Posts Tagged ‘personal journey’

I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society. When I received your invitation I was already on a personal journey and mission of fulfilling my true essence. My best friend and I had broken away from society and left our homes and jobs because we knew there was a better way to live life. We left a life of lies, negative relationships and lost hopes and desires. We had basically had enough of the lies and financial draining from those that we thought were our loved ones for whom we had lived our whole lives with including some family members and relationships. My friend and I had come from different families but our situation was the same and upon joining forces gave us the strength and wherewithal to break away.
I had always been a lost soul looking for my way but it slowly occurred to me that I was always living my life for the benefit of others who took advantage of my ignorance. This realization occurred only after I had left because I was so much blinded by the false life that I was in that I could not see clearly. Upon reading the multigenerational manuscripts my mind started to clear of all the false data that I was operating under. At times all of a sudden thoughts and ideas would became so crystal clear and it made me feel happy and more secure in my understanding of life. It’s takes a little while for your mind to process the information and clean out the false data but it is an on going process and each time you understand life a little more and your awareness comes up as well. Happiness fills your soul because you’re finally breaking free to be who you were meant to be.
I feel like my life has been blessed for having an association with the Neothink Society. At last I am with an honest group of people who want so badly to live life to its fullest. We are very much so fortunate to have the guidance of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. A new world is right in front of us. Let’s all just grab a hold of it and don’t look back. The TVP is beyond reform. It is the beginning of the Twelve Visions World. Let’s all be proud to be the first humans on earth to shatter the past and break free from all of the political lies and blast our selves into this new and exciting era for the rest of mankind.
Best Regards, William L.

By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world…


First, I would like to thank F.R.W. , Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, (The 12),and the Neothink Society, for building the bridge for all humanity.  This bridge is for all mankind to crossover, to where all of humanity should be, and eventually will be, in the future. This being a psychological bridge, that offers again all of mankind a new way of thinking.

My personal journey started in 2002, with the first letter I received in the mail, like everyone else in the Society I was searching.  Searching for the person I was meant to be, what I gained from the letters, and the multigenerational books led to and is leading to knowledge, that is truly mind blowing.

The most profound aspect I gained from this knowledge was the hoax of the god concept, ( I already had doubts) with that false concept behind me, I started the journey of a lifetime. Gaining control, and becoming the authority in my own life; opened a new world for me, automatically making me, become a better person, and putting me on the path of becoming the
person I was meant to be. This gained knowledge led to my FNE, highlighted the neocheaters, how they operated, and who they are. The things I learned was and is very valuable, with the aid of the multigenerational books, I learned there steps a person can take to assist him or her in every aspect of their life.

When those steps are put into practice, the results are a much better life with focus and purpose for instance in your personal life, your diet, your relationships, personal and social, your job, and work, with the steps and methods your job becomes not only less boring or not boring at all but much more profitable. We know there are myriads of other steps and methods.

By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world, not only from the outside, but first and foremost from the inside, best of all we create our own road map to take us any where we want to go in that new world. That new world is what all of mankind needs, but is not ready for yet, but eventually they will be there. All love to the Society.

Roy Metcalf

With sincere appreciation and warmest thanks to you Mark Hamilton.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I am deeply honored to have you as my mentor. Also, I am very impressed with all that I have read in my multigenerational books and your other works. These materials have been impeccably and thoroughly researched. You are all such brilliant writers and your works have touched me on a deep level.

It is a miracle that I found Neothink. Thanks to Kevin Trudeau. Throughout the years I have read some of his works and listened to some of his tapes from Nightingale Conant. He is another very brilliant person and I am blessed to have both of you in my life.

I have been on a very exciting and rewarding personal journey of health, wealth, love, and peace sense knowing you. In looking back on my life I have gravitated to the arts and have enjoyed reading child rearing and self-help books. I am one of those psychologist without a degree.

Of the many arts and crafts that I have done, elementary teaching, opaque water coloring and film acting are the three areas that have totally absorbed me. Time stands still for me when I am being creative in the arts.

Thanks for all your generous help, love, and deep concern for all of us out here in the anticivilization. I appreciate how you are reaching out and trying to save us from the death trap that has been set for humanity.

The Pharaoh of Egypt, Akhenaten, was a very conscious man and tried to liberate humanity from the government-military-religious traditions that had a chock-hold over the minds of the masses. I can see history repeating it’s self from the ancient times to now-a-day modern times. The impact of all these concepts that you and others are teaching at this time is totally mind boggling.

What is happening in society has a far reaching effect out into the cosmos not just here on planet earth. It is much bigger than most of us comprehend. Mark, what an honorarium responsibility that you have undertaken. I have a lot of respect and admiration for you and your group. May we have much success in all our future endeavors for the fight of freedom. Let FREEDOM reign.

With sincere appreciation and warmest thanks to you Mark Hamilton.


Salt Lake City

Destination Truth

To all who read, I ask you to ponder how your lives are now? Do you feel truely free? or do you feel we are slowly watching our GOD GIVEN liberties being crucified for the profit of the few? Do you feel that you are oppressed by the powers at be? How many of you want a more fufilled life? Are you sick and tired of being a slave to your job, your government or circumstance? Are you seeking? Well, about four months ago in September of 2009 I prayed for answers because I felt as though I was living in bondage. I was living, but felt dead inside. I knew I was meant to do more, accomplish more and be more. I was searching for my true “essence” in life. Are you? If so, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the TVP-”twelve visions party” have a message you need to hear. Four months ago I was miserable, I worried constantly, I was angry and frustrated, and I was always the victim. I hated everything. My life was out of control, but if you saw me today you wouldn’t think I was the same person described above. Mark Hamilton, the Neothink society, and TVP-”twelve visions party” have shown me how life is meant to be lived. I have begun to live differently, to live with “Fully Integrated Honesty”. Mark Hamilton writes about this in his manuscripts. I have had my eyes opened, so to speak. I now accept responsibility for my actions and live up to standards I set for myself and no one else. I now have goals and a direction in my life, which I can definitively say are a direct result of my studies of Mark Hamilton’s many works. I don’t know what I can say to you to show you what Mark Hamilton, The Neo-think society and TVP have done for me, as it is a personal journey with deep mental and emotional euphoric roots. What I can tell you, “the reader”, of this my testimonial, is that you are an exceptional person for seeking the “truth” or what we in the Neothink society call “Fully Integrated Honesty.” Maybe you should give it a try. I leave you with best wishes and many future blessings, James William Munn

March 2025