Posts Tagged ‘peace and love’

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY


Since becoming a member of the Neothink Society, I have learned how to live the life I was meant to live, not as others dictated to me, but my best life , the way it was meant to be lived.  You see, I did not know that I could do that before.  I was always making sacrifices before, feeling guilty, if I put myself first, not anymore.  I take care of myself first, this way, I am well able to take care of others who demand my attention.  Also, I was an over-eater, now I only eat when I am hungry, and sometimes, I just forget, because I am too busy creating other things I enjoy.

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY, where I was always sad and depressed about something.  Now I wake up each morning ready to go, full of life and looking forward to the day ahead.  One morning, I woke up, and it seemed like their was nothing of the old negativity left in me.  I was free, free to live life my life, with nothing holding me back, ready to change the world for the better.  The things that I have learned in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, is the best information, the truth, that makes you free.  I wish this for every-one, so that no one has to endure the boring, routine rut life that’s in the world today.  Peace and Love to all.

Germaine M.




It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


World Freedom and Peace through Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Vision Party


I always feel blessed to be discovered by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. At times I sit back to imagine where I would have been today without the valuable helps that Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society have blessed me with. If only Americans will realize and understand the visions of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve vision party, I hope total peace will be realized in America first and the world as a world. The Twelve Vision Party is as I can imagine the party that will empower very Americans to realize their full potentials of who they are meant to be as its principles as taught me by Mr Hamilton have empowered me to realized my full potential in achieving what ever I want and wish for in life. I have been with neothink society since 2006 and have learned a lot and still learning and can honestly say the journey have been a truly life changing for the better. I have the opportunity to know and understand what neothink and Mark Hamilton is offering the world. A valuable knowledge that have given me total peace and love for my fellow human beings irrespective of their race, nationality or culture. This peace within I can realized is all that others also feel when ever they are around me. I feel respected and loved every where I go. I have realized self responsibly of my own well being as every day turn to be always very exciting full of what is lined up for me to accomplish. I will encourage everyone who will have the chance to be invited in knowing about neothink should find him or herself blessed and to grab the opportunity with both hands. I was lucky and thank God I didn’t missed the chance you may be next to experience a true life changing knowledge with the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has opened my eyes

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has opened my eyes to the truth about the world.  His publications are packed with information about every aspect of human life.  He teaches you how to think for yourself and make your life pure bliss.  If you are searching (like I was) for something more from life–read the books.

You don’t need to read them from cover to cover to get the awesome information from these books, simply choose the area of interest from the table of contents. I guarantee that once you read a section in the book, you’ll end up reading the whole thing.

Everyone has an opinion, people like to spread gossip and many people don’t like change. You have a an opportunity to learn about the myths of the world that most influential people don’t want you to know about. I say read the books and make your own decision.


with peace and love,

Carol E

March 2025