Posts Tagged ‘outrages’

Hello Mark Hamilton

Hello Mark Hamilton,
I’m writing you, as I wanted you to know that I’ve probably spent about a $100.00 on you’re information in the past. I can say, honestly I believe that I was not scammed. I believe I received my monies worth as I’ve learned many new things from your books. I’ve certainly spent my money on worse investments in my life, like cold medicines trying to find the right one, or some of the outrages prices charged for basic necessities these days. I don’t agree with all of the things you write about in your books. You certainly get me thinking about things, that I normally don’t have time to think about, because I’m too busy trying to keep a roof over my family’s head, which I guess is your point! I’m worked to the bones by two jobs for a subsistence wage, while the few elite enjoy more than their fair share of the pie, but I’m lucky because I have hope of a better life, which is exactly what your trying to sell. I respect you and your life’s work, but I can’t afford all of your ideas, nor do I have the time to think about them all, because I’m trying to work on my own dreams thanks to some of your information that I bought. Good luck to you sir!
I’ll let you know how I do with my dreams.
Fred Tappan

February 2025