Posts Tagged ‘personal life’

Then, I got the first book, Inside Secrets, from Mark Hamilton.

My name is Marshall B., but my friends call me Randy.   I am a member of Neothink in Virginia and have been a Neothinker for about three years, since I read my first book by Mark Hamilton.  Let me back up and tell you my Neothink story.
During the first working years of my life, I held many jobs, served in the military, washed dishes, drove trucks, but finally decided that my passion was cars and I wanted to work on cars, no matter what.  So I took a job in a small garage in my country town in Virginia.  I loved the work but as my family grew to six of us, with four kids.  I had to work two shifts and sometimes weekends to make enough money to support my family.  
Then at age 38 I had a stroke.   I had no insurance and it was rough for me and my family for months.  Fortunately I made a complete recovery from the stroke, but I was bankrupt and worth less than zero. For one long year, I had to take a less mentally challenging  and very repetitive job, just alignments all day long, every day for a year while I was recovering and not able to focus enough to do the diagnostic work that I had been doing and loved to do.  
Then, I got the first book, Inside Secrets, from Mark Hamilton.  I read about project curiosity, power thinking and mini-days and getting 100 % control of my life with Discipline, Thought and Control or DTC.  It worked for me.  I put these ideas, techniques into my work life and into my personal life.  As my strength returned physically, my enthusiasm for my job increased many fold because I could see how I could work less and make more money by using my brain more.  
To make a long story short, just from reading this literature by Mark Hamilton, within a year from my stroke I was back at work and had doubled my income. Within two years I had bought our first new home.  The banks and advisers told me nobody could go through a stroke and bankruptcy, and get the mortgage money to buy a home in two years, but I did.  Mark Hamilton’s books gave me the tools to do this.  All the information is there for you in Inside Secrets by Mark Hamilton.  Anyone can read this book and do what I did.
About a year ago, I changed employers. Now I work for a large auto dealership.  I have been taking the classes and training courses to get certifications.  In this short time I have become the second most certified technician in the dealership and when the next door opens, I will be standing there ready to walk through it.   Most Sunday afternoons, I spend attending clubhouses of Neothinkers in Virginia, speaking about the literature and teaching others what I have learned.  This is my way of giving back and helping others.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for your guidance, information and support.  You have changed my life.  In fact, you have saved my life.Randy.


Dear Mentor Mark Hamilton


Dear Mentor Mark Hamilton,
I take the opportunity of this season to express my heartfelt appreciation to you in particular and the Neothink Society especially. You said it a year ago that this year is going to be the best year I have ever had, and that is exactly how this year 2009 has been. In fact, I find it limiting to address you with just the title above because you are more than a mentor to me especially and other Neothink family as a whole. Even though I have not seen you physically yet, meeting you virtually at our level meetings put a lot of smiles on my face each time, that at times cause a fear in me with the thought of the impossible happening to you as other past great teachers.
Mentor, you are a special gift to humanity as you know yourself and I can feel greater values coming from you and the Neothink Society to me in person and the world as a whole. You and the Neothink Society are what the world really needs at this time and it is good you have come out with the Twelve Vision Party that will really set everyone free from the dishonesties and illusions that we all battle with, starting from America then to the world.
By your help I can now understand a whole lot of things around me even thought I still have a long way to fully evolve into who I believe I am meant to be.
Even as I can say I have not make much money this year 2009, I believe consistently using the tools in the literatures by working with downstream focus will make me realized the benefits. This I believe is a puzzle in my personal life that will enable me to free my mind with no financial burdens as I evolve into great value creations and help others in the same direction.
It has been an exiting journey since I first received your invite into the society. I can truly say that yes! I feel really free and exited as I can see the direction of my life now.
In fact, I know it can only get better with you, Neothink Society and the new Twelve Vision political party as our passion is widely heard in the world for freedom of humanity.
Much love


Hello Mark Hamilton


Hello Mark

I want to thank you for the amazing twelve visions party literature. I have read the books on the twelve visions and it makes perfect sense. I have increased the value in my personal life and I am looking forward to changing other people’s lives for the better. I really believe in the value driven society and rewarding people for values they produce and for innovative thinking. This is the way life should be lived instead of being a slave to a job.

Sincerely    Pat M

A True Hero


Mark Hamilton has changed my life, for the better that is! He is a Hero among man. After reading the writings of Mark Hamilton and his amazing visions for our future, my life began to change. Immediately I became stronger and more self-assured. My mind opened up to creating more, not only in my personal life, but in my business. I built my own company and learned how to take it to market. I have developed amazing new friends and business contacts. I am active in The Twelve Visions Party and because of that, have opened my eyes to the world around me. Becoming a part of the solution is now very important to me. Mark Hamilton is my hero and soon to be the world’s hero!

Mr. Mark Hamilton


Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,

It is with great pleasure that I write this late into the morning.  I must apologize for my delay in getting my Testimonial to you but as you stated in the first Heirloom introduction, ” My life was about to change forever”.  It started about January 2008 for me, my mind will truly never be the same.  My personal life was already changing and I new I was going to go through a Divorce but many internal struggles still tore at my insides until the 1st. Heirloom pointed to my struggles grounded in Mysticism and broke me free.  I further had a bout with my health that kept me pre-occupied even when I listened through the 12 level meetings.  I was fighting some Arteriosclerosis that I have managed to control naturally without the need for Statin Drugs and am back to running my 3 to 5 miles a day.  I’m also your down line with G.I.N. and was thinking you were going to be one of the Guest in Cancun.  In any case I was wanting to do a Visual Audio of this testimonial but I’m not sure how to do that.  I’m computer literate but still not sure how to do some things.  I hope to be your mentor here in Florida once I get myself on my own again and this Divorce behind me.  I hope to visit a club house near by and see how they are working their Club House.  Thank You, Alfred R. S

Paola A


I personally don’t Know Mark Hamilton, however, I have read extensively most of his literature, and I have only read wisdom and a deep understanding of humanity in his writings.  He is a visionary whose primary focus is the well being of humanity.  I wish there were more Mark Hamiltons in the world maybe then planet earth would be a much more peaceful place. I have also learn through Mark Hamilton’s writings that it takes personal responsibility to make the necessary changes in my own personal life which then can be reflected in the world.  Sometimes it is easier to find a scapegoat than to face reality.  And for those of you who are easily persuaded by the media slogans I will ask you to fist go the source and then make a fair judgment.
Paola A

Thank you Mark

I want to thank Mark Hamilton for offering an honest view of the world. The TVP world view would certainly bring freedom back to the people. Turn on any television channel or radio station and you will be bombarded by political dishonesty. IMHO I prefer the government stay out of my personal life and defend my country!! Thanks again Mark.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

To All, Greetings,

My name is Thomas Shute, and I am very happy to be a part of the NeoThink Society. Mark Hamilton, and The Neothink literature has been like an owners manual to the brain, and mine. Here is what I mean. When you buy a fancy new car,Let’s say a sports car with all the bells, and whistles, the first thing you do is hop in and take off. You drive that car for years, and years to come. And one day, you decide to look in the glove compartment, to get that big 400 page manual you have been thinking about reading. You didn’t feel you  need to read a manual, because you know how to make the car turn left, and right, You know how to put the key in and start the engine, hit the accelerator and go as fast, or as slow you want. But wait! In the manual, you fine the car you’ve been driving for years, have features you never knew about. And now  the car  you’ve driven for years, is now a hold new experience, and much more fun to drive. Mark Hamilton, and The Neothink literature, have helped me to understand the power within me, and how I’m connected to the universe, and all that is in it.

In just reading the literature itself, have made a profound change in my professional life, as well as my personal life. You see, I’m an Occupational Therapist, for 35 years, And I thought I was a pretty good therapist. when I started reading the literature,I noticed my skills improving. I’m more creative in my treatment plans. No one else in my department do what I do. I say this not to boast, but with great humility, and  gratefulness. 99.9 percent of my patients under my rehab treatment are showing great  improvement, noted by my co-workers, and more important, their families. Patients go home, happy, and rehabilitated, living a better quality of life. I feel good about that. Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark, and all who may read this, know that this is only the beginning. There is much more I could tell you about. But this one more thing I will say. I am so glad I took the letters  Mark Hamilton sent me seriously. the  literature is both eye, and mind opening.

The Twelve Visions Party is the only party that…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been a member of Neothink for about two years. Since I have joined Neothink my personal life at home has been taking an upward swing in a positive direction. Through my associations with other people that I have met by being a member, my personal and financial situation outside the home are on an upward direction as well. The literature I have been exposed to has been life changing and the journey so far has been an exciting experience. I have been looking for something for many years  and feel I have finally found what I have been looking for. Some people on the outside may not see these things right away. If they were to just open up a little bit they would see what can be obtained from being a part of this.

The Twelve Visions Party is the only party that is really trying to put something in place that will cause this country to get back to what our founding fathers wanted. Other parties claim they want to do that but none of them will put anything into writing to state how they will go about it. That to me is the first step for a party that is serious about making such changes. The way politics has been run is to tell the people what they want to hear then do what ever you want once elected. With something put in writing a party would have to adhere to what they say, or have a very good reason to change, and then make a strong case for that change.

Keep up the excellent work. The more people that are exposed to this the more they will see the direction this is going and that it is the right direction.

Thank you for the positive trend you and your Neothink Society, and the associations there from, have put into my life.

Kevin T
Neothink Member

Mark Hamilton and Neothink is changing my life continuously

To the Humans of the World,
Mark Hamilton and Neothink is changing my life continuously.  I am feeling better mentally and physically every moment, and better every day.  My personal life and relationships are improving.  I am in the beginning stages of starting my own business, with the help of the Society.  I can’t wait for what is to come and I am very excited about encountering every moment.  I believe anyone will find the same results as I have by acquiring Neothink information, and ingesting the content.  I encourage anyone to make a small investment to find out more about where Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party are going to take you.  I know where we are going, and I can’t wait.
A huge thank you to Mark Hamilton and all the members of The Neothink Society!
Michael F

January 2025