entire turmoil.  So I know it will only get better, thanks to the society. I just hope that I get everything back to me seven fold.  I can hope and dream always because of you and this great membership to the Great Society that is older than dirt.

Yahoo, that is my dream and my hope.  I hope and believe that I will arrive and get there with all of your help.  Thank you for all that you and the society have done up to this point and can not wait to meet all of you soon.


WEH (Mr. Hoffman)

Mark Hamilton thank you for being my mentor

Dear M Mark Hamilton,
I would like to thank you for welcome me to be a Neothink society member and providing your Neothink books to me its a privilege for me in my personal growth, I know from the statement in the Neothink book, that it very powerful statement that encourage the good people of this planet, however few years ago you brought me into the Neothink society and reading your books has improve my growth, I really appreciate your work so would everyone, if only money is not confusing their minds, money will be made later, but growth come before, MR Mark Hamilton may your name be praise and not be blacken by the Evil mindset of our planet, You have show me many truthful knowledge in your Neothink books.
The NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND TVP should go on for all the good people of this planet and beyond to develop. MR Mark Hamilton fortified your, our protections.
Without the Neothink society mankind won’t be free. Excellent work for all on planet earth. MR Mark Hamilton thanks you for being my mentor.

What the Neothink Society Has Done for Me

My name is Rick and I am going to tell you the honest reality of what the Neothink Society has done for me.
The Neothink Society has transformed my life from a living hell to being a truly happy person. The knowledge I have gained from being a member of this fully integrated organization has transformed my life for the better in more ways than one. The people in this loving environment have taught me to be a self leader as opposed to a follower. A self leader takes full responsibility for his or her life. A follower follows others and most often blames other circumstances, or others, for his or her unhappiness. I was once a follower and had an excuse for everything. If this sounds familiar to you, you may be experiencing the same problem. I learned who I was following didn’t give a crap about what I really needed or wanted for that matter. Every person on planet Earth has the RIGHT to this knowledge. I searched in vain for a long time before my search ended with the Neothink Society. I have met the most honest people on this planet within this organization and I would encourage anyone who would like to experience a true feeling of Family, to become a member in the Neothink Society. It may help you to evolve into a different person, The person you were meant to be. Happy,Prosperous,Healthy and in control of your own life.
The Twelve Visions Party is the New party in the political arena. The new party will make ALL of the people rich including the poor. I have made my decision to help real CHANGE for the people,not the wealthy politicians. I love the Neothink Society and really don’t know what I would do without it.
Thank You,

Mark Hamilton, the founder of Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party is a true visionary…

To All Voters and Fellow Americans:
After attending the big event in Chicago where I saw the Twelve Visions Party Emerge as the only logical choice for many dis-enfranchised voters from the left and right. I now know that this is the only choice to get us as a country back on the right track to actually change direction. If we continue the same direction the “conservative” and “liberal” leaders have steered us in from the past, we may never be able to recover before it is too late. Imagine a political party that can be run as a business and in a results oriented direction, as opposed to the insanity that most political leaders have kept us in. The TVP and Neothink Society are the only hope our country, and for that matter, the Planet Earth really have. When rational minds look at where we are and how we got here, they only need to look at the current self-serving politicians to see how a corrupt system is actually being kept in place by these parasitical elite greedy bastards that only care about their greedy self-serving needs. Enough is enough, and I say we all get behind this powerful movement and take back our country from the very people that we elected from broken promises and usless rhetoric that only served to get them elected or re-elected.
Mark Hamilton, the founder of Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party is a true visionary that has a complete answer to change this insane world and has a plan to put this all into action. I feel strongly that by putting my support behind the TVP and Mark Hamilton, I can and will make a positive change in this country that can help change most everything else that is currently wrong with our society and country. The Twelve Visions Party also has a platform and direction that makes more sense than anything I’ve ever read. Since most everything political before has only gotten us deeper in debt and made a mess of everything else, don’t you think it is time for a big positive change? Well I do and I’m throwing my full support for the only thing I feel has a chance to make things the way they should be, and that is supporting the Twelve Visions Party and only electing officials from this wonderful party that will make the needed changes in our government for all the right reasons.
MG, Irvine, CA

March 2025