Posts Tagged ‘original intent’

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been a member of the Neothink Society for over one year.  Both of my parents (who are deceased) were intensely patriotic Americans.  I Mention this because the Twelve Visions Party embodies the core or heart of the principles which created this country.  The freedom of the individual was fundamental for our founding fathers.  Neothink Society not only echoes this important value, it provides the tools to restore
and expand the original intent of the framers of our constitution.  My mother always taught me to “separate the wheat from the chaff”:  The Neothink Society is a viable kernel of a healthy strain of wheat that we will all benefit from nurturing.  The Twelve Visions Party takes the focus off of the divisiveness of minority rights by concentrating on the complete development of the individual.  “Far easier to fight for your rights than to live up to them” (Adlai Stevenson).  For America to remain a vital and viable nation; we need the Neothink Society in our lives.

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound.  He is like an older brother who guides you through the labyrinth of an antiquated and crippled civilization towards a consciousness rooted in awareness.  The Twelve Vision P@rty is based on the essence of truth and reason.  When I began my Neothink journey, I was concerned that my deep spiritual beliefs could be sublimated to a society which is very upfront about their skepticism of religion and politics.  The more I studied the Neothink Society and its values, I realized that not only were my beliefs respected; they are an intrinsic part of the Twelve Vision Party.  Specifically, The Ten Commandments are living and breathing through the basic tenants and intentions of
the Neothink Society.

In deference to the patriotism and love both of my parents instilled in our family for America (“The land of the brave and the free”), I support the Neothink Society.  Wake up “Sleeping Giant” and receive “the dawn’s
early light”.

Gayle G


Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party
Mark Hamilton is a writer that has gone to the essence in basic techniques for achieving health, wealth and romance in your life.  His “how to” books are clear and simple to understand and apply.  I am completely satisfied with his product and highly recommend them to everyone.  Some of his ideas seem like simple common sense while others are new and unusual.  But, the combined total of all his writings have an amazing consistency and each piece fits together like a puzzle.  What this does is allows for any improvement in one area of your life to help improve all other areas without conflict or sacrificing one goal for another.  
The Neothink® Society is just a bunch of ordinary people, who have read Mark Hamilton’s books, getting together to discuss his ideas and help each other apply his techniques to their own lives.  We are all learning to take responsibility for our lives, finding joy in our work, achieving financial success and improving our friendships and romantic relationships.  I have worked my way into a sales position that will improve my earning potential.  I have developed a new passion for my work that makes even the routine chores more interesting.  I attack all my work with a new intensity.  My wife of 10 years has noticed the changes in me.  She told me she thinks she is falling in love with me all over again like when we first met.  And, she told me she is proud of me.  Also, I love the friends I have met through the Neothink® Society.  I believe we are all on our way to becoming extraordinary.
The Twelve Visions Party is about getting government out of our lives except for protection from force and fraud.  This was the original intent of the Constitution of the United States that this country was founded on.  As we learn to take responsibility for ourselves, we will no longer need the government to take care of us.  We will take control of our lives and lead ourselves into health, wealth and peace instead of following our government into endless disease, poverty and wars.   We are no longer just complaining about our government.  We are doing something about it.  The Twelve Visions Party will replace career politicians with successful business people who know what freedom and prosperity are all about.  We will be like no other political party in that we will deliver what we promise – health, wealth and peace.
Bill W


The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been a member of the Neothink Society for over one year.  Both of my parents (who are deceased) were intensely patriotic Americans.  I Mention this because the Twelve Visions Party embodies the core or heart of the principles which created this country.  The freedom of the individual was fundamental for our founding fathers.  Neothink Society not only echoes this important value, it provides the tools to restore
and expand the original intent of the framers of our constitution.  My mother always taught me to “separate the wheat from the chaff”:  The Neothink Society is a viable kernel of a healthy strain of wheat that we will all benefit from nurturing.  The Twelve Visions Party takes the focus off of the divisiveness of minority rights by concentrating on the complete development of the individual.  “Far easier to fight for your rights than to live up to them” (Adlai Stevenson).  For America to remain a vital and viable nation; we need the Neothink Society in our lives.

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound.  He is like an older brother who guides you through the labyrinth of an antiquated and crippled civilization towards a consciousness rooted in awareness.  The Twelve Vision Party is based on the essence of truth and reason.  When I began my Neothink journey, I was concerned that my deep spiritual beliefs could be sublimated to a society which is very upfront about their skepticism of religion and politics.  The more I studied the Neothink Society and its values, I realized that not only were my beliefs respected; they are an intrinsic part of the Twelve Vision Party.  Specifically, The Ten Commandments are living and breathing through the basic tenants and intentions of
the Neothink Society.

In deference to the patriotism and love both of my parents instilled in our family for America (“The land of the brave and the free”), I support the Neothink Society.  Wake up “Sleeping Giant” and receive “the dawn’s
early light”.

Gayle G



While reading the Heirloom’s by Mark Hamilton the ice melted. The truth was right in front of me, I had been frozen by the mysticism and I had used it to govern my choices. Today, I am grateful for The Twelve Visions Party and everyone who challenges me to think a little deeper, notice a little more, and give back what I can. If America had a government that loved us in the way that Mark Hamilton and the TVP, a government that wasn’t afraid of empowering people, nothing would stand in the way of everyone being the most successful, healthiest and happiest people alive.

Personal responsibility is a natural law and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame an exercise in futility. World peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals living their lives responsibly, dreaming their dreams, creating values, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.

Simple truths, simple ideas, keep it simple! People don’t need more handouts, they need empowerment. Individual people who love themselves, love their life and follow natural law don’t interact in other peoples lives without extending love to them. It is my hope that the Twelve Visions Party is able to further extend the hope that Mark Hamilton has presented in his ideas and publications.

I have seen the current politician…political system, and as things spiral out of control it becomes very apparent that all this is happening because of a lack of, said control. “The Prime Law” presented by, Mark Hamilton, and the TVP returns control to “We the people…”, and takes it out of the hands of the politicians who no longer respect natural law. Freedom is a born right for every human being and it affords opportunities that lead, through honest effort, to a healthy, successful,and happy life. “The Prime Law” is a strong return to the original intent of our government and its constitution.

A Heartfelt Thank You goes out to all of you who are involved with Mark Hamilton and his efforts to empower individuals and involve them in a life of personal responsibility and a honest relationship with the world around them.

Rhonda Tiller

My Testimonial

While reading the Heirloom’s by Mark Hamilton the ice melted. The truth was right in front of me, I had been frozen by the mysticism and I had used it to govern my choices. Today, I am grateful for everyone who challenges me to think a little deeper, notice a little more, and give back what I can. If we had a government that loved us in the way that Mark Hamilton and the TVP… a government that wasn’t afraid of empowering people, there wouldn’t be anything stopping us from being the most successful, healthiest and happiest people alive.

Personal responsibility is a natural law and makes pointing the finger, or laying the blame an exercise in futility. World peace, happiness, and success for everyone starts with individuals living their lives, dreaming their dreams, creating values, and emanating thoughts that harmonize with the wonders of life and the universe.

Simple truths, simple ideas, keep it simple…people don’t need more handouts, they need empowerment. Individual people who love themselves, love their life and understand natural law don’t interact in other peoples lives without extending that love to them.

I have seen the current politician…political system, and as things spiral out of control it becomes very apparent that all this is happening because of a lack of, said control. “The Prime Law” presented by, Mark Hamilton, and the TVP returns control to “We the people…”, and takes it out of the hands of politicians. It is a strong return to the original intent of our government, it empowers people.

March 2025