Posts Tagged ‘people’

Mark Hamilton is willing to mentor millions

It means the world to me that someone like Mark Hamilton is willing to mentor millions of people and give us insights that should’ve always been available to us. Mark has provided me the chance to build my self esteem and to see possibilities I now strive towards and know all things are possible within myself. To hush someone like Mark would truly be a sad and nonproductive movement towards mankind.
Christy N

MARK Hamilton for all of the books

Hello my name is Jerry B
I’m writing this testimonial for MARK Hamilton for all of the books and other martial Ii have received from Neothink and it was awesome the martial was i opening ! I think in this country people should have the right too any martial they want to get exposed to for the truth !  just remember that the truth will always be the truth and a lie will always come out at one point and time..

I Believe

I believe our country needs an uplift.
Our country needs the Twelve Visions Party to elect honest business people into all public offices. Do away with career politians. Do away with lobbyists.
Give government back to the people, for the people.
I want to help elect Twelve Visions Party persons into government offices.
I want all people to become rich including the poor.

I can hardly wait

I have been reading the Neothink material since the late ’80s. The changes that have taken place in me have been subtle. Little by little. Mark Hamilton sent me the same letter inviting me to own the Heirloom packages and I reached out for them immediately. That is when I learned about the Twelve Visions Party. Each vision has a full and stimulating description and I knew then I had found the future. Mark tells us in these writings about the Twelve Visions World. We must and we will leave behind us the anti-civilization we are living in. I am an evolving person. I am bringing love into this world. Each moment of my day I am sending love to my family and friends and even to people I do not know but know exist. We are living in rapidly changing times and Mark Hamilton is taking us into the best of times. He is taking us into the Twelve Visions World. It will be a world where the government will be for protection only and will not use force on us. Nor will we use force against another. We will not need to use force because we will leave behind the criminal mind which will be replaced with minds that value create for themselves and all of us. The Neothink Society is a society of people who know to be kind and loving to themselves. When we are kind and loving to ourselves, we are kind and loving to all others. We know it first starts with us. We know this because we have an exceptional mentor Mark Hamilton who teaches us how to be loving and kind within ourselves.



The progress of the Neothink movement is blowing my mind


The progress of the Neothink movement is blowing my mind. The unity is so amazing. Just like glue. There is such honesty and happiness between “the people” and we don’t feel like we are in the dark. Stimulation versus education is the key to success for all peoples. The urge to break-out is affecting more and more people, like myself. Together, we will!
Love and honesty,
Deborah S

I’m grateful that I can say what a great value the NEOTHINK Society


I’m grateful that I can say what a great value the NEOTHINK Society has been in my life with the publishing of the Neothink manuscripts have been in my life and that of my family.  With the coming of the Twelve Vision Party, just maybe we can get our people elected to office, and get our country turned around to the way it was when our founding Father’s first paid the price for our country’s, Constitution,& Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights. That they wrote for our Nation.
The thing I have learned from reading My NEOTHINK manuscripts is that I can become and have whatever I want in this life.  I thank-you Mark Hamilton for allowing me to join the NEOTHINK Society, providing me the opportunity to find my Value that I can be to the NEOTHINK Society And to those care about life. That’s what these manuscripts, have taught me about who I can become, and have in this life.  I thank-you for inviting me to-be a member of NEOTHINK Society, I have You to thank My friend, And I’m honored, To associate with other people of like mind.
I know what it’s to be shunned from life, I Thank-you for giving me my life back and excepting me as your friend and value to our NEOTHINK Society.                         
Sincerely Your Friend
Wells M

We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now.


I have been deeply distressed to see what the politicians are doing to our wonderful country. It scares me to think that they can take over as blatantly as they have and how they are destroying a vital country as we are. We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now. We need to know that business is preserved so that we can grow again into the generous and rich country we have always been. When the government gets involved in everything, we suffer, which brings the rest of the world down as well. By getting government and politicians out of the way and letting the people use their talents, we could be leading the way to a fantastically wealthy world. Neothink has taught me just what is really going on. Greed and power are taking over and we, the people, are suffering for it. It’s past time to take action. We need to stop the power and corruption NOW!


Thank you for your literature


Thank you for your literature. It wakes people up! I reread it and reread it. All innocent people should read it. I know for sure you are the real deal! I am behind you 100% .  I know you work very hard on this for 30 years. Thank you. It took 30 years for you to build a financial boat of freedom for everyone to get on. Thank you. Good honest money will point the way to real freedom. Politics will not. People can see that! Everything you say is true. I am very excited about voting in a tvp president to help change the world. I am very excited about seeing my friends all over the new world live in happiness. Thank you. Russel C. of Indiana.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society


I have only been a member of the Neothink Society for a little over a year. I have traveled the world done about everything a person on limited income can do and I am 80 years old.  So why join a society of any kind? I have always suspected that many things wrong with the world was caused by Government and others guiding our lives that we put too much trust in those people and not enough thinking for ourselves.  I was never able to put my finger on it.  One day I received a letter from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society, I was impressed and curious so I accepted the invitation for more information. That was a great day thank you Mark.  The beneficial information about a new way to live, a new way to work, a new way to love, a new way to run a business, a new way to run a country a new way to bring people together. a new way to die and above all a whole new you. At my age I will not benefit much from this all new world but I intend to pass it down to my children and grand children.
Thank you Mark Hamilton

From Vincent G

Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings…


Neothink opened my eyes and let me know that I wasn’t alone about he way I thought about and saw how politics and religion affected me and the people around me. Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s writings I can now speak freely about the corruption around me and KNOW that there are others who feel and think as I do. Thank you, Mark, for freeing my mind and my voice. I can now move on to finding others around me who think like I do and start spreading Neothink to all those whose inner child cries out for the change needed to make this a better world. A better day is coming soon, and Neothink is the forerunner to all of it.

Anthony B

March 2025