Posts Tagged ‘participant’

I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature


Dear Mark,

This is the first time I have written to you, since I prefer to process all the information before I develop an opinion.  I hope you are able to continue your work.  Although controversial for some, I believe the vision and mission of the organization has the best interest of people at heart.  I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature and appreciate a fresh perspective on life.  I am convinced that the lessons within the literature make a positive difference in folks lives.  I commend you for dedicating your life for such a worthy cause.  I believe the basis of your lessons is to inspire and lead the common person to believe that they can accomplish great things, once they strip themselves of centuries of negative thoughts and fear.  These negative thoughts and fears have been instilled by the very people we trust.  Not because they mean to hold us down, but out of ignorance.  Although, there are always opportunistic people everywhere that will violate our trust (just look at the widespread corruption in some governments and misguided religious organizations).  If we are ever to evolve as a human race, I believe people need to follow your type of lessons and free themselves to become the best they can be without sacrificing others in the process.  Many people are successful but not happy.  Your lessons helps us understand and find our individual happiness.  At this time, I will not be an active participant in your organization, since I have my hands full in a successful career and helping my wife raise our children.  I do hope to get a chance to see your organization flourish and reach out to the masses to help our generation become the example for future generations to come.

Kind regards,

Walter C

March 2025