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A letter from Mark Hamilton

I am a Neothink Society Member since 2007. Prior to becoming a Member I was going through many challenges in my life. Searching for meaning in a meaningless world of confusion and struggle. Often feeling there was no hope of things ever improving. Deep within me I wanted to help make this world a more honest fair place for all to live and enjoy our short life span on this planet. But what I was witnessing in life was mostly corruption on all fronts, from abuse of power in Governments, Religion the Law and in the Education system. It appeared to me to be a futile quest for change, there seemed to be no answer as to how the world could change and become a better place for all to live. I had begun to despair and to lose the desire to even think that perhaps I could make a difference. The world seemed like it was on a collision course of further disaster, perhaps even annihilation.
Then one day in late 2006 I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in this letter I was told how special I was and how I could become the person I was meant to be, and live the life I had always dreamed of. That I could have success, wealth heath, and abundance, even change the world. All this was possible simply by becoming my own Authority and taken self responsibility. Although somewhat skeptical at first, once I began reading the literature from Mark Hamilton, I was amazed by the pure honesty, and shocked by some of the eye opening facts of how we have allowed ourselves to be controlled by so many false authorities. Mark Hamilton tells you the truth as you have never heard it before. His work is different than anything you have ever read or heard before. His writing is pure genius. This man is a genius.
The Twelve Visions Party is the political leg of Mark Hamilton’s work. The Twelve Vision’s Party will benefit all of mankind. The Twelve Visions Party will give the power back to the people. Remove all those who control and abuse authority. It aims to make all of the people rich including the poor. The personal benefits and opportunities that will be available for individuals and our families will be amazing. The business prospects will open up like never before, a surge of genius’s will arise and cater to our every need. Health wealth and happiness will become the norm. Isn’t that what everyone wants’ for each other? If we want things to change we have to make the change ourselves. The Twelve Visions Party is our last hope for humanities salvation.
Albeit I do not reside in the US, I know that only by depoliticizing America and ushering in the Twelve Visions Party will America become the world stage for the rest of the world to follow. A new world filled with renewed hope honesty, prosperity and happiness will become the norm. That is the world I want for you and for me.
I thank Mark Hamilton for inspiring me, for helping me make the change in my life, for opening my mind and eyes to the falseness and corruption that is prevalent in all governing bodies to day. I thank you for showing me the Value and personal life advantages that the Twelve Vision Party can bring to one and all. I have the deepest respect and love for Mark Hamilton and all the members of the Neothink Society. I am so happy and proud to be a part of this unstoppable movement.
With respect
Marie C

Twelve Visions Party means Protection

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, also  The Twelve Visions Party has meant a whole new World to me. I have never thought that I would or could ever learn Integrated honesty. The Twelve Visions Party A new and more improved Government of Completely over-hauled honest Government, No matter how power-full or how much back-up Our current dishonest government (THINKS) they are. No matter how much force our current Government uses on (WETHEPEOPLE)!We do not need their dishonest, behind closed door schemes they (THINK) they can get away with or hide from (THEPEOPLE)I will not be the one to get arrested for anyone threatening me with a Gun, Like I been in this current anti-civilization! The right person will be arrested, even if their company is government controlled!.I will not have to pay corrupt COPS,JUDGES,GOVERNERS,CONGRESS,SENATORS,ATTORNEY GENERALS.I will only pay for Protection from those who insist on using force on others, because they don’t believe in their policies! I will not get a better job because I am democrat or Republican! I will get equal treatment because I am human! I will get equal treatment because Human Life and the Human (MIND) is more Precious than any Bicameral animals whose only purpose is survival living for whatever kill they can make for that day and their family. Twelve Visions Party means I get to live free, the life I was meant to live! I will be able to create (MUSIC) without end! Without having to wake up at 5:00 in the morning for some job you get paid enough just to get by until the next week! I will be able to live and prosper, and also help others become that person they are meant to be, creating (Health, Wealth, Peace) for any man ,woman, child. No matter what color or religion they may believe in. Just as long as they agree to sign a contract, agreeing to live by the Prime Law! Not using force or threat of force against any other human being! We as the (Twelve Visions Party)bringing the future to (The People)eventually curing aging and death. The (Twelve Visions Party) terrorist will not get away with the type of attack we have all seen, lived, and breathed on (September11.2001)! Twelve Visions Party means new technologies, protecting our military. Protecting and saving human life as much as possible by use of robots, machines in the battle-field making conflict shorter and without as many human casualties as possible! Twelve Visions Party means making trips to space like a ride from Disney World, for anyone wanting to make the trip! Twelve Visions Party means learning from newly discovered planets, never-ending sources of Knowledge! Twelve Visions Party means Protection Only, keeping business out of the hands of corrupt politicians stealing our tax money for those believe that Big Government is the answer to their Problems!(Mickey Baker)Twelve Visions Party wrote this letter of life on this date(3-7-2010) Twelve Visions Party is our future of Life!

March 2025