Posts Tagged ‘own business’

I stand behind Mark Hamilton

This i is from the desk of Tony I. I am a level 5 apprentice. The information I have gained business wise from Mark Hamilton the is virtually priceless. I full intend to use his wise business sense to start my own business and use his business practices. His views and organization of the TVP makes the most impressive political points. I believe in the goodness and honesty of Mark and the political platform he represents. I whole heartily agree with him the only purpose the government should have in the lives of its country’s citizens is protection only. Looking out for the infringement against each individual, from harm by fraud and deception of another. I stand behind Mark Hamilton %100 and he has my total support.

the values from the Neothink knowledge

In October 2005 I found myself reading my first heirloom in front of a computer strung out on meth. My mind was full of questions, I wondered if I was doing the right thing reading this book. I asked this question desperately out loud and sat in my chair shaking as my glass pipe full of meth shattered into pieces all by it. There was no reason for that pipe to explode like it did; I had the answer to my question. I was working for an excavation company driving an end dump, applying some of the techniques from the heirloom; I was operating every piece of heavy equipment in the company before I left to expand my opportunities. I went to work for another company driving over the road in a black W 900 Kenworth that wanted to have for years. I was barely making ends meet and learned the man I was diving for had not made a payment on the truck I was driving for over six months. I was presented with the opportunity to buy the truck if I repossessed it. I turned the truck in to the finance company and shortly after I was the new owner of my own trucking company with my very own truck. In a little over a year and a half I have built my trucking company to four trucks that I lease to the operators. These operators have their own business that I helped them create and they run over the road under my trucking authority. I will have seven trucks shortly in my company, all of this I have been able to produce from having nothing. This is a very brief description of my story, the values from the Neothink knowledge to me is beyond incredible. If you open your mind to allow yourself to learn new things then your ability to achieve anything you desire will become possible with the things you will learn through the Neothink Society.

Anthony James H

I have read all the Heirlooms and was shocked to find such truths.

Hello Mark,

I am very honored to write you and have you read my thoughts. About Neothink; I was and am extremely excited about what we are about and believe in. The introduction letter in the mail seemed to be the beginning of the life that  I truly imagined existed since I was old enough to formulate thoughts … It began as fantasy, but I felt it in my heart that it had to be real. As others, I cannot claim that the anti-civilization hasn’t had a negative effect on me, because it has. My major hurdle is this learned or conditioned thing called procrastination. It has a hold of me and I am fighting it off. But believe me, my fight and loyalty for honesty and fairness in a new world is steadfast and embedded in my soul.

I have not formed an A-Team yet because there are challenging in my workplace, attempting to negating me from being a proper husband to my wife and a provider … (I got married because I’ve clung to someone that explained that she would love me until the end of time. Funny, I felt that way about everyone on earth, but to hear it from her made me want to nurture this isolated love).

I have read all the Heirlooms and was shocked to find such truths. I LOVE IT! … Suddenly my life has meaning. However, I am past the shock and pleasures of simply being a part of this new world and am taking actions starting in the workplace. My wife and I are not in a financial situation to start our own business, but maybe one day we will … as I am sure this will eliminate a lot of these anti-civilization roadblocks and allow me more time to concentrate on spreading truths and sharing ideas through A-Teams and friendships.

Your dad was very insightful and you carrying this legacy proves wonders. You are special and I wish I could walk beside you on this journey, but your stride has you miles ahead of me. I promise you that I will make you proud in my endeavors to pursue truths in my path leading to the Twelve Visions World, somehow.

I brainstorm ideas and have one that will allow you approval, of course; I would love to write fiction that so closely borders non-fiction that it would be hard to negate or dispute it. The material would be not only enjoyable, but a learning tool only when you seek answers through a website or inquire about the author. Them my involvement would be exposed … then more contributions from me would began towards the wonderful Twelve Visions World.

I know what you are going to go through during the launching of the Twelve Visions Party and any other revelations, but your courage, belief, concerns, love, and visions shall comfort you. And know that our support for you is unwavering. Know that most of us has learned and some of us has always had the gift to see through smoke screens and aren’t easily persuaded to non-truths.

We love you, Mark. And we wish that we could play a larger role in your/our endeavors.

Love and Prosperity,

The literature offered by Mark Hamilton

I think one of the things people miss about the literature offered by Mark Hamilton is that there are actions that need to be taken in order to enjoy the success that is described.

If a person honestly reads, and then -acts- on the techniques taught they will see radical improvements in their performance, either in their own business or where they work for someone else. Even if you only employ the techniques and forgo the rest of the stimulating and invaluable insights and breakthroughs your life will improve. You will begin to understand the way the brain can be operated to reach, and even seemingly surpass its capacity.

Finally, if you are someone who decides to employ the techniques, be warned. The productivity you experience can be overwhelming at first, so just relax, do your best to follow through with the discipline, and try not to fear the obvious success that awaits you by doing so. It can be hard to accept success when you have been conditioned your whole life to believe you are not capable, and do not deserve it. Take a deep breath and keep going forward.

Robert R

Mark Hamilton has help me

Mark Hamilton   has  help me  a 35 year old  here in  portland oregon   i am  vicente and  for  the  most  part   i have had  a  hard time keeping  down a  job   and  what   Mark   has  done is   given  me   tools    so i can  keep  a  job  down and  then  move on   to  my own  business  if  i want     the  business  that   Mark  Hamilton  runs   is    nothing  more than  pure and    honesty    with   all  members  that  are  part  of this  club    and  one more thing    look at   it like this    we have  lots of churches   the  door is  open to any one   right?  well   Mark Hamilton  is    saying    the  door is open  for  any one    you  do not have  to    that is up  to  any person   like myself   vicente i step  in    NO  one  made me   or  paid  me  to step in   i  wanted  to step  in  all on my  own.       Mark  Hamilton  has  given me hope  in m self  to start  my own  business   if   i want  to  last  thing here   Mark Hamilton is   NOT  a  crook   in  any  way   he is  truthful   and  upfront   and  a  very  honest   man    let  his  business  run  i ask  you  not  to  shut  him  down   it is  helping  people like me  in a  big  way   thank you  Mark Hamilton   for all  you have  done  for  me   it  has  been great   i love  the life  i have  taken  on  and   by  the  way   my little one that is  6 years old   her  name is  Leann  san martin   all  will be  past  down to her   and   she   is  a   smart  little one  for her  age   so i am  looking  to see  what happens   when  she   gets  older  and  when  i  pass down  all the  tools  to her and see what   she  does with her  life   but   my  life  has   just   got  going   thanks   to  Mark Hamilton     vicente


My journey which l Traveled on. Which l experienced through the Knowledge of all the books live read. READ TWICE. Live experiences euphoria with the levels and the tools. And technique. It’s been an incredible thrill along the way. When l read book by book. it has been amazingly experiences of your knowledge mark. Which l gained through to taking the first steps on the first letter? L would not have had this amazing and incredible EUPHORIA. And every think. Through your Knowlege.This as change my live forever.

T.V.P and the NEOTHINK AND THE POLITICAL PARTY also plays a BIG role in all of our future.AND the literature with my FAMILY.Is the way forward to become the person I was meant to be. THANKYOU MARK HAMILTON.Ive just PASS my DEAR MOTHER. your last book. BOOK of MISS ANNE BELL for my mother to read.  By the way. My mother is going on 90years old. YES I’m the person I was meant to be NOW THROUGH literature and the TOOLS. Through NEOTHINK. THINKING I got five new PRODUCTS. AND I hope to START my own BUSINESS.

March 2025