Posts Tagged ‘personal benefits’

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
For the past three and a half years my life has been filled with excitement and purpose.
Up until three and a half years ago I was stuck in my routine rut of lifeless complacency, with no real hope for a fulfilling life of prosperity and happiness.
Mark Hamilton I want to thank you for your life-saving Prime Literature. This literature has given me the tools and the knowledge that has already changed my life and the lives of many of my family and friends in wonderful and amazing ways.
I have learned so much from you Mark Hamilton and your priceless Prime Literature. I have become associated with other like-minded individuals with-in the Neothink Society and they have helped me to integrate and glean even more personal benefits in this environment. I have become aware of my true value to society and to the world.
Together we are all supporting the visions of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. We look forward, with anticipation the life-enhancing principals of moving mankind to live more abundantly with improved health, peace, freedoms and happiness.
I sometimes wonder what would have happened to me and many others, if we had never heard of Mark Hamilton or had the privilege of reading his Prime literature. This information is so life-changing and powerful that each multigenerational manuscript deserves to be continually read over and over again and again. This priceless material needs to be integrated and learned by everyone who wants life advantages in their lives.
I shudder to think of how my life could have been such a waste of time for a valuable conscious human being like myself. Thankfully, my life now has value, purpose, direction, romance and excitement. My hope of the future is now based on the sound moral and ethical principles of the Prime Law of Protection which the Twelve Visions Party intends to have added to the Constitution. The country will be blessed and prosper like never before. Without the Prime Law, the T.V.P., Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society moving humanity into its’ next logical evolutionary step; mankind will be doomed to certain annihilation and possible extinction.
I would encourage others and plead with them to support Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Visions Party, The Prime Law and The Neothink Society by directing them to go to and see for themselves.

With my eternal gratitude, love and respect,
Raymond Desmarais

Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society – an unbeatable Juggernaut

What is a Juggernaut? It is a massive unstoppable force. How Could Mark Hamilton’s “Neothink Society” be such a Juggernaut? I would like to share with you how and why this incredible new movement must and will sweep the world:
First, there is nothing that must be done – no action that you need to take – simply by staying alive, you will be benefited tremendously by the Neothink Society. How will this happen?
There will be those individuals who choose on their own to take the first step and learn more about the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. These individuals, upon gaining even a basic understanding, will effortlessly gain personal benefits. With new reserves of vitality unlocked, these individuals will naturally flow into life lifting productive activities that will enrich their lives and the lives of others.
This concept of “Life lifting productive activities” may be new to you. There are far to many to name them all – these are not self-sacrifices, they are actions which genuinely benefit everyone. Things as simple as being kind to others are very much included. Creating new Businesses, new art, new music, new ideas, new technologies – getting together with others and working together to make life better. Mark Hamilton’s writings inspire nearly every reader to evolve their own concepts of how a person may help him or herself while also benefiting everyone. And once the power of these techniques are discovered, individuals using them gain incredible personal wealth, as well as creating a bubble of safety around themselves and their loved ones. Everyone benefits – even those who have not taken any action.
But because of the incredible personal advantages that are revealed by Mark Hamilton and actualized by his readers, many more interested readers will take their next step, and thus the Neothink Society silently spreads, quietly enriching the lives of all in more and more profound ways.
And to those that understand what your step forward will mean for the entire world, we can hardly wait to share with you the secrets to a whole new life of euphoria, earned through continuously expanding life enhancing actions that benefit everyone. Everyone who exerts the effort to benefit themselves by honestly benefiting others belongs to a very special group of people: Net Value Creators, and every person who earns that title should live every moment to the fullest, happily, guiltlessly, and with complete self-respect. Every Net Value Creator makes the world a better place.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society IS a Juggernaut that is stealthfully rolling across the world, benefiting everyone – by assisting those eager individuals to discover the life they were meant to live: the life of a Net Value Creator – the life of a wealthy and noble benefactor to the entire world.
Will you be next?

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society which has given me great insights

I have been a member with Neothink Society now for one and a half year. My initial reason to join this group was to meet and associate with people interested in self-improvement in order to reach a fulfilling lifestyle.

In this short time, I have gained tremendous personal benefits in terms of health, personal resources, networking and social connections. I am very intrigued by the sincerity of the group and its members backed by Mark Hamilton’s phenomenal literature. Based on the self-help principal with a vision; his books reach deep into the human need for honesty in order to find the proper connection with universal truth. 

I am fond of being a member with Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society which has given me great insights into the reasons behind my unfulfilled life and only partially realized dreams. It has given me a foundation for structuring my future vision and continues to give me what I need to transform my life into a prosperous, fulfilling and satisfying one. I invite anyone to be part of this wonderful group of Neothink Society people, but if you do not believe in the power of the mind and in the possibilities of manifesting visions among clear-minded and honest people, I guess this would not be the place for you.

As far as you, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party are concerned:

What I have gleaned from my studying of Neothink materials is that human beings are meant to be happy in life. The best way for the individual to be at his or her happiest is to create and produce values for society. Everyone should be forewarned that anyone who would interfere with that is essentially anathema to society and the individual. Be wary of anyone who would seek to bring about their agenda(s) at the expense of yours. Human beings no longer need external guidance to survive – they can do quite well without a plethora of external authority figures holding them back.

It is becoming more obvious lately that the politicians in Washington D.C. have no agendas other than their own. We need to start in 2010 to ensure that the term “Career Politician” becomes obsolete. We need a lot of fresh faces in government whose only agenda is the protection of the people and making sure that the governmental environment is suitable for business to prosper.

Warmest Regards,

 Jim Vail

March 2025