Posts Tagged ‘picture puzzle’

I simply could not stop reading the material…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
In 2006 or so , when I received a letter inviting me to be a part of the Neothink Society, having a daughter in High school and being divorced I was pulled in to discover what this was all about. Fortunately I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together.
Being a slow reader, and disorganized, it took some time to discovering the value of Marks literature. I simply could not stop reading the material, did more reading in these last years then I did my whole entire life, I’m am now 70 years old I feel better than I did in my 50’s and am the happiest that I have ever been.
I thank you and will be forever grateful. I am looking forward to integrating in activities and telling everyone who will listen to see for themselves the value, and how things can change for everyone in a better world.
Horst Stresing

Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever…

Dear Mark,
I received your first heirloom book on Neothink in September 2008. It was as if a strong gravitational pull entered my life. It was difficult to put the book down. While there was so much new material, there was also so much validation of what I had been feeling for a long time. Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever come into my life. No sooner than I could move through Volume 1, Volume 2 arrived. It was as if I was returning to graduate school. I was amazed at the amount of detail provided on the importance of integration and pro-active management. The essence of success was defined clearly and reinforced through volumes of anecdotal, real world experiences. Then, with the arrival of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, it all began to come together. Neothink is an incredibly powerful life lesson; it is an inspiring set of solutions to the picture puzzle of our lives and how to live them to the fullest.
I wish you every success in leading Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party. Your leadership has inspired many of us who seek to find the essence of life. As America faces its most challenging times since its founding, I am excited to see the Twelve Visions Party enter the political arena. Its potential contribution to our democracy could be extraordinary.
With all the power of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I am most grateful.
William W. “Bill” Ditz

To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me


Neothink has been a great blessing in my life . For years I couldn’t understand certain things in this world and how some made it and others didn’t . As I started with Neothink my life started to take on a new meaning for living . From how to snap together picture puzzles to choosing the man of my dreams . Presently I found out that I was married to a really mystical , neocheating husband that not only sadden my life , but his on children from previous marriages . Well when the picture puzzle snapped together I now knew what kind of man should be in my life .
To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me in the right place and the right time in my life when I thought there was nothing left for  me here in this earthly realm . My journey now with my Neothink family has been such a joy that I now know how to see the true essence of all things and know one is ever going to hurt , steal , lie , cheat , or guilt me into anything any more .
Thank you my mentor for your vision . I’ve been playing and recess is not over for me . Love U Much , Sylvia A

Mark Hamilton – Neothink

When the letter arrived, I initially thought of two things. First, it was from someone from an experimental psychology class I had in college 35 years later, doing a follow up on the 20 participants, to see how they turned out. After finishing reading all the pages, however, that “no”, this is different and more importantly, for the first time I realized, I was not alone.
The revelation that there were other people out there like me, quietly doing business ”Their own way”, invigorated me at a personally challenging moment in my life. Neo-Think by luck (?) had found a prospect with their mailing, who was indeed the right target.
After reading the first Heirloom Book, I was truly amazed that even the example of how to organize a Direct Mail promotion so closely followed my own experience in my chosen profession. I had even organized my own operations and analysis of productivity, virtually the same way! From 10 second miracles, mini days to mini companies, power thinking to teaching “Power Thinking” within my own business, it was like someone had followed me around all these years documenting everything I had accomplished. For all the years that people in my own industry of Direct Marketing had thought I was doing things in a very unusual way by not doing it the usual way, suddenly I was so glad Mark Hamilton picked the list to test that included my name! As tough as this business is, I still am regarded as one of the visionaries and one of the most successful companies in the South.
I started all this in the late 70s and early 80s and when I recently read all this information, I knew I was destined to teach this concept. Without knowing it, I had and am constantly implementing the Neo Think way of doing things and they work beautifully as my own Mailing facility has grown from in 1980, from 1 person (Me) to 200 plus people today(2009). As I start a new division, I always use the picture puzzle concept to envision the variables and let the 10 second miracle put the pieces together. I have practiced this method for so long, that answers come to me very quickly and results are soon measurable. My newest endeavor will also most certainly be even more successful than everything I have done up till now
I look forward to helping others now find their calling in life utilizing all the principles of Neothink.
Norm P

Mark Hamilton, would freeze


My Dearest beloved Mark,

I am so overwhelmed to be here, right now, in this present moment…”with you”. If there were moments in time that could be frozen, these cherished moments…”with you”, Mark Hamilton, would freeze. The word “Hero” isn’t worthy enough to describe you. I’m speechless…lost for words.  The countless times “you’ve swept me off my feet” with your creative mind-blowing techniques.(Snapping picture puzzle pieces of the mind together to form a completed puzzle picture) These countless secrets are obtainable only through your masterpiece literatures and not available anywhere else.  It’s always an honor and privilege when fresh new faces come to inquire about Mark Hamilton and his company Neothink Society. Friends, family, coworkers, come and check out the Neothink Society. You cannot imagine what you are missing out on!  My entire life I’ve always felt like I never fit in. I always felt out of place no matter where I went. I always felt like something was “missing”. Then The Neothink Society found me. Mark Hamilton and this wonderful Neothink Society was the “missing” puzzle from my life. Now for the first time in my entire life, I feel like I fit in. It feels like home. I feel “safe”. I’m in a “safe” Zone.  Learning more and more about Neothink with you…Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party is a dream come true for me and here is where I always be….”eternally”

I love you…”Mark”

I thank you and will be forever grateful

Dear Mark,

The year was 2007, I was 68 years old and retired from the apparel company that I founded 5 years prior. When I received a letter inviting me to be a part of the Neo Think Society, Having two children in High school and being divorced and facing child support and college expenses. Most of all just not ready to be sent off to the pasture. I was overweight by 30 Lbs. and had high blood pressure and well as high cholesterol levels, not to mention down in spirits. Fortunately I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the multigenerational manuscripts, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together.

I am now 70 years old and have lost the 30 Lbs, off of all medication, including acid reflex pills. I feel better than I did in my 40’s and am riding my bike 30 miles twice a week and am the happiest that I have ever been. I have been offered a position of senior management in China and will be leaving as soon as the work visa comes through. The power thinking has opened up so may doors, and has expanded my life to extraordinarily new levels.

I thank you and will be forever grateful. I am looking forward to bringing my family and friends into the fold and working in China to expose as many friends and folks to the Neo Think way of life.

Myself and my family sincerely thank you,

Raymond C
Marietta, GA

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society

Dear Mark,

Thank you so very much for inviting me to the Neothink Society, it has changed my life in so many ways. I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together. I have never been so motivated to want to know and learn more. I felt exhilaration for the first time in my life, finding true meaning and hope for the future for myself, my family and the world! I always knew deep down there was more to this life.

The heirlooms have been life changing and the journey so far has been an exciting experience. I have been looking for something for many years and know I have finally found what I have been looking for. I am introducing the Neothink Society information to my children as their willingness to learn increases I look forward to passing Neothink Society heirlooms on for our future generations.

Before being introduced to this way of life I was very unhappy, my job had become stressful and unfulfilling, I felt I had no real purpose in life, the country seem to be on a downward spiral and no place to turn for true meaning and  purpose in this life.

 Now with the Neothink Society I have been able to use the tools from the heirlooms to think my way into a better way of life for myself and my family.

Please don’t stop providing this information it is the truth and the light that will change all our lives for the better. Thank you from the depths of my soul.

Pamela E

Mebane, NC

Neothink will definitely bring peace and prosperity to USA and to the rest of the world

Dear Mark Hamilton 

I am truly fortunate to have acquired the Neothink knowledge. Neothink will definitely bring peace and prosperity to USA and to the rest of the world.  Neothink continues to benefit my life in every way.

The knowledge I have learnt by reading the Heirloom materials has made me aware of the dishonesty practices in the government and their control of the news media. I will use my own mind. People should check out the Twelve Visions Party for the chance at a new life.

Fortunately I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms. I read and was motivated to purchase other publications. Miss Annabelle’s Secrets put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together.

Keep up the excellent work! The more people that are exposed to this the more they will see the direction this is going and that it is the right direction.

Thank you for the positive trend you and your Neothink Society have put into my life.

Lisa C, CA

March 2025