Posts Tagged ‘peace’

this is my life

I’m sitting here in front of the computer thinking of what to say, on this cold, beautiful December day – what a beautiful day! As I sit here, thinking about what to say, it is difficult to put into words how Mark Hamilton’s literature has changed me, the people I met, and what great things I see for the future. Putting it into a couple words is hard. My thoughts and feelings are going a mile a minute on how grateful I am to be a part of history! You know, I always felt alone. I could never find anyone that could answer my most burning questions about life and its meaning. Now I am at peace with myself and with the world. Thanks to Neothink, I have discovered a new ME!

Mark Hamilton, the “real” voices of change!

Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society has changed my life for the better. Not only personally, but professionally as well. His writings and Mentorship have been an invaluable asset. I have learned and applied these value-driven techniques which have brought into my life the wealth, health and peace that most of us yearn for. In my opinion, Mark Hamilton is “The Real Voice of Change” for our culture today. I am writing this with sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to my Mentor, Mr. Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society.

Wealth – Health – Peace

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark thank you for giving me the opportunity to join neothink. I joined three years ago. It took me over a year to read the literature. What a mind lifting event that was. I had never read a book cover to cover in my life. Till read your literature that alone was a great accomplishment for me. I started my own biz I got out of a destructive relationship and I can spot mysticism everywhere I go. My life has done a complete one eighty. And I am moving forward with a new mindset. Moving toward wealth health & peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton.

sincerely  Sean P Akins

I am truly fortunate to have acquired the Neothink knowledge.

I am truly fortunate to have acquired the Neothink knowledge.

Discovered in America, the land of the free, Neothink will definitely bring peace and prosperity to the USA and to the world. Neothink continues to benefit my life in every way.

Thanks, Sloan

The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me

Anwser: The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me
to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered society of idiots.
The world has gone crazy, I’m free with my own thoughts and answers to a better
place to live and work and hope for my Grand Children and future generations.
It also has presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.
To have wealth, health, love, peace and respect for each other is the goal of the
Neothink Society through the formation of the Twelve Visions Party this is very real.
Last: I’m 81 years old and it gave me reason to live to be a 100′
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G. Cornwell

Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you

Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you, for having us in your heart. From the information about the Neothink Society, that I have read, I am so pleased to learn that you have a passion for “freedom and justice for all”. I can relate to the desire that you made so clear, in your writings, that you want to see our country and our world at peace and our families living without a forceful negative government. Your teachings have shown me the beauty of a strong family life and deep respect for this beautiful land that we live in. It is a pleasure to embrace the Neothink Society. Peggie P

Get Mark Hamilton’s Literature!

Wealth, health, and peace are the three most important conditions for civilization. Yet we don’t see this today. Instead, we see a world divided and detached from human life. In comparison, Mark Hamilton has created a masterpiece of secrets the ruling class don’t want you to know about. It has nothing to do with “conspiracy theories” or the like, but it has everything to do with honest and true love-building, wealth creation, and peace pursuing. If you haven’t already, get Mark Hamilton’s literature now! You won’t regret it!

Adam H.
New York

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark thank you for giving me the opportunity to join neothink. I joined three years ago. It took me over a year to read the literature. What a mind lifting event that was. I had never read a book cover to cover in my life. Till read your literature that alone was a great accomplishment for me. I started my own biz I got out of a destructive relationship and I can spot mysticism everywhere I go. My life has done a complete one eighty. And I am moving forward with a new mindset. Moving toward wealth health & peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton.

sincerely Sean P Akins

Neothinking My World!

I have always loved being near the water. It gives me peace. Networking at the beaches of the world is truly an exhilarating experience.

March 2025