Posts Tagged ‘peaceful life’

Dedication: Mark Hamilton’s NT Warriors

Since I first joined this group of earnest and inspired writers, all of whom are intent upon placing a wall of protection around a shared dream that we all have, that of actually living a wealthy, healthy, and peaceful life here on this planet, I have felt the Love and Service-oriented kinship of all of us literally knit together this protection, which makes all of us feel the in-coming Twelve Visions World as beginning to manifest not only in our hearts but in materiality here on Earth.
I cannot tell you just how this participation makes me feel, since it is a feeling new to me=that of being able to share my dream with others who are working for the same dream as I…I know we all have been working together for several years, but I find this is the first time this great a number of us have walked side by side within the same experience. I find this to be a first-time discovery with a group of individuals, coming together in Unity and Love as we are. I imagine that most of us have had to travel certain roads relatively alone, and I would find that all of us might be able to feel similarly to what I’m feeling now, if I were to ask. Perhaps even Mark Hamilton might be feeling something of this caring support of others, and the power of what a few mortals can accomplish courageously in our “hour of great dreams” being realized for the first time here.
May this dream survive the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” into a living life form that can become a thriving Twelve Visions World, inspiring all to join with us to continue to make this dream come true! Each of us is no longer alone in our working for a better world for ourselves and for Humanity, for all our progeny to come…
Love with All, Lila Bennett
One of Many, One of Few
Pioneers of The Neothink Society
And Twelve Visions Party

My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author

Mr. Mark Hamilton.
My name is Bill S. I am not a professional writer, so all I can do is say what is in my heart on this testimonial. I am a retired building contractor, I served with the USMC in the Korean War and I have a great little family to love and protect. When I first came into Neothink I was at the lowest point in my life. I had lost my wife of many years to cancer, a thing that I believe, through our efforts in Neothink will be eradicated for all time. I had reached the point of not caring about going on in life, however my children were very caring and helpful and assisted me into living again. At around this time I received a letter from the Neothink society that informed me that I was special and was selected to receive honest information that would change my life, so that I could live the life that I was meant to live; a healthy, wealthy and peaceful life in a safe environment. So far it has been just that and still improving, thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society; of course to bring this about and keep improving, I needed to become involved and study the honest and revealing literature of Neothink by Mark Hamilton. It is now three years later and I can honestly say that my life has really changed and continues to change for the better. I am involved at the local level with my A-Team, this is a group of like minded people that are seeking a better life through the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions world. I am also involved at the state (Texas) and national level with the TVP. This is a mostly non-political party of free enterprise business type folks (men and women) who only want to bring about a safer and freer society that we can all live and prosper in. To those who read this, please know that the only ones involved in the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink society are good, honest, hard working folks, and what matters to them is to bring everyone in the United States and the World the system that will make all the people rich, including the poor. Please read and understand our literature before you fall victim to the many untrue stories and blogs. My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author, Mr. Mark Hamilton.
Thanks Mark, with love and peace. Bill
PS: To anyone who has not studied the Prime Law-read it because it is your only hope of Real Freedom and Prosperity.

Mark Hamilton – Thank You!

I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society. It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life! I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life. The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives, guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal, to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow. I began to take an interest in life around me. I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning. Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party. I had never and I mean NEVER had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved. By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is. I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow. They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with: Thought – first, Discipline – conscious actions, Control – of conscious actions. Now the most wonderful thing! The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man-made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert! There are no criminally minded people. There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says” no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society. This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences. Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated. Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles. The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence. My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others. Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O

I want to thank Mark Hamilton…


To the Neothink® Society, I want to thank Mark Hamilton for developing a philosophy that introduces a new way of thinking.  I am learning to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am finally realizing who I really am. It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I so cherish the opportunity to begin this new journey of no return.

What this means to me:

I’m learning a new appreciation for life, love and happiness; to respect myself again and grow as a better person.

By learning to create values, I am taking full responsibility for my own life always.

I haven’t found my Friday night essence yet, but I have new hope here in the Society that I thought was lost forever.  I am gradually finding out what it means to be happy and the value in which I will be eternally grateful. I am truly looking forward to the creation driven life I was meant to live.

The Neothink® Society is an invitation to life, a newfound, much needed wonderful life!  When I received the invitation (around June 2009), I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.

Even though I do lack interest in Politics due to the dishonesty, interference and coercion imposed upon us by the politicians, the Visions and Miss Annabelle peaked my interest and desire to gradually become involved.  I never before knew what potential I had or may have, but I do know that with encouragement from TVP I will eventually manage all aspects of my life and ultimately obtain the fruitful, peaceful life I have always wanted.  I don’t even know what my passion is, without pinpointing any particular area, but there is renewed hope to become the person I was always meant to be.

Throughout my school years, I had very few friends. I found solace in accomplishing what my family and others kept telling me I couldn’t or wasn’t capable for lack of knowledge, anything in which I showed an interest.  I suppose there was a drive to show them I could do anything I set my mind to.  I remained lost all my life, but I had an overwhelming desire to find a passion, an interest that would be with me forever. This abusive and destructive behavior still haunts me to this day.  No one wanted or needed my input or opinion regarding anything.  I was always called upon to troubleshoot and clean-up after siblings found themselves not knowing what to do or how to figure it out.  After resolving the situation, I was cast aside and never acknowledged for my abilities.  As an object of embarrassment and ridicule, I never knew who I was or what I was supposed to do.  What did they want from me?

With the integration of Neothink, I feel free to be myself with the drive to achieve more and accomplish things of value for myself and the chance to help others and find that beautiful place in which I was always meant to be, leading me to my Friday Night Essence. Neothink provides a wealth of information that can make their members the happiest, healthiest and wealthiest and am looking forward to meeting many more people in the Neothink Society.

The manuscripts are already starting to direct me toward a purpose in life by establishing a goal in finding my Friday Night Essence. This is an incentive to keep growing and learning. I earnestly search for my Friday Night Essence in finding a purpose and I look forward to the subtle changes that will surely take place in my life. I will continue to read every chance I get to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

With Undying Gratitude and Appreciation,

Judy S


I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives.  Guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal–to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean Never had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says”no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O


I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives.  Guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal–to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean Never had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says”no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O


I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives.  Guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal–to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean Never had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says”no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society…

My name is Bill S.  I am not a professional writer, so all I can do is say what is in my heart on this testimonial.  I am a retired building contractor, I served with the USMC in the Korean War and I have a great little family to love and protect.  When I first came into NeoThink I was at the lowest point in my life.  I had lost my wife of many years to cancer, a thing that I believe, through our efforts in Neothink will be eradicated for all time.  I had reached the point of not caring about going on in life, however my children were very caring and helpful and assisted me into living again.  At around this time I received a letter from the Neothink society that informed me that I was special and was selected to receive honest information that would change my life, so that I could live the life that I was meant to live; a healthy, wealthy and peaceful life in a safe environment.  So far it has been just that and still improving, thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society; of course to bring this about and keep inproving, I needed to become involved and study the honest and revealing literature of Neothink by Mark Hamilton.  It is now three years later and I can honestly say that my life has really changed and continues to change for the better.  I am involved at the local level with my  A-Team, this is a group of like minded people that are seeking a better life through the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions world.  I am also involved at the state (Texas) and national level with the TVP.  This is a mostly non-political party of free enterprise business type folks (men and women) who only want to bring about a safer and freer society that we can all live and prosper in.  To those who read this, please know that the only ones involved in the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink society are good, honest, hard working folks, and what matters to them is to bring everyone in the United States and the World the system that will make all the people rich, including the poor.  Please read  and understand our literature before you fall victim to the many untrue stories and blogs.  My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author, Mr. Mark Hamilton.

Thanks Mark, with love and peace.  Bill

PS:  To anyone who has not studied the Prime Law-read it because it is your only hope of Real Freedom and Prosperity

Mark Hamilton – Thank You!

I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society.  It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life!  I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.

I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life.  The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives, guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal, to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow.  I began to take an interest in life around me.  I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning.  Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party.  I had never and I mean NEVER had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved.  By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is.  I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow.  They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with:  Thought – first,  Discipline – conscious actions,  Control – of conscious actions.  Now the most wonderful thing!  The TVP and the Prime Law.

The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man-made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert!  There are no criminally minded people.  There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says” no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society.  This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences.  Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.

My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated.  Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles.  The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence.  My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others.  Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Civilization of the Universe today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O


How could making loud noise or playing loud music on one’s own property be considered initiatory force against close neighbors?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Prime law government is protection only.  This type of situation would need to be determined on a one-on-one objectivity.  With noise abuse in your environment, the community can negotiate with the parties to desist or will have the personal result of placing ostracism on the parties abusing your noise peace, if the initiating person does not make the choice of respecting neighbors’ peaceful life.  Discipline, thought and control would integrate home construction, share in the party and respect for others in your community.

March 2025