Posts Tagged ‘ostracism’

What is the proper meaning of the word “ostracize”? What free market dynamic will this entail? How does ostracizing differ from initiatory force?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Ostracizing is simply the organized agreement of non-involvement with an individual or business. Different levels of offense require different levels of ostracism. It is a voluntary action by individuals in a completely free market to reject interaction with a person or business.

How could making loud noise or playing loud music on one’s own property be considered initiatory force against close neighbors?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Prime law government is protection only.  This type of situation would need to be determined on a one-on-one objectivity.  With noise abuse in your environment, the community can negotiate with the parties to desist or will have the personal result of placing ostracism on the parties abusing your noise peace, if the initiating person does not make the choice of respecting neighbors’ peaceful life.  Discipline, thought and control would integrate home construction, share in the party and respect for others in your community.

How do we address issues of poor stewardship? For instance, a corporation pollutes the soil, or a person who refuses to upkeep their house so that it becomes a danger?

 Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Stewardship is the personal responsibility of our money and environment.  Pollution affects everyone.   Free enterprise will create the freedom to use other companies that support better healthy communities.  After objective review of when a person/company pollutes the environment or their property that endangers others, can create disease or kill people, the Prime Law will cause the protection only government to step in with the law and proper court action to stop the danger or give ostracism as a temporary sentence.

March 2025