Posts Tagged ‘organization’

Dear Mark Hamilton,I want to sincerely thank you for changing my life for the better…

Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to sincerely thank you for changing my life for the better through your organization and literature. It has all been a blessing to my life. J.D. New York

Will this be long term organization to come?

Will this be long term organization to come?
Jun. 1, 2010
It depends on what you consider as “long term.” Relative to past political movements, no it will not. The World is ready for TVP and as soon as the World realizes that the TVP will succeed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take, due to the highly complex dynamics that it is dependent on. The TVP can’t come fast enough for most of us, but I can tell you that it will succeed at the right time and that is expected within my expected life span.

No one can stop us from doing the things that are in our minds


No one can stop us from doing the things that are in our minds.  They do not realize that our mind can counteract anything that anyone tries to do against us. Also the words of our mouth they cannot control. We need to be positive in everything we think and every word we speak. All we have to do is AGREE that we will NOT be bothered by anyone, that we are FREE to study anything to our hearts content. I cannot believe that this organization is upset over this situation. We are stronger than these people of the world that have not studied the things that we have. They are so ignorant to the power of the mind and have no idea how powerful the mind can be when used in the right way.  Someone pick out a day and a time and let everyone know when it will be, and we will all stop what we are doing, and use our mind to AGREE that these people will completely forget about our organization. You think I am kidding?  I have seen this thing happen before.

Janet C. R

P.S. PEOPLE through the ages have all written about the POWER OF THE MIND. WE just have to BELIEVE.

I am very pleased with the new insights that I’ve gained.

My comment:

I first came upon the literature in 1996. I was very impressed with the research and the organization of the knowledge. The powerful business methods described have increased my business knowhow. I am very pleased with the new insights that I’ve gained.

March 2025