Posts Tagged ‘personal growth’

Over the course of several years I have purchased published material from Mr. Hamilton …

Over the course of several years I have purchased published material from Mr. Hamilton all of them being very positive in nature.

The books are written with care and packed with thousands of pages of detailed personal growth ideas.

As with any personal best program your looking for just one idea or concept you can use and the Neothink series offers multiple concepts I have used myself.

Any one looking for a quick fix without reading the material or willing to try out ideas to better themselves should not bother with Neothink ideas.


Mr. Jared W. J

Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
All my life, I struggled to gain self esteem, facing up against irrational, dishonest and destructive people, and many of whom are in positions of power like politicians and the media.
I have attained such immense personal growth through studying Neothink literature, and I have such new enthusiasm for life. Neothink literature lifted my life. I was a sad soul before in a cold world. My gratitude is profound. Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world for what he has done and for what he is doing now. Any negative comments directed toward him, the Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party are unfounded. Any dishonest illusion painted by the media is designed to cheat everyone out of a bright future. A golden age awaits, everyone should embrace and support the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and stand and applaud Mark Hamilton.
I will not sit around and do nothing if I can help change the world for the better and help usher in a Twelve Visions World. Too long have the people been denied the potential of their lives, dragging their feet as they walk, they eventually accept and rationalize the failure of their lives. The sad and cruel hoax that drags everyone down must end.
The Twelve Visions Party will lift the world like the Neothink literature has lifted my life and for countless others. It will lift civilization into a brighter future. I feel so much about the world I live in now is unnatural, and that so many people are blinded and hide from any new ideas and new possibilities. They are too quick to judge without thinking and just accept the lies and the illusions spun to them. The Twelve Visions Party is the best and only way forward to a rational and peaceful future. It is the way the world should be. We need to leave the irrational, insane, and broken system behind in the past and begin again by creating a new world and we are all needed to take part and to take responsibility, to dump our laziness, and unite our hearts and minds. Imagine one day, a world without war. We owe it to the children.
Now, I inspire people I meet with my insights and wisdom. I keep my energy from draining away around negative and destructive people and influences. I have increasing creative development. A unique perspective grows in my mind, a creative vision growing and continuously innovating. Everyday my mind grows more rational and potent, so I am sure to succeed in mastering my life and dreams.
In the Neothink Society, I have met and talked to kind, good natured and very motivated people and it is inspiring and exciting for the future. With Neothink, I am a changed forever person and in such a positive and dynamic way. New energy is found to overcome challenges. I find a deepening of emotions never before felt. My depth of character is deepening. Everyday the puzzle pieces of my life fall more into place. I am a better person today, with great growing purpose and yet I have only just begun.
With great respect, admiration, and gratitude.
David M

Mark Hamilton thank you for being my mentor

Dear M Mark Hamilton,
I would like to thank you for welcome me to be a Neothink society member and providing your Neothink books to me its a privilege for me in my personal growth, I know from the statement in the Neothink book, that it very powerful statement that encourage the good people of this planet, however few years ago you brought me into the Neothink society and reading your books has improve my growth, I really appreciate your work so would everyone, if only money is not confusing their minds, money will be made later, but growth come before, MR Mark Hamilton may your name be praise and not be blacken by the Evil mindset of our planet, You have show me many truthful knowledge in your Neothink books.
The NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND TVP should go on for all the good people of this planet and beyond to develop. MR Mark Hamilton fortified your, our protections.
Without the Neothink society mankind won’t be free. Excellent work for all on planet earth. MR Mark Hamilton thanks you for being my mentor.

Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
All my life, I struggled to gain self esteem, facing up against irrational, dishonest and destructive people, and many of whom are in positions of power like politicians and the media.
I have attained such immense personal growth through studying Neothink literature, and I have such new enthusiasm for life. Neothink literature lifted my life. I was a sad soul before in a cold world. My gratitude is profound. Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world for what he has done and for what he is doing now. Any negative comments directed toward him, the Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party are unfounded. Any dishonest illusion painted by the media is designed to cheat everyone out of a bright future. A golden age awaits, everyone should embrace and support the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and stand and applaud Mark Hamilton.
I will not sit around and do nothing if I can help change the world for the better and help usher in a Twelve Visions World. Too long have the people been denied the potential of their lives, dragging their feet as they walk, they eventually accept and rationalize the failure of their lives. The sad and cruel hoax that drags everyone down must end.
The Twelve Visions Party will lift the world like the Neothink literature has lifted my life and for countless others. It will lift civilization into a brighter future. I feel so much about the world I live in now is unnatural, and that so many people are blinded and hide from any new ideas and new possibilities. They are too quick to judge without thinking and just accept the lies and the illusions spun to them. The Twelve Visions Party is the best and only way forward to a rational and peaceful future. It is the way the world should be. We need to leave the irrational, insane, and broken system behind in the past and begin again by creating a new world and we are all needed to take part and to take responsibility, to dump our laziness, and unite our hearts and minds. Imagine one day, a world without war. We owe it to the children.
Now, I inspire people I meet with my insights and wisdom. I keep my energy from draining away around negative and destructive people and influences. I have increasing creative development. A unique perspective grows in my mind, a creative vision growing and continuously innovating. Everyday my mind grows more rational and potent, so I am sure to succeed in mastering my life and dreams.
In the Neothink Society, I have met and talked to kind, good natured and very motivated people and it is inspiring and exciting for the future. With Neothink, I am a changed forever person and in such a positive and dynamic way. New energy is found to overcome challenges. I find a deepening of emotions never before felt. My depth of character is deepening. Everyday the puzzle pieces of my life fall more into place. I am a better person today, with great growing purpose and yet I have only just begun.
With great respect, admiration, and gratitude.
David M

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

After having received a copy of the literature from the Neothink® Society, I was amazed at what I read from it. Then I thought to myself, “Why didn’t I get this book sooner? And why was it only now being offered to me?” At first I was very upset because I felt that I needed to know and to have the information from the Heirloom to help me through the difficult times that I was facing with the economy taking such a downturn. But after having read through the material a few times and after having experienced personal growth, I realized that the reason why I did not have access to this information before was because I simply was not ready for it.
How true it is that even in today’s tumbling economy and the availability of this information, many people are still not aware that it exists. The information in these multigenerational manuscripts is invaluable. This information changed my life for the better. It made me aware of the fact that I had the ability to become a self leader and be in a position to help others. With the present state of the economy, I would advise anyone to acquire this information and obtain the results you want to attain in your life today.
Jacqueline B

We fully support Mark Hamilton…

Hello Mr. Hamilton,
Ever since we can remember we have always had a problem fitting in. We left very early as teenagers to build a life together, she was only 14 and I just a few years older.  We have fought against being put in the box syndrome, either religion, the government system, the establishments, the parents, the employers etc… to name a few …
Neothink brought us such immense personal growth and supreme enthusiasm for life and we truly believe that Neothink has truly lifted us to an incredible experience of life and success.
We wish for everybody to find their FNE, their true calling in life as most people live in a wait and see experience/mode, they have a waiting attitude all their lives  just to be promised a non – existing afterlife, in the end .
Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party  makes you become all that you’re supposed to be including, Happiness and Freedom.
We fully support Mark Hamilton in what he is doing as well as Neothink and The Twelve Vision Party  to make this place a better World.  There is absolutely only good things happening with his approach.
Can’t wait to have the honor to meet you some day! .
With great respect, admiration, gratitude and Love,
Jacques & Linda

We fully support Mark Hamilton


Hello Mr. Hamilton,
Ever since we can remember we have always had a problem fitting in. We left very early as teenagers to build a life together, she was only 14 and I just a few years older.  We have fought against being put in the box syndrome, either religion, the government system, the establishments, the parents, the employers etc… to name a few …
Neothink brought us such immense personal growth and supreme enthusiasm for life and we truly believe that Neothink has truly lifted us to an incredible experience of life and success.
We wish for everybody to find their FNE, their true calling in life as most people live in a wait and see experience/mode, they have a waiting attitude all their lives  just to be promised a non – existing afterlife, in the end .
Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party   makes you become all that you’re supposed to be including, Happiness and Freedom.
We fully support Mark Hamilton in what he is doing as well as Neothink and The Twelve Vision Party  to make this place a better World.  There is absolutely only good things happening with his approach.
Can’t wait to have the honor to meet you some day! .
With great respect, admiration, gratitude and Love,
Jacques & Linda

Mark Hamilton & Neothink took me on a journey of self-discovery

Thank you Mark Hamilton for all that you have done.

I had just walked out on my job without notice. I was tired of being exploited by my employer & the system & getting no where. I knew that how things were was not right in spite of what my employer & others told me. I knew there had to be more to life. I received a letter in the mail from Mark Hamilton not too long after & read the whole letter. I ordered his book & ordered more books from him. I found what I was looking for! Everything in his books resonated with me. I found answers to questions that finally made sense to me. Mark Hamilton & Neothink took me on a journey of self-discovery & much personal growth. The best being that I could be myself unconditionally & I wasn’t going to hide my true self any more. I found true happiness. I found good, honest, genuine people to associate with in Neothink. My life has been changed for all the better & I continue to make more changes for my betterment & that of others as I continue to learn more. That is the key, learning more to become more! That is so fantastic!

The Twelve Visions Party is coming alive

Dear Mark,

I can’t begin to tell you how much your literature has meant to me and how much it has changed my life. It has helped me with my continuing quest for personal growth, as I choose to grow rather than stagnate. The information in your literature has helped me to once again be confident in my own common sense and judgment. I have been able to effectively eliminate all of the confusion when dealing with the conflicting information that I am bombarded with on a daily basis from outside sources.

And now the Twelve Visions Party is coming alive. It is truly a wonderful and exciting time. The Prime Law makes so much sense. Finally, a real way to get back to the freedom we were always meant to have as Americans! I am ready to move to Hamilton-America right now! I want pure justice and real freedom!

I can’t begin to thank you for all of the time, effort, sacrifice, and bravery you have put into getting us to this stage; bringing American back to the great country it was always meant to be: The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Bless you for your vision and for taking the helm and leading the charge.

I now have hope of a better life, a happy and healthy life that is going in a positive direction. I want the opportunity to work at something I love to do, the satisfaction of being able to give more than I take, the thrill of being able to be the unique and creative person I was meant to be, and the ability to balance prosperity and the quality time I wish to spend with my loved-ones. This is a life most people are unable to live now under the corrupt self-serving political systems that have grown so out-of-control and are constantly trying to milk us dry and kill our spirit.

In the past “real freedom” and “world peace” have been treated only as idealistic dreams. Then again, all great things have started with a vision and a dream. And now, thanks to you and your vision and dream, “real freedom” and “world peace” can finally become a reality. My heart is soaring with hope for a new life of freedom and my tears of happiness spill over from relief that we no longer have to accept being ruled by a corrupt system. We can actually do something about it.

Today is March 11, 2010 and I am proud to say, “I am a registered member of the Twelve Visions Party in California!” and I am looking forward to finally having life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness along with once again feeling proud to be an American.

Mark, thank you again for making this all possible.

My love to you and yours,

Diana H


March 2025