Posts Tagged ‘people’

I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices


My Personal Testimony of what the Neothink Society meant and means to me one word “HAPPY”.   I have discovered my child of the past; I discovered my Friday night Essence.  
Neothink Society empowered me to power think and now I am living the life that I was meant to live.  I create value that is meaningful.   I now know the true meaning of LOVE.
Neothink Society has taught me how to create a Mini Day schedule that enables me to accomplish more with my business and that motivates me to do more.
Neothink Society helped me to step out of my comfort Neothinkere and change my mindset.
CHANGE, I could only imagine the changes that I/We will experience and most of all to be apart of creating the changes in this world, moving beyond the Bicameral mode into the integrating mode.
Neothink Society helped me realized that this is a numbers game.  The more people you reach out too, you want to reach out to even more people.  That is creating VALUE.
To SUM it up, we are helping the poor to become millionaires.
I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices and I thank Mark Hamilton/Neothink Society for finding me.
We want you to see for yourself, Society of Secret can help you discover your child of the past, learn to PLAY as an adult and create VALUE as well.

Mark Hamilton has provide the tools to expand my mind


For most of my life I’ve been in a rut. Spinning my wheels trying to figure out how the pieces fall into place. Mark Hamilton has provide the tools to expand my mind, and understand what it, is I need to take control, of my own life. I’ve never been more Happy in all my days, at least that I can remember.  It’s time to shift the Power back to the people, and let them be in charge of their own existence, to see that we all want the same thing, to be free. And to love one another without prejudice, and to want to lift others up upon the same plain.  
I am greatly appreciative for all the words that have brought me to were I am in life today. Everyone should understand that Mark Hamilton’s best interests lie within their own best interest.  
Thank you, to the late Frank W., and thank you, Mark Hamilton for seeing this through..

To Mark Hamilton , Coming straight from the heart…

To Mark Hamilton , Coming straight from the heart, I am backing you 100% and the Neothink , your 12 vision are what this world need to pull away from the stagnation of the old system and old way that do not work , to many are dyeing even as I type there are many cure for illness that have been stop, people need to crawl out of the hole that other have try to place us in ,, thing can change people need to wake up we can all make a difference , we all have to find the essence of what is be for time run out ,, there are thing I have stop and it has been work ,, you have help me focused to keep pushing for word , I was on the right track all these year , never really knowing why till now , it has always been in me and would shine at time pull in for the inner to the outside now , and will do what it take to I brake the ties that have banded people to where they were I can change the dark clouds that surround those , I have done it and I will keep working with the force of energy to change what I can as fast as I can no matter where I may be in a day , changing the course of energy that is around other getting rid of the negative forces … it was once said if think you can move a mount ion you can ,, we need you as you need us we can make the change for the better for the love of staying alive for as long as we can .. always deep within though you can and we can as well as I will Michelle

Mark Hamilton, has not only transformed my life…

The literature that I’ve received in the Neothink society and Mark Hamilton, has not only transformed my life, but , has tremendously positively affected my niece and nephew for I have taught them what I’ve learned, and they are soaring as young children at ages 6 and 9, beyond their parents dreams. As far as the political movement, everywhere I go, everyone I meet, all are starving for this new political party, they have had enough of the bickering between the parties, and are realizing that’s something’s not right and we need a party for the people, not a party that argues with each other over issues that do not mean anything, while things do not get any better, whichever party is elected and in office! People have had enough, time to Unite, not be swept into the divide and conquer of the current political 2-party system design! People are sick and tired of the “I’m for this” and the other party is ” I’m against that” The I’m for and your against current 2-party system is no longer holding water, it’s childish in nature and people have had enough!

Personally it’s time and the Time is Now

To my mentors:
For some people the following is not common knowledge since at the time of broadcast most people are asleep.
It is an open forum who’s audience spans worldwide, is the largest in Radio broadcasting, is already open minded to such things, already practicing concepts of manifestation and intention, and has yet to Not crash a website during the broadcast in order to check it out.
If this has been done already, then its time for another show because before we were known as Secret Society and not Neothink . Plus it can promote New Jersey, Texas, California. Go to the site, click contacts and email Lisa the show’s producer . Personally it’s time and the Time is Now.
From One who know Synchronicity,

I was introduced to the fantastic eye opening works of Mark Hamilton

My early life was spent wandering from job to job. Wondering what it was all about, to be born go to school, then work all your life with nothing to show for it in the end, like my father (who has since passed away). Then to pass away myself, spending my life in constant misery. With barely enough funds to carry me to the end of the month, most times no funds for the end of the month. Does this sound familiar to any one?
Knowing something was not right about the system that we live in today. But could never figure it out what was wrong or how to fix it, let alone escape the trap of life. With two ruined marriages, how many times did I just want to chuck it all? I was never really able or wanting to settle in any one place.
Always dreaming and fantasizing of something better. Keep your nose to the grindstone and follow the rules that are imposed on all of us. Just plod along beaten and frustrated till you die like every body else, just to relieve this misery we call life. The closest I could get to some sort of happiness was to move close to my younger brother in cottage country,
As fate would have it I was introduced to the fantastic eye opening works of Mark Hamilton, My mind and my life was changed forever. My life immediately began to change as I read the beautifully crafted words of Mark Hamilton. I found answers for many questions that had haunted me all my life. Along with many eye opening secrets hidden from the general public.
Through the works of Mark Hamilton, my life is now happy, educated, productive, escalating to ever higher heights. I now feel whole, useful and with purpose. Life is now brighter and more meaningful to me. I am now able to actually believe that I can have a happy prosperous life, full of meaning and value.
I join the many other people who have read your great works. You Mark Hamilton have given them and myself unbounded inspiration. With the dedication and ability to achieve more then they or myself could ever have dreamed of. We are all grateful to you, and we stand by to support you and your great achievements, in any way that we can.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for showing us the way to great achievements and success for all who have read your books. Those that have not read or heard of Mark Hamilton’s works are surely in the dark.
This is where “The Twelve Visions Party” will one day soon shed light on those waiting for this great and needed solution to our freedom, happiness and prosperity.
It is my opinion that the rest of the nation visit.

Mark Hamilton showed me how in his books

I have learned a lot from Neothink. I learned to break my job and other actions to physical smooth movements. I also learned to have an iron grip control of actions. I learned to break or divide work into smaller units and use some time as a mini-day. A lot of the study is geared to people in there jobs and how to excel in them to make a lot of money. I am disabled and don’t work but use the teachings to make my disability go better with out dwelling on the condition that others use as a crutch. I do this by integrating physical movements with time. I did not know how to do this before Mark Hamilton showed me how in his books. I am living better with my disability do to Mark’s writings and study guides. Thanks Mark. yours Leo H. Y

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction…

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction in the way life and business should be handled. He and neothink has shown me that society can function together and create a better way to live, IN a honest environment, free of mysticism ,cheaters , value destroyers and parasitical politicians and lawyers. Neothink will teach our kid’s value and honesty ,and teach them to prosper and live a healthy life. WE ALL can live a better life by achieving these goals, As Mark Hamilton and Neothink showed only great concern for the well being of all people and nations. don s

I will promote the Twelve Visions Party

Hello I would like to tell you about my feelings on the twelve visions party. There is so much good this party has to offer. We all could live healthier be less burdened with finances. The ability to build better lives for all with having our own business. With a more financial free public there would be less stress which in turn would have healthier people. This could led to happier families with more stable love and have less divorces and with loving romance in the air people would be happier and get along which would mean less violence in the world PEACE is what we need I will promote the Twelve Visions Party It has what I’ve seen needed for years.
Jeffry B

” Mark Hamilton ” is showing people to better their lives

This book will open your eye’s to what I believe a lot of people believe but the master of illusions keeps people from attaining their true promise of what they can become. Religion and politics the two most corrupting influences that mislead people and manipulate them . The people at the top of all this live off of everyone else and tell you that you cannot have what they do and they know what is best for you . People open your eye’s . I want you to know also that Christ was a great teacher but his teachings have been taken over by the illusionist . Why is our crime rate the highest ? Why are we ranked 35th for health care ? Why are the rich getting richer and the poor are getting poorer ? There are answer’s that this man ” Mark Hamilton ” is showing people to better their lives. There are answers to solve problems in his Twelve Vision Party .
Larry J. E

March 2025