Posts Tagged ‘out of the blue’

Hello, I would like to start by saying that without Mark Hamilton and the …

Hello, I would like to start by saying that without Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I would be lost.

With so many illusions and so much deception in this world the Neothink Society is a beacon of light full of honesty.

Before receiving the literature from the Neothink Society I was feeling very low about my life and situation, and I smoked half a pack of cigarettes a day.

I have a degree in the automotive industry and I am only able to obtain entry level positions for work in my field that anyone off the streets could get.

Talk about discouraging, I was at the point of contemplating suicide and realizing why people do commit suicide felling trapped with no way out.

I have always had a passion for music and never really took action until after I graduated college, I decided to release a CD and start a new career but had no idea where to start.

Then all of the sudden out of the blue I received a letter from the Neothink Society telling me about my hidden talents and inviting me to join their society. I was shocked.

To think I almost threw that letter away is crazy, but I almost did before I even opened it because of how I was feeling at the time and as I was over the trash with the letter in my hand my Mom said to read it.

So I did, one of the few times I listened to Mom, and to my surprise it was a letter pulling every string of my soul closer to the person I was meant to be!

After reading that letter, joining the society, and reading the Neothink Inside Secrets I have been on journey that I enjoy everyday, discovering the person I was meant to be, and I quit smoking cigarettes after 7 years.

I am now the owner of an independent record label, I have released a CD under its name and I am working on the next projects for my business and success.

It is a complete 360 degree difference from where I was in my life to where I am now all thanks to the Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I wake up now felling excited about what is to come instead of dreading the day and not feeling like getting up at all. I would never kill myself!

The investment has already paid for itself twice, I am still in the red because of my college education that has NOT paid for itself yet.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you to the Neothink Society!

Have a wonderful Day!

Mark Hamilton and his literature

A few years ago, out of the blue, I received letter in my mail that has changed my life completely. It was from the Neothink Society and what I read seemed too fantastic to believe. But I was unable to throw it in the trash because everything in the letter rang so true. Deep within I knew I had to follow through and learn more about this incredible organization and its leader, Mark Hamilton.
I purchased their literature and from the time I read the first chapter I knew that what I had been searching for the past decade or so of my life had found me! The concepts I read about rang so true and resonated to my very soul. I knew that those words were written by, not only a true genius, but by a person who had been able to strip away all of the layers of half-truths and falsehoods, placed on society as a whole, for generations. The world and my place in it finally made total sense.
I am now able to see how all good people of the world have and are being duped by unscrupulous people in positions of power and authority. Their dishonest actions and statements designed to hold people down while they are being bled of the values they have toiled to produce, are so obvious now that the truth has been revealed by the Neothink Society and Mr. Hamilton. All of the illusions propagated on the unknowing public cannot stand up in the very bright and honest light shone on them by the Society. How simple and basic; to protect the rights of the individual, is the only function of government. I can now spot these cheaters and their pathetic antics a mile away.
It is time that the good people in this world were allowed to see what I can now see with ease and total clarity!
Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party must be allowed to keep educating people about how the universe really does and should work. Their message must never be smothered by the self-serving and dishonest politicians and religious leaders of the world. Please allow yourself to be exposed to their message so you too can cleanse the sludge from your minds and be able to once again think for yourselves with clarity and be able to judge for yourselves what is right for you. Freedom to think and do for yourselves, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the individual rights of others, is the very basis of all free societies and these rights are about to be taken away if you allow the power-hungry elites to censor and silence Mark Hamilton and his literature as well as the good people in the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).
I know we are all feeling more and more helpless as more regulation, taxes and rules are being foisted on us daily. We must not allow our rights of freedom of speech to be taken away! Please fight for your rights by protecting your basic freedoms and do not allow this to happen to the Neothink Society, TVP and Mr. Hamilton. Your children will be even more enslaved to taxes, regulation and helplessness than we are.
If allowed to continue unchecked by dishonesty, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and their political arm the TVP, will bring freedoms and unchecked prosperity to not only the U.S., but the whole world as each country follows suit. Our children and grandchildren will never experience the fear and negativity that we are increasingly experiencing in our world today as their rights, and the rights of every individual on earth, are protected. Prosperity for all never before seen in history will be upon us in a very short few years if allowed to spread their message.
Please everyone, for your sakes and the sake of your families now and in the future, keep your eyes wide open and think for yourselves. Don’t buy into the fear-mongering and dishonest hatred that the dishonest power elites are foisting on the fully integrated and honest Neothink Society members, Twelve Visions Party and above all, Mark Hamilton. Our future generations will thank us!
Daryl R. S
Proud Canadian and NeoThinker!

“enjoying studying Mark Hamilton’s literature”


How to start this….well I received a letter out of the blue that intrigued me, I’m now a first year apprentice to Neothink, and thoroughly enjoying studying Mark Hamilton’s literature. I’ve always thought how unbalanced the world seems, the “haves” and “have nots”, the wealthy and the poor and no matter how hard I worked I’ve never seemed to get out of the rut of life and living. Now after reading Neothink my suspicions were confirmed…the people in power unjustly kept the power for themselves, but now with eyes wide open, I see these people for who they are, the knowledge I have gained is immense. I’m not saying Neothink is an overnight cure, but armed with such a wealth in information I can make better decisions to make my life a better life. Everyone has different goals in life, but we all share a common need for happiness, love and freedom to enjoy what Mark Hamilton outlines in his literature…the free will to be who we are meant to be

My lifes story


As I grew up in the 60’s religion was a big part of my family life. Growing up in an old school Portuguese environment. Bible study on Saturday and church on Sunday. As I reached my teen years I started to rebel. Bad friends drugs and running wild became the norm. Then I decided to join the Marines in 1972.That helped me to grow up some more and help me to become a self leader. Then in 1973. I got married and was blessed with two beautiful children. Even though we married for the wrong reasons. We stood together for 19 long years. And in 1993 I found myself divorced. By the time the first Christmas without my family came I was a Heroin & Cocaine smoking snorting Addict Alcoholic Pot smoking fiend. Trying to kill myself during that first Christmas without my family. But some how I found away to see myself in the mirror for the first time in my life. I realized I need to do something before my children looses their father. So I had to self teach myself how to love myself all over again. Which in turn taught me how to respect myself. And let me tell you that wasn’t an easy task to do in fact it was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. And in the process of going through all that. I started to do searches on the computer for a better way because what I was doing was going nowhere fast. Then out of the blue I got a white envelope with red strips on it from some unknown. I opened it and read it. The letter was from Mark Hamilton. And let me tell you that insignificant letter changed my whole life by changing my way of thinking. I quickly read all the letters that were sent to me. An I bought all the multigenerational manuscripts. I gained knowledge I never knew existed. And that knowledge I’m speaking of has value unrivaled to any knowledge that I gather in the past. That knowledge has turned me from a follower into a self leader once again. I may not be financially rich yet. But that will come no doubt in my mind it will come. I am rich with an amazing array of knowledge. And because of all that knowledge. I’m now a member of the Neothink Society. I just became a New NTWarrior. And I honestly support and believe in the TVP. For our country need this TVP so we can Escape this AC we find ourselves in now that seems to be getting worst by the seconds. Things need to change have to change and must change not just for us but for our children and our children’s children and beyond.
A special Thanks to Mark Hamilton. And to all my Neothinking Brothers and Sisters of the Neothink Society.

A little story of my journey


As I grew up in the 60’s religion was a big part of my family life. Growing up in an old school Portuguese environment. Bible study on Saturday and church on Sunday. As I reached my teen years I started to rebel. Bad friends drugs and running wild became the norm. Then I decided to join the Marines in 1972.That helped me to grow up some and help me to become a self leader. Then in 1973. I got married and wife gave me two beautiful children.

Even though we married for the wrong reasons. We stood together for 19 long years.And in 1993 I found myself getting divorced. By the time that first Christmas without my family came I was a Heroin & Cocaine smoking snorting Addict Alcoholic Pot smoking fiend. Trying to kill myself during that first Christmas without my family.But some how I found away to see myself in the mirror for the first time in my life.

I realized I need to do something before my children looses their father. So I had to self teach myself how to love myself all over again. Which in turn taught me how to respect myself. And let me tell you! That wasn’t an easy task to do in fact it was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. And in the process of going through all that. I started to do searches on the computer for a better way because what I was doing was going nowhere fast.
Then out of the blue I got a white envelope with red strips on it from some unknown. I opened it and read it. I have to admit! That letter peaked my interest a lot.The letter was from Mark Hamilton. And let me tell you that insignificant letter changed my whole life by changing my way of thinking. I quickly read all the letters that were sent to me. An I bought the first heirloom which was amazing. So I bought the second heirloom and that too is an amazing book. Then I bought the third heirloom. That right it too is amazing.

I gained knowledge I never knew existed. And that knowledge I’m speaking of has value for me that to me unrivaled any knowledge I had up to that point in my life. That knowledge has turned me from a person that knew the self leader in me and forgetting later on down road. After getting out of the services. I went right back to being the follower that I learned to be. But as soon as I got into my multigenerational manuscripts all that changed me into a self leader once again.

I may not be financially rich yet but I am on that road to becoming rich. And so is everyone else who has the knowledge and those that don’t have the knowledge will also gain riches too. But that will come no doubt in my mind it will come. As for right now I am on track to being financially using the amazing array of knowledge from the multigenerational manuscripts. And because of all that knowledge. I’m now a Neothinker. And now I support and believe in the TVP. For our country need this TVP so we can make this country the greatest place on earth. And this AC we find ourselves in now that seems to be getting worst by the seconds.

Things need to change have to change and must change not just for us but for our children and our children’s children and beyond. That is why I support the TVP.
A special Thanks to Mark Hamilton and to his family. And to all my Neothinking Brothers and Sisters of the Neothink Society. AND POWER TO THE TVP AND THE PEOPLE OF THE USE!!



I somehow was found by neothink society. Different as I am, I do owe them much credit for whom they all are. They are thinkers, inventors, artists, engineers, and extremely bright human beings that had gained advancements like no other, that offered considerable value that hid from nothing of their own intellect, and mastered everything in their traits of pure thought.

Neothink IS a place of being for those that choose to advance. I found a number of human beings that do care to advance into knowledge that is un-comparable to anything else, and I am ONE of them. I found thought to be an source that has no limitations to integration of every last thing known and unknown. I grow each day, yet had found many who tried to compete with an undeniable reality a clean clear conscious that that compels over every last qua of the Universe. It is an axiom.

I feel there is something unique with each person Mr Hamilton had originally contacted in one way or other. They began contacting me through various media in so many words of writings that i had worked on myself of un-ordinary truths in honesty and creation of many sorts. Then one day, this book arrives out of the blue on my door step, properly titled as is that you all know of.

I am aware of keys the human mind holds that fold the fabric of conscious thought and spreads it out all over again testifying an axiom to the power of puzzle building, mind integrating thought. You learn one thing and it so intersects with so many different sections of society and the existable Globe, even the entire Universe. My value creation had excelled in learning, study and approaches that I had yet to profit from yet are simply exillerating in their their form. I only need a wing, or a friend of all of you, to push the limits of creativity.

Neo-Think Society is more promising then any endeavor. Each persons excels in a different way so beautifully, mindfullly, and it is a joy to witness the intelligence bloom everywhere. I agree with the process of Neo-think Society. It’s a promise, it is a greatness, and it has thought so compelling, I do feel I have a place of belonging. yet, I haven’t met any of you face to face, and one day I wish that to be.

In relationships, i had found love. In so many chapters I found things so comparing to this life each of us life. Thought and life so critically valuable, thought such a wonderful gift to Earth.

I do complement each neo-think member for the gift of thought, to own such a gift to be a part of an Order that IS Unstoppable to where all of us belong ruling how the Planet must be. I owe thinks to Mr Hamilton, a figure on Earth that deserves the merit and credit he rightfully deserves as does his own father. I belong in riches like all of you. My thought of owning great things is just the same. I too learned a great deal in ways that may had obsticles yet challenged each and every last thing in question of current existence. We own Earth, and all of you need to know that. My support goes out to each of you for the value creators, the Children of OUR Universe. So, the beat goes on as does time and neo-think, forever.

One day, one of my many dreams I await for, I do wish to meet Mr Hamilton, an aspiring great man, with an equally great invention of the sky walk. Did anyone ever view that invention of his yet? It is awe inspiring. He is a master thinker, and I choose to follow his footsteps to be just as great.

If you can, please offer support to Joliet, as there are a number of value creators I had found here and there. Thought… what a dream come true to think in such expanse.

Made by Music,
Patrick B. Rasmusson &
Terri Ann Murdock

P.S. The Globe and the Universe IS OURS together.

Out of the Blue

Blue, yes I was, for a time, as each year I must reflect upon losing a Mother’s love. It’s this time of year that she passed away, an orphan child I was made that day. It matters not what my age, it is incomprensible to lose love, and the emptiness never is replaced. Time will not fill that space, but…

I am grateful for the friends in here, as you have helped me so today, and I needed this for you to hear. To Dawn, thank you for the breakfast plans and the answer to my text at midnight. To Kenneth, thanks for Ever-Loving Saturdays with our trusted friends, and the Skype ribbing. To my latest friends from the Neothink Society I have only met in Facebook, your chats teach me and make me look. To Michael S. and Tom C. your friendship is a constant everyday. To the TGIF’rs you know who you are, I know we will make it since we’ve come this far. To all of you in Twelve Visions National Party Facebook, you make me smile with pride as I take a look at the love you share and the genius in each of you. To my Blogging Buddies, and the NTW, I love the individuality that you so lovingly reflect. To, Steve, Mike, and Daren for holding my hand, as we weekly share what’s in MHs plan. Michael D., Kenneth (once again), Jeff, Kjelene and the rest on our Sunday TVP call, you brightened my day more than you all know…

But, to the one who started this spark, of friends who came out to play today, those people to many to mention who brought me Out Of The Blue, I tip my hat and my heart to Mr. Mark Hamilton, who probably knew…

Mark Hamilton is an incredible friend and mentor and he has shown compassion, love, honesty and strength, to which I aspire to mirror to the rest of the world. I am not alone.
Jill Reed

March 2025