Posts Tagged ‘peace keepers’

Our Reason For Living: TO BE HAPPY!

Well, well, well. Honesty is self-evident, isnt it? Take a GOOD and HONEST look out into our society right now and see what career politicans have done to the world. What else will we endure before everything gets better and not JUST better mind you but OUTRAGEOUSLY AND STUPENDIOUSLY FANTASTIC for WE THE PEOPLE. When I look out across our country (USA) today I see far too many people suffering. I see way too many people fighting. I see innumerable people struggling to make their life what they have always dreamed it would have been. Then I see many other people who have given up. Now if you have the ear of honesty you will see this is the way it is up to this point. Since this is true, why are career politicians the so called “peace keepers?” Will the career polticians please answer that? They will just use their so called “Facts” to mislead THE PEOPLE, drain THE PEOPLE and abuse THE PEOPLE. Career politicans have for far too long messed with the way things are going to run. Now WE THE PEOPLE participating with and in TVP are going to change absolutely EVERYTHING you are going through today/tonight (whenever you are now reading this). You read that right: EVERYTHING of civilization is GOING to change. We have with TVP KNOW that we have honest power and are rising to the levels that we desire to rise to. No, we dont need career politicans regulating the economy (which is another way of saying “I Rule You”). Rather we need compitent career market driven business people CREATING the economy and raising up WE THE PEOPLES standard of living. I may only be 26 years young here but really look out into the world and ask yourself “Is this what I REALLY want?” If no, which I guarantee it isnt, then TVP needs YOU THE PEOPLE to stand up with us and say “no” and say “YES” to TVP and CREATE a major change in the country. First to our country and then to our world. We have an enormous responsiblity to care for our planet and career politicians do not care about that. Only if it fits under their self-angradizing schemes to rule, will they “care”. Some “heart” they do have. But no matter because TVP is the best thing, directly beside The Neothink Society, to ever have been CREATED! Just continue to check out and absorb EVERYTHING here. Integrate EVERYTHING here and watch if you dont feel happier! This is Patrick Bundy and I leave with this: ITS TIME TO PARTY!

How will government change how it handles situations involving dissension such as peaceful protests and marches after the Prime Law is in place?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With government finally set up the way it should be, dissention will no longer be the issue it is now. If there were protests, marches or gatherings, the government would mobilize to protect everyone involved rather than possibly commit initiatory force like as in the past. And at the same time, the government would act as peace keepers and protect everyone who is not involved.

March 2025