Posts Tagged ‘people’

Mark Hamilton and Neothink have really helped me

Mark Hamilton and Neothink have really helped me and many other people from a life of stagnation. I have found them to be honest and benevolent.

The Neothink Society has played a major role …

The Neothink Society has played a major role in allowing me to have clarity with definiteness of purpose, I can wake up knowing where I want to go in life, and the people of the Neothink society are tremendous benefactors in helping me stay the course, it’s not about the mundane chaotic origins of religion and politics.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink have really helped me …

Mark Hamilton and Neothink have really helped me and many other people from a life of stagnation.

I am always being good …

Hello Mark Hamilton,

I am always being good, but my friends find me difficult. I could not explain why, but after reading Mark Hamilton and Neothink and Neothink Inside Secrets it gives me the knowledge and insight as to why people misunderstood me. I think independently. I don

I would like to say that your Neothink literature had helped me enormously.

Hi Mr. Hamilton,

I would like to say that your Neothink literature had helped me enormously. I had used your techniques to help me get ahead and get what I wanted. I am very thankful that I had found you or you had found me.

I am just an ordinary person and had no hope of doing anything more with my life but after I read your literature, I was in shock of what I can do and how much I can achieved. Life is not easy these days, I am very confident that people appreciate what you did and your vision is very clear that people can be what they want to be and live the life that they want to live.

Thanks to your vision I am working on that goal right now. My hope is high and my standards and expectations are higher than it used to be. I think God puts you and your vision in my life because I had given up on almost all of my dreams and hope and than your letter came in the mail tells me to send in for the free booklet so I send it in. In about a week, the booklet came than again it tells me to send in for the 300 year old secret manuscript. this time I made a little investment but its worth it.

We need a more equal society for all the people to prosper.

We need a more equal society for all the people to prosper. I thank you Mark Hamilton and is Neothink for a positive future in the society. To have every person to grow to is highest potential, to do that is for honesty and true with a positive mind without the dishonest and illusions with this political leaders. to have wealth, health peace in mind

Unfortunately, people need to understand that everyone is entitled to express their opinion …

Unfortunately, people need to understand that everyone is entitled to express their opinion or ideas, especially the ones that could benefit humanity and the survival of our planet! NEOTHINK or NEOTHINK (new tech and ideas) is around us on a daily basis!

For too long now there are those in power intolerant of people that don't …

For too long now there are those in power intolerant of people that don’t buy into the lies foisted on the masses by the media and the spin doctors who are paid to get the citizenry to buy into the reality that they are currently selling us.

Some things that really hit home for me is challenging people to do what …

Some things that really hit home for me is challenging people to do what they are passionate about, so they can soar to new levels in their life, helping children find out what their passion is at a early age so they can be greater people.

Our Government has run amuck.

Neothink Inside Secrets has impacted my life so positively and strongly …

Neothink Inside Secrets has impacted my life so positively and strongly over the past six and a half years of my involvement in ways that I have been blown away by and a mentality that I have made a complete 360 degree change in such as my family life, my financial status and the absolute control over my romantic relationship as well as all other relationships I have in my life. I landed the most perfect job that I ever had in my life besides entering Neothink.

Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton my mind is way smarter and way more aware of this world and the people in it. I

February 2025