Posts Tagged ‘people’

What will you do or not do about the legalization of drugs?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Under the Prime Law, the government has no right to regulate what people willingly pay for or choose put into their bodies. Decriminalizing drugs dries up the lucrative black market in which crime thrives. Just like all businesses, chemical dependency rehabilitation services will be much more efficient in a free market.

What is TVP’s stance on the pornography issue?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …As long as no initiatory force is involved, people are free to bring any product into the market that they want. In a completely free society, business and prosperity soars and the demand for stimulation will come mainly from our jobs and personal relationships. The Prime Law prevents initiatory force and does not regulate morals.

What will happen to education after the Prime Law is in place?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Education has nothing to do with protection so it will be turned over to private industry through an integrated transition. Within a free market, private education will compete to provide the best education ever. People will be easily able to afford it through a booming free market economy.

How will a Prime Law government deal with terrorism?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With the Prime Law in place, Government will concentrate only on protecting people. People will be protected from terrorism more than ever.

What is TVP’s stance on the death penalty?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Conscious individual life is the highest value in the universe so we should always strive to rehabilitate people who break the Prime Law and allow them the opportunity to change.

What will come of the Federal budget deficit after Prime Law?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government will operate within its budget when it’s only purpose is protection. People will be happy to pay for this service when a completely free market is unleashed.

March 2025