Posts Tagged ‘peace and happiness’

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP:
Mark Hamilton, all I can say now in my burnt out state is, you and the Original Twelve Visions Party Team, I believe are the only way that I may be able to get my beloved spouse Susan Mary Strain, back in physical presence. And that only through your visions and applications of new technologies, along with your Twelve Visions Party team, may all the earth’s people finely have a way for humanity to exist hear on earth, along with everlasting life, for all of us on planet earth and in the heavens of the universe of conscious life, through the human spirit.
With the very highest educational materials I have received from you, Mark Hamilton, I believe it is possible for me and my beloved Susan, to continue living the love and happiness we shared without being crushed by evil. Not only would we be able to continue in the greatest love and happiness of all, ( “that was the love and life we shared together”), but we would have the opportunity to have children and normalize our life completely as we grow into the future.
My hope is that we Americans may all find a way to work together to utilize Mark Hamilton’s ideas for a bright and beautiful life and future for all of us. Hopefully we Americans can all pull together and use all new and old ideas that help us all as Americans; and that help all human life. That we may live the greatest and most beautiful life, love, peace and happiness of all, ( even as we do now all share, in some ways), right here in America, and share that love and life with the world. America has been know as having the leading edge in bringing peace and humanity to all Americans and also to the world round. My hope is that we can remain in this capacity for the sake of all Americans and all the world round. That all humanity and civilization may continue, and also grow into a more beautiful world and life, for all human existence and humanity the world round.
I hope this message will help you Mark Hamilton and the Original Twelve Visions Party team, and all, in some capacity. If you call upon me again at some time, I will do my best to share my thoughts and feeling at that time.

Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society, has changed my life.

Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society, has changed my life. My life has become better and better, each and every day because of them. Every aspect of my life, from my professional life, my love life, my living situation, have all changed dramatically for the better since I started reading the Neothink Literature over a year and a half ago. Reading this literature was the best decision I have made in my life.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party means everything to me. It literally means more happiness, success, love, and wealth for everyone on the planet, including myself. It will make my life, my loved one’s life, and everyone else’s life, way more enjoyable and healthy.
If Mark Hamilton were to be silenced it will be more devastating to the world than I think you understand, especially if you have never read his literature for yourself. Someone who will bring so much value to each and every person in the world should never be silenced. It will be a dark day for the planet when Mark Hamilton is silenced, and even darker days will follow.
I am forever great full for what Mark Hamilton has done for my loved ones and me. I want nothing more than peace and happiness for the world. If you have read Mark Hamilton’s work, you know that’s all he wants too.
Joe LoC

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life…

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life, I finally see hope for are country and the world as a hole. This is the only hope for the world to finally find peace and happiness! The literature and teachings nurtured from this party are uplifting and wonderful! There is nothing harmful or dangerous from these teachings, just pure simple logic being used for are benefit. The goal of the party is success for everybody and everything! To use are growing knowledge for the good all mankind. To make this world a paradise for all. Were there is no loss of anything that brings good to mankind.
The thought that this movement could be stopped is very saddening. Without the Twelve Visions Party I fear that the world will continue in its downward spiral and never come out of it. Death and war will flourish and the environment will be sacrificed and we will slowly destroy are planet and all its wonderful people, and all the beautiful places this world has to offer us all. The word that the party will bring us will be amazing and fun, fun, fun! The technology that will be developed by the nurturing of are great minds will be astonishing. Don’t stop the greatest thing we bring to this beautiful planet, are Minds!!
Michael O

Living On Purpose


Three years ago I was inspired by Mark Hamilton to begin living my life for a new. Prior to that time I had recently retired from my career as an R.N. This early retirement came about from a devasting tornado. Mark’s remarkable Multigenerational manuscripts and his soaring visions for wealth, health, peace and happiness for all of us truly inspired me. This purpose and inspiration are still with me today, stronger than ever! I’m living my life on Purpose.Sincerely, Joan

Mark Hamilton is God’s gift to the world


Haven’t we humans come of age to know lies and dishonesty can never make this world a better place that we all dream and wish for? Isn’t it exciting to realize there are still people in this world of ours like Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who have the drive to get us all to a peaceful and fulfilling life? Lets take time to listen to what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party have for us all to get us to the world of peace and happiness that we are created to live. I believe Mark Hamilton is a chosen one to take us all on this journey.


TVP Testimonial,
Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society, has changed my life. My life has become better and better, each and every day because of them. Every aspect of my life, from my professional life, my love life, my living situation, have all changed dramatically for the better since I started reading the Neothink Literature over a year and a half ago. Reading this literature was the best decision I have made in my life.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party means everything to me. It literally means more happiness, success, love, and wealth for everyone on the planet, including myself. It will make my life, my loved one’s life, and everyone else’s life, way more enjoyable and healthy.
If Mark Hamilton were to be silenced it will be more devastating to the world than I think you understand, especially if you have never read his literature for yourself. Someone who will bring so much value to each and every person in the world should never be silenced. It will be a dark day for the planet when Mark Hamilton is silenced, and even darker days will follow.
I am forever great full for what Mark Hamilton has done for my loved ones and me. I want nothing more than peace and happiness for the world. If you have read Mark Hamilton’s work, you know that’s all he wants too.
Joe LoC

Mark Hamilton’s magnum opus “SUPERPUZZLE” is an emotional roller-coaster


WARNING: “SUPERPUZZLE” is NOT recommended for the faint of heart, those that choose to deny reality, or value destroyers.

Mark Hamilton’s magnum opus “SUPERPUZZLE” is an emotional roller-coaster unlike any book ever written.   After only a few chapters, intense emotions that you didn’t think still resided in your body, emotions that may have lay dormant for years or even decades, will be wrenched out of their lairs and laid bare and honest in front of you.  Your CHILD OF THE PAST will call out to you and you simply won’t be able to deny him/her the irresistible stimulation and deep-rooted love woven throughout Mark Hamilton’s TWELVE VISIONS WORLD tapestry.  From despair to triumph and exultation, from corruption and pure evil to innocence and child-like joy, even from tragic death to eternal life, Mark Hamilton flies you on a magic carpet ride through the illusions and evil in the world and deposits you smack in the heart of FULLY-INTEGRATED HONESTY (FIH).  For a wild ride through your deepest unchallenged beliefs and society’s commonly accepted but easily manipulated “truths”, read Mark Hamilton’s “SUPERPUZZLE” now! Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!  

FINAL NOTE: “SUPERPUZZLE” is HIGHLY addictive and HIGHLY recommended for those wishing to regain their “CHILD OF THE PAST” lost passion for life, those wishing to annihilate the illusions of society, and those aspiring value creators seeking WEALTH, HEALTH, PEACE, and HAPPINESS for themselves and their loved ones.


Darren U

February 2025