Posts Tagged ‘people’

If not for you and Neothink I would not be here…

Dear Mark,

HI  I know we have not meet in person but I have talk to a few other if not for you and Neothink I would not be here right knows the battle of my  health and mind were at great stake till neo think pop in to my life most of all the health issues are under control with out the med s mind over matter I can heal and the survival of my kids as well people need Neothink / Also I have gone from being in a finical hole to now having thing straight and by the end of the year should be debit free as well have to fix me to move for ward the iron grip move in November stated to work 12 hour out of the month for my self on top of working a regular job of 40 hour s I have refinance my house so that I keep it I  have lost 40 pound there a lot more but I will keep moving for ward , Neothink is needed in many ways if people can just see the good of it all these are some of the thing with in the last 10 month that I have done , you have my support mark , I came from all  most losing what I had to stable now , much love Michelle

I would like for you to share this letter with those who would like to destroy your business and Neothink Society

Mark H,

      I would like for you to share this letter with those who would like to destroy your business and Neothink Society. The world as I see it. Our government was designed to take care of the people in our country and in the original constitution, it was written that if our elected did not do so, that we have the right to change that government Also, as I see it the government has designed a program,( called welfare, social services) that keeps our people down. Most of them never get out of the system. I believe in my country and its people, but I no longer believe in my government. It is time for a change. I see no wrong in anything that you have done. What you have done, is arm me with information, that will not only make my life, my children and grandchildren’s life, and the world a whole, a lot better, because we are given a chance for the first time, to have the knowledge to better ourselves. I also believe that by standing by Neo-Think, there can be world peace!   Imagine that!!!


                                                                          Leslie S

Neothink will sweep the globe by teaching everyone…

Neothink will sweep the globe by teaching everyone how to become independent and always wanting the truth. People get distracted and forget what motivates them to the point of feeling bored all the time. With Neothink there is never a dull moment. In fact, you start thinking more and become happier all together.

The Neothink Society Cares About People

Hi my name is Andrea H

I’ve only partly gotten involved with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society to date. The reason I got involved is because it is the same in many ways as the Tony Robbins mentoring, helping the average person get past their mental blocks and improve their lives. For themselves and their families!  And a support group of fellow students who are very happy!  I wouldn’t get rid of Tony Robbins nor would I get rid of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society which is a caring about people and helping them improve organization! Let’s focus on the goals not the negative, there’s always going to be negative people. Remember the Law of Attraction!


Andrea H

MARK Hamilton for all of the books

Hello my name is Jerry B
I’m writing this testimonial for MARK Hamilton for all of the books and other martial Ii have received from Neothink and it was awesome the martial was i opening ! I think in this country people should have the right too any martial they want to get exposed to for the truth !  just remember that the truth will always be the truth and a lie will always come out at one point and time..

What and where would the Prime Law assist you in your local state government’s attempt to become taken over by the Federal government?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Under the Prime Law the sole purpose of government is to protect people from initiatory force. Prime Law will make state vs. federal power obsolete. Government agencies will function in unison to eliminate all initiatory force. Any individuals within government who commit initiatory force will be held accountable.

How would people deal with the fact that they have allowed emotion to take over their thinking?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …How would using DTC get the person to use the Prime Law to clarify their desire for a Neothink Society only format?
DTC allows one to stay in control of the situation. When we get overly emotional, we can have a tendency to lash out in an initiatory manner. DTC helps one to live no initiatory force in their everyday interactions. Doing this promotes leading by example and reinforces one’s desire for the Twelve Visions World.

What will be the new protocols for military personnel leaving service whether it is considered honorable or dishonorable?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …After Prime Law, military enlistment will change radically to be more like a voluntary service. Military service will become similar to other jobs. People will not be forced to serve and if they break a contract it will be dealt with in court or by arbitration like any other broken contract. People who leave the military on good terms will receive full benefits and people who leave on bad terms might lose those benefits.

With the threat of pandemics, how will we ensure proper vaccinations or quarantines without force?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With the FDA removed freed medical geniuses will be able to find cures for diseases faster. People will generally be willing to take legitimate vaccinations brought to the market by free enterprise to save their own lives. They will generally be willing to voluntarily quarantine themselves if need be to help solve the problem. Government can only use force when protecting people. Objective protection will be used.

What is the definition of land ownership? How will property ownership disputes be handled with the Prime Law?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Land ownership is the legal and documented ownership of the agreed upon boundaries of real estate and everything in the ground directly beneath it. Property taxes will be eliminated after Prime Law, so the Government will no longer be able to forcefully take people’s land. Contract or ownership disputes will be handled through the reformed Judicial System which uses objective full context honesty.

March 2025