Posts Tagged ‘passions’

I will discuss later the positive effect the Neothink writings have been on my life…

I will discuss later the positive effect the Neothink writings have been on my life but, first I must get this out as to how the attack on Neothink stirs my soul and, inflames my passions. The attacks themselves are products of fear! YES FEAR! It is a very old time honored tradition which the ruling class spreads lies thru the masses via what the popular main stream media of that era. Today

An Amazing Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Amazing Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Trilogy was an Eye Opener..CONNECTING with the child of our Past is Essential. If you Love to Work Hard & Play Hard, than you will Enjoy Mark Hamilton’s Book’s. The Dreamer in Me is AWAKE AGAIN!!! The Business Aspect’s that Mark talk’s about are Dynamic. If you want Tool’s that will work than this is VITAL information.



The concept of what Mark Hamilton is teaching us,…

Dear Mark Hamilton ,
I would like to thank you with all of my heart for opening me up to a better life for myself and all the others around me in my life .
There are not enough words to describe the way my life has been changing . It has opened me up to so many great and wonderful things and each day I am feeling even more alive each day, then I did the day before. I can never thank you enough for turning my life around. And believing in myself again ,something I haven’t done in a long time and it feels great to have self-confidence back again !!

Hello, to all of you fine people, the many, that have not yet become a part of the Twelve Visions Party already. You have no idea as to how much knowledge you CAN, and WILL learn if you were to join with us, the new Society of NEO-Thinking !
This new way of thinking has opened my eyes quite wide. I was searching for something, I was on a knowledge kick, looking for something that was missing from me and my life ! It is like I could feel a empty space inside of me. I knew for a time that this world of ours was down in the dumps ,with all of the violence and destruction and deviants that are destroying the entire world ,and I could feel, that some where, there was something or somebody that, knew or read something or that had some knowledge and that if it came to light, would help to put ourselves back together again. I feel there is a need for all of us to pick up the pieces and rebuild this entire world.
Not too soon either ,While I was searching I have found out things on line, And now because of that I am learning so much with the Twelve Visions Party, so much more too, I am actually learning a more appreciative and powerful new and smarter way of handling my entire life, My passions and ideals are smoothing out, and there is a profound sense of feeling in myself that wasn’t there for a very long time.
The planet, if you will, needs to find a more proficient way of learning better personal and professional management practices, like right now.
Mark Hamilton is a remarkable man and I am really proud to say that. His teaching has done so much for me and so many others. He has found a new and more efficient system that actually works .That is what thousands of people are now finding out about even as you read this.
The concept of what Mark Hamilton is teaching us, has made me more aware of many new fundamentals of learning. I am definitely becoming much more efficient ,and not only in business ,but in my personal life as well. I am beside myself, with having found that, with this “Neo-thinking” I am actually getting organized in my private life and I never would have thought that was possible. I am sort of new to this way of thinking and the teaching of this information, is absolutely remarkable, and then putting the information to use in this new and professional very efficient system of creating I am accomplishing so much more each and everyday. It is really absolutely fantastic!!
Mark Hamilton only has the people’s best interests at heart, and with this new way of teaching us, these concepts(ideas) will indeed, make all our lives more in tune with our thoughts and actions and the entire nation can and should open up their hearts and minds to this vast and very insightful knowledge . We the people of this “Neo-Think Society” have found that as it is a new conception of ways to apply oneself we can learn to do things more efficiently and there’s nothing wrong with that, is there.
We (Neo-Thinking Society) only want to let the rest of the public attendance, who haven’t heard of this new way yet, know that this new and much better way of managing our lives, is definitely going to make great changes in all of us. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to learn something new. If we,” the people on earth “(everyone) learned this new and easier but more advanced way of “Neo-thinking” earlier in our lives ,I believe the world would not be so disorganized as it is now, and right now wouldn’t you agree that it is a “real mess.”
The lessons that myself, and the many others in this new society have, or will learn, are very logical, and reliable ways of making all of our (you and me) goals much easier to accomplish, and with all the goals that you set for yourselves, can and will make a huge and much better difference in all of your(our) lives and that is a good thing. The things that you can learn to accomplish, will make your daily personal and business lives much more enhanced and advanced. It is truly quite an amazing feeling, to know in your heart, how much more you can and will learn if you allow yourselves to expand and to really advance your knowledge into the better way of managing our futures, and that of our great nation. It is where the entire population on this planet live. Where I live and where you live…;
So, now this letter is just scratching the bare surface of the information and knowledge that is out there for us to learn, There are infinite tunnels of knowledge just waiting for us to acquire it, absorb it. The positively numerous amounts learning is just waiting to be acknowledged by us . These things are the things that Mr. Mark Hamilton are opening all of our eyes to. In my book there nothing wrong with all of the things he has been, and still is teaching us ,Absolutely nothing . If we were smart enough to look for knowledge we would have found it too.
I did, there is nothing greater then knowledge and as father time must have thought, as it was, just a “”MATTER OF TIME” before it came to light and Mark just happened to figure it out for us. Now he is helping all of us learn to use these same tools that will shed light all around I guess that it is just another part of “evolution” and there is nothing wrong with evolution we live it each and every day, right !!

Mark Hamilton I thank you again for all the knowledge you have given us, enabling me with the advantage to learn as much as I can and I will always be behind you and with you 100% you should be very proud to know ,you have help so many of us learn of all the possibilities that are here for each and everyone to learn and apply them in our everyday lives, both professional and personal !!Yes, Mark we are grateful that you pointed us on the path to this great and powerful source of Knowledge.!!
&n bsp; God Bless,
Tammy Jo

I thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes…

My Name is Normand D
I listened to the Sunday night telecast for the TVP August 30/2009 and was blown away by what I heard.
The honesty, the passion and dedication towards Mark Hamilton and realized that those same passions reside in myself as well.
I long for the Ms Annabelle story to become a reality so much so that what I have read so far from Mark Hamilton is with me 24/7. That’s all I think and or talk about to as many people that will listen to me.
Mark Hamilton has given me guidance and direction to a now brighter future and I will fight tooth and nail to achieve that goal of a new and prosperous world.
The world is a much better place because of Mark Hamilton I thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and most of all the eyes of the world to the truth. For you have done this with great honesty and integration. You deserve the respect and admiration of the planet, today and in the future.
I know that the US government will try to destroy this valuable asset that we have in you Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party.
The same way a slave owner will to try and keep his slaves, that way the slave owner can keep them as prisoners and under his thumb.
Anyone who listens to and believes the lies spread by the media in attacking Mark Hamilton to me represents themselves to be a slave of the government. Destined to a life of poverty and misery. People of America open your eyes to the truth and listen and read about what the TVP party stands for. A happy, healthy, prosperous, free life for all.
Think about it a world not ruled by force or intimidation, lies and deceit. Think very hard about that. Or live your lives unfulfilled and miserable.

Mark Hamilton challenged me to think for myself…

I wish to offer my thoughts in regard to Mark Hamilton and his writings. When I was first introduced to the writings I was frightened because Mark Hamilton challenged me to think for myself and no longer be allowed to be manipulated by others.Mark Hamilton accomplished this by first causing me to first look at myself and understand not only the complexities of myself but also the simplicity of my nature. By understanding my nature I could understand others. How has this benefited me? I am more alert to the world around me now and can make more rational integrated decisions about my life. The illusions which in the past consumed me no longer dictate and direct my life. I have found a profound happiness in myself thru the understanding of the Mark Hamilton literature .I now believe I can become the person I was mint to be. We all have a desire to become more than we are and Mark Hamilton has given me the tools to build a reality of my own choosing. I have a great respect, if not love, for MH. His passions for the world have become my passions. Seeing the world through the integrated understanding of MH,I can only share in his desire to see a better world and a better life. There have been people in history who through an action or spoken words have impacted many other lives probably not realizing the impact they have made, for example a mere photo of a few solders razing the US flag on the battlefield, or the words spoken I HAVE A DREAM and so many countless others have caused people to rally to a cause. Some have made their lives known through the examples the lead.MH is more than any of those examples of others of which we may relate to. His writings dictate to us thru integrated thinking that we must move beyond the destructive nature we are in today and reach for a life of peace joy and love. Many have tried thru art or literature have attempted to influence others in their thoughts and dreams but no one since Jesus has set truth and reality in its place like Mark Hamilton. I am not attempting to idolize MH but to relay a certainty of fact that his teachings stand up to any scrutiny thru logic and understanding .I offer my opinion in regards to MH. No one has ever had more of an impact on my life than the man Mark Hamilton. Robert A

With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions

I hear most people talk about their life in America; and how they want their life to get easier and be more rewarding. I listen and think I am happy to be in NEOTHINK. Neothink and all the like minded people has helped me grow, and have a rewarding life.
I know my passion in life, and see other people find their passion in life also, but we can not attain our true passion and develop it in the society we are in now. With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions, have great health, joy, love, money, see and feel all the bounty of our lives develop before our open eyes.
Margaret Levine

It all began with a letter in the mail.


As I write this, I have $5.40 in my corporate bank account. Why? It’s because you who are reading this needs to know that this communication comes to you from an honest and unashamed business woman. I am a wife, mother, daughter and friend.  I totally blame my lack of funds for my business, solely on our current political structure of government. Tell me, how much more can my husband and I afford to pay in school and property taxes? No more! We can’t!  Any extra income that I’ve earned from my business went into paying more and more taxes!   My family lives very modestly, my husband’s income barely pays the bills to support our family of six. What I am saying is that we need a total new approach to government. I am convinced after reading the writings of Mark Hamilton and his visions of a new political paradigm, that his Twelve Visions Party is the answer! Not only for building the  wealth of my own business, but for the wealth, health and peace of the United States and eventually our world.
I want to tell you my story of how I was introduced to Mark Hamilton, his literature and his Neothink Society, which I am currently an active member of.
It all began with a letter in the mail. Mark Hamilton’s letter to me was an honest approach of his vision of a future world that I could be a part of. His letter invited me to be a part of the change. I answered that letter and became very involved with the Neothink Society. I began to read his writings of visions that he had for a future world where a new form of government actually helped the people. It helped them create new jobs, in other words, jobs that they created and developed from their passions. Jobs that would give back to society. I read where a Twelve Visions Party President, once elected, put into place a new amendment to the Constitution, which became The Prime Law. The Prime Law protected all of us.
That law is this:
The Prime Law
(The Fundamental of Protection)
The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.
The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.
The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.
Article 1
No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individuals self, property, or contract.
Article 2
Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Artice 1
No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.
I read that the Twelve Visions Party’s platform was
“To make all the people rich, including the poor.”
I read about new cures for disease, an explosion of technology and wealth that the average person could profit from and eventually become extremely wealthy. All of this made total sense to me.
I thought about the future of my children and the potential of a world where our debt would not be their financial ruin!  I quickly became involved. I joined the Neothink website and developed fast friends, as well as many potential business contacts. I discovered that these new friends and business contacts were the same like mind as myself!  I can honestly say now, that they have all become trusted friends and their support as well as their honesty, is truly what a family means to me now.  
As I became more involved with the Neothink Society, I began to partake in the discussions on the Neothink web site as well as the weekly national phone calls. These phone calls were also interactive on the Internet. I found that the more I communicated, the stronger I became… I developed many new friends and learned more each day on how I could personally step up and get involved. Before I became active with the Neothink Society, I worked for a radio station as a sales gal. Before that, I learned how to be a professional voice actor and built my studio as well.  When I worked for the station, I produced from my home studio all of my clients commercials. I created their ads, then produced their commercials. When I called on my clients, I spent more time listening , rather than trying to sell them air time. I cared very much about their success of their business. These business owners told me about their personal journeys, their stories of how they began their careers. I loved my job.  However, what I didn’t love about it was the in-house competition. Actually, when I would bump into other sales people from other radio stations…I was always genuinely pleased to meet them. At my own station, we were always pressed to compete with one another. I have always been a team player…this kind of competition was foreign to me. I was extremely uncomfortable…so much so that I began to think that if I continued in this environment…I would become sick. Even my own sales manager would compete with me. As I became more involved with the writings of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I somehow became stronger and more self-assured. I began to feel very uncomfortable at work. I began to see things clearer. I began to instinctively know who was lying to me…who was trying to cheat me. The process of my own growth and self love was a journey I had been on for some time, prior to my introduction of Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton. His writings opened my eyes even more to the world around me. The truth and honesty of my new friends and contacts within the society helped to make me a stronger woman.  One week before Christmas I quit my job at the radio station. It was one of the most difficult decisions of my life, as I so loved radio and my clients. The new year came and I began to think what I would do now. I became more creative. I had time to think. I decided to build my own company. I created a radio show where I would produce the show and interview those business owners. They would tell their story’s of how they began their careers. By doing so, they would also have that opportunity to promote their product or service. My show was accepted by two commercial stations, one in Albany NY and the other in Phoenix, AZ. It was very exciting. During that time,  I joined and became active in the Neothink Business Alliance. To date, I have also become active hosting the call on the weekly National Twelve Visions Party call. There is a segment of the call where I can use my talent as well. I interview those in the Neothink Society that are making a difference in our world. One day I had a revelation. I was preparing for one of our national Twelve Visions Party calls. I remember thinking to myself…ok, well…you have $28.50 in your bank account, why are you not spending every minute trying to increase that? Why are you devoting your time and energy into this Twelve Visions Party call?  Why?  It is because that I know, with all my being that this opportunity to change our current government structure with The Twelve Visions Party is our last chance for survival. I know that my small effort may help to change our world and my children’s world and just maybe someday I can say that my “Team-Player” efforts have paid off. That $5.40 in my bank account represents to me a determination to be a part of a “real” change! If you are reading this and you want to learn more about The Twelve Visions Party and how you too can bring about change in your personal and professional life while helping to change the world? Go here now. The future is right here and right now. It is time for your voices to be heard. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visons Party and your voices will change our world and bring about Wealth, Health and Peace. These are very exciting times and I am honored to be a part of the change.
Best regards,
Kjelene Magnell B

Mark Hamilton has helped me to realize…



The Neothink society as well as Mark Hamilton has helped me to realize my potential. I served five years in the military, finished my Bachelors degree, and I am in the process of starting my own business. I want to share my experience with the Neothink Society with everyone. I grew up in a family with an absent father and an alcoholic mother. I was taught little about value or hard work for that matter. My mother told me at age thirteen that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t bring the police home. This meant I didn’t have to get good grades in school, I could do drugs, and about a month later she took off. I spent the next few years bumping around from one sisters house to the next until eventually they kicked me out. My sister told me that I ate too much food and at the tender age of sixteen I had to stand on my own two feet. At this age this is a little difficult to do. I had no money and no one to turn to. For the next few years I stumbled around I worked at Taco Bell part time and sold drugs the rest of the day. I also dropped out of school. The only smart thing I did was to get my G.E.D. When I was nineteen I came into contact with Neothink. The Neothink society showed me something about  myself that I didn’t know . Mark Hamilton’s literature showed me that I had a purpose in life and that by following my passions I could accomplish anything.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart,

B. H

Louisville Ky

I wish to offer my thoughts in regard to Mark Hamilton and his writings. When I was first introduced to the writings I was frightened because  MH challenged me to think for myself and no longer be allowed to be manipulated by others.MH accomplished this by first causing me to first look at myself and understand not only the complexities of myself but also the simplicity of my nature. By understanding my nature I could understand others. How has this benefited me? I am more alert to the world around me now and can make more rational integrated decisions about my life .The illusions which in the past consumed me no longer dictate and direct my life. I have found a profound happiness in myself thru the understanding of the MH literature .I now believe I can become the person I was mint to be. We all have a desire to become more than we are and MH has given me the tools to build a reality of my own choosing. I have a great respect, if not love, for MH. His passions for the world have become my passions. Seeing the world through the integrated understanding of  MH,I can only share in his desire to see a better world and a better life. There have been people in history  who through an action or spoken words have impacted many other lives probably not realizing the impact they have made, for example a mere photo of a few solders razing the US flag on the battlefield, or the words spoken I HAVE A DREAM and so many countless others have caused people to rally to a cause. Some have made their lives known through the examples the lead.MH is more than any of those examples of others of which we may relate to. His writings dictate to us thru integrated thinking that we must move beyond the destructive nature we are in today and reach for a life of peace joy and love. Many have tried thru art or literature have attempted to influence others in their thoughts and dreams but no one since Jesus has set truth and reality in its place like MH.I am not attempting to idolize MH but to relay a certainty of fact that his teachings stand up to any scrutiny thru logic and understanding .I offer my opinion in regards to MH. No one has ever had more of an impact on my life than the man MH. Robert A

Mark Hamilton has given me guidance and direction to a now brighter future…

My Name is Normand D

I listened to the Sunday night telecast for the TVP August 30/2009 and was blown away by what I heard.

The honesty, the passion and dedication towards Mark Hamilton and realized that those same passions reside in myself as well.

I long for the Ms Annabelle story to become a reality so much so that what I have read so far from Mark Hamilton is with me 24/7.  That’s all I think and or talk about to as many people that will listen to me.

Mark Hamilton has given me guidance and direction to a now brighter future and I will fight tooth and nail to achieve that goal of a new and prosperous world.

The world is a much better place because of Mark Hamilton I thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and most of all the eyes of the world to the truth. For you have done this with great honesty and integration. You deserve the respect and admiration of the planet, today and in the future.

I know that the US government will try to destroy this valuable asset that we have in you Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party.

The same way a slave owner will to try and keep his slaves, that way the slave owner can keep them as prisoners and under his thumb.


Anyone who listens to and believes the lies spread by the media in attacking Mark Hamilton to me represents themselves to be a slave of the government. Destined to a life of  poverty and misery. People of America open your eyes to the truth and listen and read about what the TVP party stands for. A happy, healthy, prosperous, free life for all.

Think about it a world not ruled by force or intimidation, lies and deceit.

Think very hard about that. Or live your lives unfulfilled and miserable.

March 2025