Posts Tagged ‘people’

You and your literature bring out the best in me.

You and your literature bring out the best in me. Other people say I am different in a very good way. I do things now that before I would only dream about. I have lots of things to tell you about. I have never felt so good about myself. I know my mind is unlimited.

I wish to thank you for opening the door…

Dear Mark,

I wish to thank you for opening the door so I can get my dreams back. I chose to purchase the heirloom series to learn and dream of the way life should be as opposed to the way life has been. I am excited about the future and looking forward to a life of value creation, love and fun in business. I have always been considered “different” from my classmates, colleagues, and family. I knew something was wrong with so much in this world but could not put my finger on it until I read your manuscripts. I have been labeled by many a dreamer and one that does not want to grow up. I believe in the power of the mind and the power of having like-minded people accomplish the “impossible.” I believe in everlasting love and I am working to change my behaviors to find it – maybe it is right in my house but I can not tell right now. I believe in people being about to be value creators and looking forward to creating more of those values for my loved ones. I believe in the power of giving freely to others but it is difficult in this world due to the people that take before it is given. All of these beliefs have come to the forefront due to what you have given. I thank you sincerely and look forward to learning more from you.

To your success!!!

Jay W.

This Society is here only for the benefit of all of us

This should not happen to this Society. The great values I have learned more and the help it gave me to open my eyes and heart up more will not be forgotten and I will always use in my daily life of my life. Why would anyone want to take away the greatest opportunity for all of us and I mean all of us in this world to be finally free, wealthy, healthy and be able to live forever. That would be a very big mistake. This society shows you for yourself that this world gives you this chance to grab this opportunity with both hands and not thing twice about it. The literature and Neothink Society has open my heart even more and show me the true value of life for myself which this world has taught me i have the right to have in my life if it benefits me greatly for a the best life that i can possible have and it says to go for it. So why fuse about it or talk bad about it. Its great for all of us not just for many but for all of us. We the people have tried all kinds of things to help us live better because we all deserve it so lets all try this way and give all we got to really make this world a better place for all of us finally. I mean this with all my heart, spirit and soul. Just think to really life as equal and no one better than the next person. We all can do what we want that is good buy anything we want go any place we want be happy and live forever . Man I would love for this opportunity to be offer to me. The reason why I would go for it is because I tried it all the other ways that system has offer to me and I have not be able to be what I was meant to be and I deserve it no matter what. It is long over due for me and anyone else who feels they deserve a better life than they have now and deserve also to be what they were meant to be which is to have there life living at its full potential with all the greatest things this world has to offer. This world has so much to offer too all of us in which we all would be so happy to have lived experienced it and cherish for our whole life. Tell me the truth would you the people grab this opportunity if it was offer to you. I am not saying the perfect life but a life in which you deserve to have. Which you will not have no stress over money, love, happiness and never miss out on nothing extremely good for your mind body heart and soul. So I tell you this if you stop this you will regret your life dearly and I am being very honest with you when I express this. This Society is here only for the benefit of all of us and does have so much to share with us which will change all our lives if you give it a chance to. This world is deep trouble and we the people need to do something now that will fix all our problems for forever not just for a little bit. Please take this testimonial very serious this is no joke I am being very fair minded and I am not choosing sides I am just seeing for WHAT IS and grabbing and holding to what really will work and work for a long time not just a little bit and it is the Neothink Society Group. If you would like to talk to be me more Henry Hobson III feel free to let me know it would be my pleasure to do this for you all. You then can see in my eyes and hear it in my voice that I am meaning everything I express with the upmost sincere truth. Have forever great days in your life forever.
Henry L. H

I as a member of the TVP I endorse Mark Hamilton…

For years now I have cringed at our politicians who say they do things for the good of the people….HaHaHaHa….and we believed them… Whats wrong with us. I’m tired of being less than the middle class. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. There are cures for the sick, Just no Money to be had for the rich….I’m tired of the insanity. I say, give to and love everyone. We are ALL worthy. As the song states…………..What the world needs now is LOVE SWEET LOVE. Peace to all. Anna
I as a member of the tvp I endorse Mark Hamilton and what he and others are doing in support of his efforts that is to create a new party system to build a new and honest system to govern our great nation .He is a man I believe in and support his efforts to govern the American government in an honest and great way. Please join us and we all be happier in this great USofA

Best Wishes,

I stand up for and encourage Mark Hamilton to change this nation

I stand up for and encourage Mark Hamilton to change this nation. I believe in what he is doing and feel it has changed my life. I know it is good and true because I am living it. I embrace everything I have read and learned in his books and value each and every one. This is the time, in fact way past the time, for a change so the people of this country can really, truly live, work and prosper like they are meant to live and be free and happy.
Barbara H.

Mark Hamilton is not a scam

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton is not a scam, is time that people take the blindfold off, and see the reality of things, the literature that I been shown has change my life, now I feel like Neothink inside the matrix where things are not what the seem and because now I understand things I can profit from any situation to my advantage, listen the possibility’s are limitless the options are unlimited, I walk a golden path now, keep your mind open to the possibility’s everything will be alright

I greatly Thank Mark Hamilton my mentor for finding me 5 years ago

I greatly Thank Mark Hamilton my mentor for finding me 5 years ago and for giving me the opportunity to have the treasured hair looms. Neothink Exposes who is really behind the curtain (Gov’t) and really controlling the masses (the people) through deception and untruthfulness. Neothink and Mark Hamilton Expose the truth as to how the Newspapers, TV and Radio is used to hypnotize the masses and keep their vibration low, making them docile creatures. All Politians are in Gov’t for themselves and not for the people.
Thanks Family
Excuses Build Monuments of Nothing!
Phillip (PHIL) Tuten

Your ideas and the ideals of the society have given me hope

Dear Mark,
Thanks to your books, and the society, I have hope for the future. Your ideas and the ideals of the society have given me hope that the future will be better, if we all join in to make it so .
I am now living a life that may not be one that others will say is useful, but it does give me time and opportunity to do some major thinking on things that I’ve read in the multi generational books. I’ve seen things that when I stop to think about them, I can associate them with the thing that I’ve read in the books. And I can see the need for the society’s principals to be propagated throughout our society.
So I want to thank you, Mark Hamilton, for all the things that you and the society have taught me. I’m still trying to apply all the principals to my life and job. But I am learning, and hoping that I will see the day that these laws of life are used by all people to the betterment of all of us.
Keep the faith and the hard work moving right along, because I can’t wait to see the Twelve Visions World come into being.
Thank you, for choosing to mentor me and introduce this great idea and hope to me, and now all the world!
Your Student,

I want to Thank You for your work and for finding me…


Dear Mark Hamilton,

Since I was very young, I knew that the world wasn’t suppose to be this way. I didn’t know what to do or how to find out what I could do to change it. My whole life I kept searching, reading many books, but not finding any answers.

Then One day I get a letter in the mail, telling me that I was special and that we could not only change ourselves but change the world.

After reading the 1st 2 books I knew I found what I been looking for whole life. Then after reading Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and I felt so strange reading about a world that I dreamt about all my life. I know now that I will become the person I was meant to be and to find my Friday Night Essence.

Seeing what is going on in this country today scares me. We lose more freedoms everyday and most people don’t care. Capitalism seems to be a bad word, in a country that became great because it was built on Capitalism.

I want to Thank You for your work and for finding me.

Charles Moore

After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s…


After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s, They took me back in time, to when I was younger? when I was the happiest, not a care in the world? It’s like I had that extra boost of energy. Like the child of the past! That extra energy, has always stuck with me! No matter how bad things got, even when I had very little friend’s, and when I would just sit at home, just my mother and I, or when she would go to the bar, or even just myself, sitting at home? I would always find something to do, to stay preoccupied, so I would not get board? I have been through a lot of tragic things in my life time. But through it all, I was always able to pull myself out of my trap? No matter what kind of trap it was. I dropped out of school at the age of sixteen, living out on the street’s, and managed to survive? But I never had that opportunity like million’s of other people, to move forward in life? But with out mark’s help? I would have never found the person I was meant to be in life! And after reading about the mini-day system, I was able to do more for myself, and to figure out my FNE, in life? and with down stream focus, you can accomplish anything your heart desires, always remember one thing? We all need to think ahead, before saying or acting on anything. We would all get further ahead in life that way, instead of just reacting to thing’s. I know this from experience. My oldest daughter Ania, she’s twenty now but when she was three yrs of age, I noticed that her deep motivational root is, that she is fascinated with the world around her, and I am the same way. When you have down focus. you enjoy every day, all day long, for the rest of your life, and not let anything stand in your way.            BY MICHELLE ANDERSON.

March 2025