Posts Tagged ‘pamphlet’

My journey with you began with a pamphlet.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

My journey with you began with a pamphlet.

Then it was the first of my Heirloom Packages-The Package of Neothink Inside Secrets. From within the pages of Inside Secrets I fine-tuned my life. Long suppressed desires were awakened, through the division of essence.

Neothink has shown me ways to improve my own life.


I’m here to tell of my own testimonial. About a year ago I received in the mail a pamphlet. As I read it I stared to feel like this could be me. I was and have been searching for something. Well I’m here to tell you I found it

Greetings Mr. Mark Hamilton

Greetings Mr. Mark Hamilton:
My journey since reading the heirlooms has been very interesting. When I first received the pamphlet two and a half years ago, I was just recently divorced.
My self esteem was very low and I mentally torn apart. In that pamphlet there was a story of man, whose wife cheated on him and eventually had another man’s baby.
The man also mentioned that he eventually got divorced and his ex-wife married the guy she had the baby by. The man expressed low his self-esteem was at that time, but his life started to change after he read a book from the society. He got his self esteem back and women wanted him, including his ex-wife.
My story is similar to his story. Since reading the heirlooms, my self esteem is at a all time high. I have been able to preserve through tough situations in this anti-civilization. I have always been on a quest to discover the secrets of the world. I have studied different religions and philosophies but after reading the heirlooms, I realized that the religions and philosophies are specialized usage of metaphors, similes, personifications, and parables to control conscious minds by mysticism.
The twelve vision party will be very useful because, it transcends race, class, and religion and it focuses on honesty at all times. If people is honest at all times and treat every individual fairly, the world would be a better place.
In conclusion, my journey still continues, I haven’t found the financial wealth yet, but I have discovered my ten second miracle and I now know that one day my wealth will come. Thank you Mark and Frank for your enlightenment.

I Encountered Neothink

My name is Mike C here in CA central Valley.
My testimonial is this… I was deep in stagnation as well in mysticism.
back in late 2004 I encounter with Neothink I received your invitation to
be part of this society.
well as an old man with a traditional “believes” well rooted into my
psychic. I decide to get inside I order the first orientation pamphlet.
Then I ordered the first heirloom for me is (priceless) information
I ordered the second heirloom…… that was my turning point.
that book specially the SECOND INSIGHT opened my eyes!!!!
Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you…. because where else can go
is nothing up there but irrationalities, cruelties and oppression
I am 64 year old virtually blind.
I believe in you Mark I believed in your dad Mark Hamilton. This a
historical DAD the dawn of freedom for all of us and eventually for
all humanity.
“GO” FO IT” Mark you wll have my 100% support.
sincerely Mike C

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

My name is Andrew Y, and for many years my life has been pretty stagnant. My life was the same routine; work school and family. There was very little to speak of in romance and relationships. Money was fairly tight, my education was my only outlet to any socialization; other social outlets were internet sites, but that eventually came to just interacting with people who were not honest and open-minded. Three years ago, I received a pamphlet by Neothink; I did read it. I was a little skeptical but the information was very different than anything i read before; information based on reasoning and common sense that all fit together. I was very interested. I bought all three multigenerational manuscripts. Little did i know the material would have a big effect on my life. I always thought of myself as a hard worker and i love to help people, but not in such grand scale. I in the past two years, my life has improved a lot. I moved up in the company i work for, i am a lot more confident and my self esteem has improved. Now i have the knowledge and the ability to improve even more, also to help more people. Neothink is what i have been looking for in my life. With the Twelve Visions Party, everybody’s life will improve.


My name is Andrew Y, and for many years my life has been pretty stagnant. My life was the same routine; work school and family. There was very little to speak of in romance and relationships. Money was fairly tight, my education was my only outlet to any socialization; other social outlets were internet sites, but that eventually came to just interacting with people who were not honest and open-minded.   Three years ago, I received a pamphlet by Neothink; I did read it. I was a little skeptical but the information was very different than anything i read before; information based on reasoning and common sense that all fit together. I was very interested. I bought all three multigenerational manuscripts. Little did i know the material would have a big effect on my life. I always thought of myself as a hard worker and i love to help people, but not in such grand scale. I in the past two years, my life has improved a lot. I moved up in the company i work for, i am a lot more confident and my self esteem has improved. Now i have the knowledge and the ability to improve even more, also to help more people. Neothink is what i have been looking for in my life.  With the Twelve Visions Party, everybody’s life will improve.

March 2025