Posts Tagged ‘philosophies’

He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does

He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does.
I have gained so much knowledge from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink philosophies.
It has shown me that honest people do exist. I think Mark is an asset to our Country.
He has shown me things that have inspired me to be a much better person and I have fed these fantastic idea’s into my family. I feel I received more value than I paid for.
It would surely be a big huge mistake to end his teachings and the Neothink population.
We need free thinkers in our life.
He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does.
Marie S
Edgefields SC

Mark Hamilton


     I simply want to gather with all of the rest of your supporters and offer any assistance that you require. I am SO new to this group that I feel that my help is inconsequential, but I will do as you ask to show my support and appreciation of your hard work and leadership.
     I have only had the material for a few months. I have to admit my reading and consumption of the material has been below my own expectations. I expected to be done reading all of the material by now, and I haven’t gotten done with the 1st of the 3 books. I hate to even admit that, but my testimony would not be REAL if I didn’t tell the complete truth.
     I know that if and when I complete my reading and implementation of the principles and philosophies in the Neo-think material that my goals will be attained. I know this because of what has happened since I received the material.
     First of all the letter that was sent me talked about being able to (1) Read peoples minds and (2) Be able to predict coming events. I admit to being skeptical about both of those things, and sought out the material for some of the other things that were being offered as benefits of the consumption of the material.
     It was soon after I aquired and started reading the material that I discovered that I knew what people were going to say before they said it. Sometimes it was almost like I knew what they were going to say before they did. I know that it sounds too incredible to be true, but during a conversation, whether I was having it or just listening to it, I could almost carry the conversation on in my mind and know how each of the people in it were going to respond. I was already at the end of the conversation and they hadn’t even gotten there yet!!!
     The other thing is the prediction of coming events. This is so very simple and simple minded it is almost not worth mentioning, but I am doing this to prove the REALITY of this thing and how no matter what you have heard it is all true and not a hoax of any kind. I am as skeptical as the next guy, but I have seen these things with my own eyes and felt them working within myself.
     First off the phone would ring, and I would know two things. (1) I would know who it was, or more interestingly, I would know that I had no idea who it was. Now I know that sounds like sheer madness since most of the time under normal circumstances, you can’t know who it is when the phone rings, but what I am saying is, that when the phone rang I would know, like I could see them standing at the front door, “Oh, it’s Paul, or it’s Frank, or it’s Julie” or I would have the sensation of that the phone was ringing and the person on the other end of the phone was someone I had never met and didn’t know at all. In those cases when I answered it, it was a telemarketer.
     Secondly, I would know that the phone was going to ring, sometimes long before it did and then when it did I would know who was on it. I’d wake up in the morning, and before I even got out of bed, my mind would start summing up the events of the day. This one was gonna call, and then this one was gonna call, and then this one was gonna stop over. The more I kept myself in the material, the more ‘IN TUNE’ I got with things like that.
     I have had to slow my reading down as of the last few weeks, and I have noticed that my abilities, even tho they haven’t left me altogether, have started to dim or fade a little.
     Those really are the only things that I have experienced so far and write this to let anyone reading know that this movement is real and your connection to it is to your advantage.

                      C -Ya


Mr. Hamilton,

I am taking the time to write the testimonial of the value I have received from the Neothink Packages and the meetings that I have observed so far that you have been conducting.  My testimonial is short but I have to say that I have received a good deal of wisdom and other qualities from the Philosophies of all these materials those main qualities being Determination and the Willpower to get yourself up and make things happen, you the individual must make things happen and push and strive with your best attempts when seeking something out.  The individual has the potential to constantly improve, gain and absorb knowledge and absorb life’s experiences into the mind and all these things improve that individual. 

In my case I pushed myself to buy this computer so that I can view these meetings,  I never had a computer or much of any knowledge as to how to operate one but since I purchased this computer this year I have learned tremendously about using it, the internet, emails, etc.  I have learned other things also such as electronics  and heating and air conditioning concepts. And these are things that I always wanted to learn thanks to the correspondence courses. These computers and the internet is truly amazing. 

So I would have to say that those qualities for me would be my testimonial – Determination, Willpower, Strive, Steadfastness, Improve the mind with constantly absorbing knowledge – those have been my testimonial.

February 2025