Posts Tagged ‘people’

The Geniuses of the society


I remember 3 years ago when I first received Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts, I could not believe my eyes,everything I read was an eye opener to me,I was thinking what a genius,how could someone know so much about the world and people.He cares so much about our well being,going out of his way just to help people in this society,nobody would ever attempt to do so much to help this wonderful world like he has.The only other person that has attempted this was Jesus Christ,and look at the price that he payed for it.
Love makes the world go around,and Mark Hamilton and Jesus Christ has proven that, everyone should order these manuscripts and read up on them, you will see what I am talking about.
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Mark Hamilton and his literature …


Mark Hamilton and his literature and visions have taught me how to think for myself…how to use my own mind to manifest things in life that I want.  I have learned how to break free from the illusions of safety and freedom that our government so adamantly claims we have, and to recognize when I am being used, mislead, and first and foremost controlled.  The government claims to be here to help us and to keep order, yet the only beneficiaries of all their rules and regulations are the big government themselves. They little guy has always footed the bill and will continue to take the down fall if nothing is changed. Mark Hamilton is about freeing the people and allowing the geniuses of society to make this a world a better and more productive place to live.

Jessika T

Twelve Visions Party To The Rescue!


Thank you Mark Hamilton for starting the Twelve Visions Party. I am so glad to be a part of something so life changing and wonderful.

This country needs a new political party that is For the people and By the people more than ever! The TVP is finally the cure to the corruption and abuse coming from Washington. Finally We, the people have a voice to represent us.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and TVP!

Jeff Smith

Mark Hamilton is God’s gift to the world


Haven’t we humans come of age to know lies and dishonesty can never make this world a better place that we all dream and wish for? Isn’t it exciting to realize there are still people in this world of ours like Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who have the drive to get us all to a peaceful and fulfilling life? Lets take time to listen to what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party have for us all to get us to the world of peace and happiness that we are created to live. I believe Mark Hamilton is a chosen one to take us all on this journey.

Mark Hamilton has worked hard to bring Neothink…

When Neothink contacted me they told me that they couldn’t promise me that my life would be easy because of Neothink, they just promised that it would be easier.  Mark Hamilton has worked hard to bring Neothink to the people in his society it is evident that he has put energy and time in it.  I believe one of his objectives is to help people have an easier time of life. People need to be able to look at something and see what it is, and with their own mind make a decision on it.  We are bombarded with so many idea’s thoughts and governments and people wanting us to think what they want us to think, to give them our money,  time, energy, and life.  How do we know it is our thoughts and not something someone else put there?

My life is still hard, but I do believe with the addition of Neothink that my life is easier than it would have been.  Thank you Mark Hamilton.

Elizabeth T

Mark Hamilton has helped me a great deal


Hello, this is Kaalo Aand. Mark Hamilton has helped me a great deal. I think he is great and would like to see him continue his work through TVP. His business has given me alot of support and I appreciate it so much.  I just hope every one might want to reconsider alot before they attack Mark Hamiton because his business brings great value to alot of people including me.  I and a lot of other people do not want to see his hard work be destroyed. 

Thank you,

Kaalo A

In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.

In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

When all the guys started  getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,

In the neo-think world we  all will be prosperious & happy. What more could a person want ?

Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,

you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.

I some how feel, this isn”t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.

Love & Caring

Peggy L

There are answers to solve problems in his Twelve Vision Party

This book will open your eye’s to what I believe a lot of people believe but the master of illusions keeps people from attaining their true promise of what they can become. Religion and politics the two most corrupting influences that mislead people and manipulate them . The people at the top of all this live off of everyone else and tell you that you cannot have what they do and they know what is best for you . People open your eye’s . I want you to know also that Christ was a great teacher but his teachings have been taken over by the illusionist . Why is our crime rate the highest ? Why are we ranked 35th for health care ? Why are the rich getting richer and the poor are getting poorer ? There are answer’s that this man ” Mark Hamilton ” is showing people to better their lives. There are answers to solve problems in his Twelve Vision Party .

Larry J. E

The TVP and The Neothink are the only ways we can correct our downwrd spiral as a Nation

The TVP and The Neothink are the only ways we can correct our downwrd spiral as a Nation.The overburdened regulations that this present administration is putting upon it’s citizens is going to destroy this society as we know it.Neothink and the TVP (Twelve Visions Party) are the only ways we can correct this situation and really “free” man and create a true ‘utopian society”,where even death itself will be eliminated.Let’s look to the truth and unveil the illusions that the media and government are trying throw at us as a people.When people see the marvels of this society, it’s story will spread world-wide.With your help we can make it happen!!!!

To Mark Hamilton


I have been trying to write this for about two years. Thank you for inviting me to participate in the super puzzle, through your heirloom literature, Neothink® Society, and the Twelve Visions® Party.  I have received great value and have many new like minded friends. 

I have been with the Neothink Society for several years and have grown considerable.  I have used integrated thinking all my life.  It is wonderful to have friends that understand me.

I am helping establish the Twelve Visions Party® in Oregon, because, TVP will fulfill a need to empower the people to take back responsibility and control of their own lives.  The Prime Law Amendments into the Federal and Oregon Constitutions will and help to make all the people rich including the poor.

Again thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

Judi C

March 2025