Posts Tagged ‘perfect world’

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A …

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!

I owe my life to the Neothink literature and the man that wrote them, Mark Hamilton. He has helped me more than any government assistance ever could, for he has taught me how to think. How to become a self-leader and to live the life I was meant to live. I was stuck in a rut of depression and oppression, until my Neothink family found me and gave me the hope to carry on. They showed me that the perfect world I always knew existed could actually be created here on Earth. When I first connected with my new family, I knew I was finally home. Like every other person in this world, I have a dream. Only my dream isn’t lost and forgotten, locked away with the child of my past, it is alive, living and breathing, and growing with every step that I take. A dream is like a flame, it must be fed to stay alive. It is a life force that needs to be cherished and appreciated.

Neothink has shown me how to multiply productivity and how creating value for others is the true root of happiness. Because, when we can view ourselves as a valuable contribution, then when we can accept love from others. Love is why we do what we do. It’s the motivational force that backs us. Awaken your inner child and play at life. I do, every day, and because I have this mentality, I stay forever young. People have even mentioned how young I look, and that I don’t age, because I am in tune with my inner child. If this is but just a taste of the fruits of life, then I intend to live forever.


Jessika T

I received a beautiful letter from Mark Hamilton…


To whom it may concern,

In a perfect world every problem has a solution. We live in a perfect world and for every solution one can come up with there are more problems to solve.

I would like to thank Mark for giving me the blueprints to finding solutions to my many problems. Now when I encounter more of these hardships I can confidently embrace them knowing pride from the humble self-leader training I’ve recieved. Never before have I absorbed such revelating skills for managing stress, than to feel the empowerment of such life lifting advantages as being a part of competent like minded and influential people.

When I grew into the Neothink Society there was a lot of hospitality and room for praise of positive “value” creation. The themes revealed by Neothink literature gave me great inspiration to follow my dream. When all options were gone I decided to give this neothink society a run for my money. The kind of return I recieved was phenominal I became deeply motivated and experienced happiness unlike any other.

It was all for me that Mark Hamiltons labor revealed to me who I could become and now that I’ve discovered that pure inner child there’s a level of success that is virtually priceless.

I had been badly treated by my husband of 27 years He had embesseled  $26000 from Montgomery Ward, gotten a girl 15 years younger pregnant, turned my three children against me ,lied to my family & friends about me , made me give up the home we had. Ifinally after a few years married another lier worst than the first one. I had no idea a person that claimed to be christian, a deacon in the church, would be so low. He proved to be  even bigger  & lower than gully dirt along with his children, who stole my belongings from me & wouldn’t let me have my things. They are so ignorant, even with their college degrees.

I received a beautiful letter from Mark Hamilton, telling me I could be the person I wanted to be if I would just follow a few simple rules, mainly suggestions.

I have learned to think for myself, to do  for myself. Because of my eyesight, I have not progressed like I should have.

The new world we are bulding, will be good honest & kind a place anyone would love to be, to raise their children. The Cof U will be a healthy, loving, & marvelous place to be.

We will have a new political party , an Honest one , that means more then anything to most of us. TVP will take us where we need to be. With Mark Hamilton to guide us, We cannot  fail. We will prevail

Love & Carring

Peggy  L.

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton! What a privilege and honor it is for me to be involved with your Neothink Society. Being a member of this wonderful group is the “it” I have been searching for my whole life.

Reading the life changing literature has completely revitalized my life. I now have a specific direction, a specific purpose and an amazing new family filled with the best friends I could ask for.

I feel like the luckiest man alive to be where I’m at right now. I love interacting with other members of Neothink and I love contributing to the Twelve Visions Party.

TVP is the lifeline that will save this wonderful country which is slipping down the drain due to politicians, corruption and crime.

Oh, what a noble journey this is! I can’t think of a better thing to spend my time and effort on. The pride and exhilaration I feel when advancing the Neothink Society is incredible!

Thank You Mark Hamilton for creating the perfect world for me to plug into!

Jeff Smith

March 2025