Posts Tagged ‘own destiny’

It is funny, how we spend the first years of our lives going to school …

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

It is funny, how we spend the first years of our lives going to school to be educated. Some of us even go off to collage to further that education. Only in the completion of all that schooling dose one realize that we have learned nothing and the only thing we can do is take our place among the ranks of the working class. And then one comes across a book the size of a phone book, within it can only be a harbinger of the feature.

Neothink is exactly this, a harbinger, a messenger in the form of literature. It is the missing link in your education, life, goals, feature and happiness. Well, it is this way for me anyway.

Neothink is not just important it is very necessary. For without the ideals and beliefs that Neothink teach I would still be very much lost, alone and still searching in an anti – civilization society that I did not belong.

Finally, through Neothink I feel like I fit in, that I have purpose and that I can make a difference in my life. Neothink has shown me that there is more to life then just living and dying. I now know that I do not have to fall into place in the routine rut, stagnate, means to an end life style that everyone els has done.

At first, I thought I was wrong for questioning what is normal, for questioning the authority of which I lived under. I felt small and belittled, an outcast. Yet, I still held my head up high and stood my ground.

Neothink confirmed that I was not wrong, that I was not an outcast. It reviled to me that there are other like minded individuals that also see the illusions that have been created to control us. Neothink has empowered me with the knowledge that I am my own authority and that I control my own destiny. I can think conceptually. I can integrate my thoughts. I can see through the illusions and the deceptions thrusted at me day to day. I have become the the value producer and soon to be value creator that THEY did not want for me to be. With Neothink, I can HAVE. BE. AND DO ANYTHING.

Thank you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for all of your hard work. And above all, thank you for the great sacrifices you have endeared so that my family and I can benefit from Neothink.

I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature…

To Mark Hamilton and all concerned;
I joined Mark Hamilton and Neothink society back in june 2007. Since June 2007, I began to look at the world of illusions through honest pure mind of reality by applying Mark’s Hamilton literature. At times, I want to quit the readings of literature and Neothink society because of my old believes in illusions, and Mark’s pure world of honest reality. I’m glad, I never quit the Neothink society and Mark’s literature that change my life 180 degrees for better. My goal is 360 degrees, but I’m still working on it. Nevertheless, I became a honest leader of my future by applying Mark’s literature. I now can create my own destiny and future, instead waiting for Santa Clause. I now know that I’m alone responsible for my future, and none will create my destiny but myself. Anyone who will judge Mark Hamilton and society must first read Mark’ literature to understand Mark’s genius to save the world from illusions, dishonesties and contradictions that slowly but surely destroy this world. I want to thank Mark Hamilton and Neothink society to help me by applying Mark’s literature look at the world from honest reality point of view. Never judge book by its cover, read it first.
I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature to let me see reality instead illusions. I joined Neothink society back in June 2007. Since, June 2007 until now, I have been given daily doses of reality through readings of literature written by Mark Hamilton. At times, I want quit the reading and Neothink society because of my illusionary world and old believes began to clash with Mark’s Hamilton honest, pure world of reality. However; the more I red Mark’s literature the better I began to feel about myself and the world of illusions we live in. Today, I’m so happy I never quit because Mark Hamilton and his literature turned my life 180 degrees for better, and I’m still working to change my life 360 degrees for better, but this is my future goal. Mark’s Hamilton literature brought out the honest leader in me. I no longer wait for future directions, I create my own future, life and destiny. I never in my life have been so excited about reading any kind of literature, but Mark’s literature does some spectacular magic to my way of thinking and looking the world from different much better perspective than the old way of thinking. I must say Mark Hamilton is a genius to help any individual find his true meaning and happiness in life by applying Mark’s literature properly in anyone’s life. To honestly judge Mark Hamilton and Neothink society one must read all Mark’s literature to find out that Mark Hamilton is about honest love for human race, competitive value creation, and breakthrough inventions. Anyone who does judge Mark Hamilton on some bogus gossip and made up stories, must really read Mark’ Hamilton precious literature to honestly judge the men and the society. Only then, anyone who reads the literature will understand how vital, and valuable Mark Hamilton and Neothink society is the the future of the world we live in. Don’t judge book by its cover, read it then judge it.
Sincerely yours,

When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s first book to me, I felt something in me come alive

When I first read Mark Hamilton’s first book to me, I felt something in me come alive. it was my way of thinking. i like everyone else on this planet have been brainwashed into their reality not our own reality. Simply put from our socialist president to all below him are ruled by the elite .the super wealthy who run the show on this planet. All they do is read their teleprompters to deliver the elites message to control us to our death. they choose to be puppets to the elites in order to control the masses. i am my own person and choose to take my life and health in my own hands. Every person on earth has a right to rule their own destiny in life, not to be forced into their web of lies and deceit. to Mark Hamilton. I first offer my deepest condolences on the murder of your father at the hands of the elites who do not want the truth be told as it would expose them as the criminals we know they are .the twelve visions party is our only way to free ourselves from the real demon, our own minds are capable to see our own future. do you want what has always been or the choice to make our new world. when the negative media launch their attacks on Mr. Hamilton and the twelve visions party ,ask yourself if you truly want to be lied to forever or use your mind to be free of this insanity forever . deep in my soul i know this is the only opportunity in my lifetime this change can and will happen. it has to ,or we will all perish under their rule of tyranny. open your eyes and see the beginning of our new tomorrow. sincerely paul b auburn me.

It will even help the poor become rich

The Neothink society is a great way to learn how to think for yourself, create your own life, and control your own destiny. The Twelve Visions Party is a new political party that will help everyone live their dreams. It will even help the poor become rich. Mark Hamilton is a truly wonderful man and through his literature and political party (Twelve Visions Party) everyone will have the opportunity to become richer, live a better life, and control their own destiny. If the twelve visions party runs for president with a candidate they have my vote. The twelve visions party will find ways to end aging, and find cures for diseases. I have been working on my dream. I created my own business. You can see it at . I have also published a new poetry/artwork book “Black Dragon Rapid Fire Warrior Secret Magical book of Poetry” by Jody Jay Watson. It is available at , , and my publisher . It contains artwork and pictures with each poem. If it does well I plan to publish a second one I already have finished. I created a new self-defense system I personally train people out of my home. And you can purchase my artwork on t-shirts, ballcaps, and coffee mugs along with posters. I also build furniture and do fantasy artwork on the pieces. Check out my videos. All this is available on my business. Black Dragon Rapid Fire Warrior, LLC is my business. You can contact me at 1-704-349-1433 or e-mail me at . I have lived disease free for 14 years now, and do martial arts and weight train. I am also a vegetarian. I teach people in my self defense system how to eat healthy-Jody Jay Watson



Throughout my life I was always excited about the new beginning of an adventure which occurred in the world put before me.  Everything I thought was leading me somewhere and even those I thought who were sincere always ended up going in circles, at first forward and then back to where I started or even spiraling backwards.  always thought I was making decisions myself and leading my own destiny.  I had no idea that the matrix of the anti-civilization was controlling my destiny or should I say my own demise of life and prosperity.  In the world which I thought was civilized, everything which came with a sacrifice of my time and energy seemed good at first, even honorable.  Later that facade would crumble into tiny particles of broken dreams.  Time after time, illusion after illusion, let down after let down and path after path would always lead to a dead end.  Now, that has all changed due to Neothink!

Neothink for me is like a having a smart chip that can process incoming data of any situation by anyone and then analyzing good for me or bad for me using common denominators naturally and effectively through integrated thinking.  The results for me are astonishing and rewarding.  I see that when I use the techniques that I “wow” people all around me.  Through ten second miracles I can shift events to my own advantage using creative thinking and alter the illusions in life hidden as real, to the reality of my mind which is sound and solid.  

With your gifts of the knowledge you have blessed me with  Mr. Mark Hamilton, regular ordinary people, such as myself, no longer have to “hope and believe in change.” With Neothink, one can vision the future in a complete puzzle picture and then create the pieces that snap together those concepts to form that whole complete picture first vision.  This happens only with Neothink, the building of concepts which far exceeds the way the mind was traditionally taught to me as an individual, which is thinking in percepts.  It truly is the mind of the future for all who want to soar quickly and coherently
into an exciting and prosperous world into a whole new life that can keep moving forward with no ending in sight, only bigger puzzles.
Without Neothink life was dull and boring and went in circles.  Now life is like a ladder that breaks the circle to only move upwards to the top in life.  Life, thanks to you and Neothink is like a playground once again for the inner-child within me.  I can’t thank you enough for giving me the gift to see and create the future.  Neothink is awesome! I can now live life the way I want and not the way life used to control me to live.

Omar K.

I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature…

To Mark Hamilton and all concerned;
I joined Mark Hamilton and Neothink society back in june 2007. Since June 2007, I began to look at the world of illusions through honest pure mind of reality by applying Mark’s Hamilton literature. At times, I want to quit the readings of literature and Neothink society because of my old believes in illusions, and Mark’s pure world of honest reality. I’m glad, I never quit the Neothink society and Mark’s literature that change my life 180 degrees for better. My goal is 360 degrees, but I’m still working on it. Nevertheless, I became a honest leader of my future by applying Mark’s literature. I now can create my own destiny and future, instead waiting for Santa Clause. I now know that I’m alone responsible for my future, and none will create my destiny but myself. Anyone who will judge Mark Hamilton and society must first read Mark’ literature to understand Mark’s genius to save the world from illusions, dishonesties and contradictions that slowly but surely destroy this world. I want to thank Mark Hamilton and Neothink society to help me by applying Mark’s literature look at the world from honest reality point of view. Never judge book by its cover, read it first.
I honestly, want to thank Mark Hamilton and his literature to let me see reality instead illusions. I joined Neothink society back in June 2007. Since, June 2007 until now, I have been given daily doses of reality through readings of literature written by Mark Hamilton. At times, I want quit the reading and Neothink society because of my illusionary world and old believes began to clash with Mark’s Hamilton honest, pure world of reality. However; the more I red Mark’s literature the better I began to feel about myself and the world of illusions we live in. Today, I’m so happy I never quit because Mark Hamilton and his literature turned my life 180 degrees for better, and I’m still working to change my life 360 degrees for better, but this is my future goal. Mark’s Hamilton literature brought out the honest leader in me. I no longer wait for future directions, I create my own future, life and destiny. I never in my life have been so excited about reading any kind of literature, but Mark’s literature does some spectacular magic to my way of thinking and looking the world from different much better perspective than the old way of thinking. I must say Mark Hamilton is a genius to help any individual find his true meaning and happiness in life by applying Mark’s literature properly in anyone’s life. To honestly judge Mark Hamilton and Neothink society one must read all Mark’s literature to find out that Mark Hamilton is about honest love for human race, competitive value creation, and breakthrough inventions. Anyone who does judge Mark Hamilton on some bogus gossip and made up stories, must really read Mark’ Hamilton precious literature to honestly judge the men and the society. Only then, anyone who reads the literature will understand how vital, and valuable Mark Hamilton and Neothink society is the the future of the world we live in. Don’t judge book by its cover, read it then judge it.
Sincerely yours,

Mark Hamilton thank you so much for sharing this so important information whit us.

Dear Mr. Hamilton:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my thoughts on your Neothink live style. After reading your Books that certainly made absolutely perfectly sense to me this Nation needs to wake up and start to take responsibility for there own actions, rather than waiting for the politicians to dictate what there life style or future should hold they should use all that energy for there own and there families well-being. How quickly they could realize how happy, healthy, and exciting there new found freedom will be. Free from the interference from there own politicians and completely in charge of there own destiny. We all need Neothink if we know it or not.
Mr. Hamilton thank you so much for sharing this so important information whit us. Kind regards
Heinz H

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Hi, my name is Jody Jay W. How would you like to change the world and the society we live in? By joining us in the Neo-think society and supporting our political campaign the “Twelve Visions Party” you can totally change this world you live in and dictate and control your own life. Mark Hamilton the creator of the Neothink society has given us that opportunity to do this. I am creating the life I desire to live. I now build my own furniture and create fantasy artwork on the pieces. These are a few of the things I have accomplished so far in the society. I control my own destiny and dictate my own life. We were not intended to sit around and wait to die and get out of this life. We are creators and are capable of doing anything we set our mind to. My next goal is to start a new self defense system to gear toward women to help them better defend themselves. I have also lived disease free for almost 13 years and do not have a need for medication or going to a doctor which I haven’t in the last 13 years. I live a good life and enjoy it. Would you like to join Mark Hamilton, me, and the rest of the Neothink Society and change the world where you can create the life you really want to live? Or do you want to be controlled by politics and religion and go to your grave quick and get out of this life.
The choice is yours to make. Join us for a better happier more fulfilled life, or sit around in a dead end rut job, miserable, and wanting to hurry up and die. YOUR DESTINY IS IN YOUR HANDS! SUPPORT THE “TWELVE VISIONS PARTY”!

Thank you Mark Hamilton


First and foremost I would like to thank my Mentor, Mark Hamilton , for taking the time to haelp us become the people we where always meant to be. Second I would like to thank the society. Thank you for the opportunity to soar beyond the clouds and the chance achieve the wildest of dreams.

The knowledge I have acquired has helped me to leap into a place where I no longer have any competition. I am working on becoming self reliant and making any type of dependency on anything or anyone, obsolete. I am now immune to any failure or negative thoughts and able to break through any manufactured truths. The techniques I have learned in the society will allow me to achieve anything I would desire by taking control of my own destiny. I am now 100 times more confident than I was before absorbing these secrets. As I put these techniques into practice, my creativity soared. This will give me the opportunity to make a living off what I have created. The advantages have helped become a self leader. I say it proudly.
I have come to realize, through experience, that focusing on me, like the literature says. The smallest , simplest money making unit and power thinking what I need, from developing the product to marketing and everything in between will help me to drive my business forward into new realms of business. Threw the prime literature I have learned to steer clear of altruism and its destructive effects. I always thought self sacrifice to be a noble deed but wondered why most people just took and took without a care and I ended up with no productivity and depleted happiness. I have come to understand that neo-cheaters use Higher causes , noble causes to usurp values from the honest hard worker. Neo-cheaters such as politicians and professional mystics(value destroyers )make their careers off of other peoples sacrifices and never learn to produce honest values that can be sold or traded to become an independent , happy person.

I have learned to be selfish rather than selfless. For the first time in my life. I am pursuing my dreams, attentively, guiltlessly, and happily. No longer will I sacrifice my time, my value, my well being to negatives. I personally experienced the effects in my life and thanks to Mark Hamilton I can spot negativity and laziness and stop it in its tracks. I have learned to counter their attacks by using honesty, never letting up. Using fully integrated honesty I have broken threw some situations where I should have fallen victim. To me this is powerful. I could never put a price tag on what I have learned. If this is only ¼ of the literature I can only imagine what else there is to learn. It gets me excited to know there’s still more to learn. The feeling I get from using my brain to create and integrate reality is indescribable. I have had to face my fears and personal mysticisms and as a result I am a new man. I am like they say “ Born Again”, not in a cristian sense but I am a whole new person. No longer do I hang on to illusions or rationalize my decisions to stay in situations or relationships that are harmful to me and my livelihood. And if I am in a relationship where this is the case I always have the upper hand. I have been able to break away from false realities put forth by outside forces, leaving them nervous, paranoid, and most important of all, powerless. I have come to a point where I have to be honest not only with others but myself. Only this way will I move forward. I have reached what I call the ultimate business like mind Richard Roque

How would you like to change the world and the society we live in?

Hi, my name is Jody Jay Watson. How would you like to change the world and the society we live in? By joining us in the Neothink society and supporting our political campaign the “Twelve Visions Party” you can totally change this world you live in and dictate and control your own life. Mark Hamilton the creator of the Neo-think society has given us that opportunity to do this. I am creating the life I desire to live. I now build my own furniture and create fantasy artwork on the pieces. You can check out my Study room and Bedroom videos on my youtube link at . I also taught myself to build my own website and created my own business . I do fantasy artwork and sell on t-shirts, ballcaps, posters, etc. You can view my website at .   I also just recently published a poetry/artwork book in full color. You can view it at .   These are a few of the things I have accomplished so far in the society. I control my own destiny and dictate my own life. We were not intended to sit around and wait to die and get out of this life. We are creators and are capable of doing anything we set our mind to. My next goal is to start a new self defense system to gear toward women to help them better defend themselves. I have also lived disease free for almost 13 years and do not have a need for medication or going to a doctor which I haven’t in the last 13 years. I live a good life and enjoy it. Would you like to join Mark Hamilton, me, and the rest of the Neo-think Society and change the world where you can create the life you really want to live? Or do you want to be controlled by politics and religion and go to your grave quick and get out of this life.   The choice is yours to make. Join us for a better happier more fulfilled life, or sit around in a dead end rut job, miserable, and wanting to hurry up and die.

March 2025