Posts Tagged ‘peace sign’




It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


March 2025