Posts Tagged ‘own destiny’

The Neothink Society and especially the writings of Mark Hamilton…

The Neothink Society and especially the writings of Mark Hamilton, to me, have become the most important and enlightening literature I have ever read. The knowledge gained in these materials has led me to a place of total optimism for the future of mankind. The values taught, the honesty reflected and the love expressed in these writings, has truly affected myself and my children. We see the value of every human being and recognize the true value of every self. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party, Americans for the first time in many, many decades finally will have a choice in governing ourselves and controlling our own destiny. For my own self, to know that our hope is for every man, woman and child to know exactly who they are in relation to the universe and with integrated honesty be able to fulfill there purpose on this planet. To be able to become what our forefathers saw when they wrote the terms and conditions of what this country was to become and to know how far away from these standards this reigning political system has led us all away from, is to me the biggest crime of all time. When the pursuit of happiness becomes the burden of life because of forced backed taxes and personal agendas of the political elite to get richer and richer at our experience, then I say it is time for a real change. Which is why I support the Neothink Society and especially the Twelve Visions Party. Without Mark Hamilton and the TVP, we can be assured that the Democrats and Republicans will continue with “business as usual” until they run this country into the ground. Some day knowledge and not blind faith will take over all realms of existence. Thank you,      Donald G

To: Mark Hamilton
From: Steven A W

Hello Mark, remember it is normal for people to be negative. This is what they grew up with. The media concentrates on the negative because this is what they think sells. The government feels pressure because they feel threatened, they know change is near. And it is normal for the you to feel nervous. This is an exciting time for Neothink and the 12 visions.

Wait till this goes public. All those people that were not brainwashed by societies normal way of thinking (follow the leader) this will change the world almost immediately.

Remember, we are the leaders of future change by helping individuals become leaders of their own destiny. And no matter what, one person or a few million people who may be against Neothink, well, this is Bigotry of freedom, economics, race, gender and all we stand for. We do have protection against bigotry.

All my best for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year,

Steven A W

How would you like to change the world and the society we live in?

Hi, my name is Jody Jay Watson. How would you like to change the world and the society we live in? By joining us in the Neothink society and supporting our political campaign the “Twelve Visions Party” you can totally change this world you live in and dictate and control your own life. Mark Hamilton the creator of the Neo-think society has given us that opportunity to do this. I am creating the life I desire to live. I now build my own furniture and create fantasy artwork on the pieces. You can check out my Study room and Bedroom videos on my youtube link at . I also taught myself to build my own website and created my own business . I do fantasy artwork and sell on t-shirts, ballcaps, posters, etc. You can view my website at . I also just recently published a poetry/artwork book in full color. You can view it at . These are a few of the things I have accomplished so far in the society. I control my own destiny and dictate my own life. We were not intended to sit around and wait to die and get out of this life. We are creators and are capable of doing anything we set our mind to. My next goal is to start a new self defense system to gear toward women to help them better defend themselves. I have also lived disease free for almost 13 years and do not have a need for medication or going to a doctor which I haven’t in the last 13 years. I live a good life and enjoy it. Would you like to join Mark Hamilton, me, and the rest of the Neo-think Society and change the world where you can create the life you really want to live? Or do you want to be controlled by politics and religion and go to your grave quick and get out of this life. The choice is yours to make. Join us for a better happier more fulfilled life, or sit around in a dead end rut job, miserable, and wanting to hurry up and die.

March 2025