Posts Tagged ‘ordinary people’

Mark Hamilton is greatest gentleman, who has helped millions …

Mark Hamilton is greatest gentleman, who has helped millions of ordinary people to have insight into how this world works.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton
The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down, It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us is not right All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

My association with Mark Hamilton…

“My association with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has always been completely honest, ethical and filled with a spirit to share value creating thinking and actions for the sake of ordinary people and citizens of our great country. Mark Hamilton has always delivered whatever was promised with the highest integrity and refreshing absence of a “pie in the sky” rhetoric.
E. Williams

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton
The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real, I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down, It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us is not right All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countries even over seas. With out our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Govern us not the other way round, The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Government telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

would like to thank Mark Hamilton…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening up an entirely new world of wonder and contentment. They have opened my eyes and my heart and made me realize that with neothink, the TVP, true honesty and dedication we can change this crazy mixed up world for the betterment of all. The world needs to see that love, honestly and a new way of thinking can and will change everything for the better, as it has in my life as well as my family.
I am sure that there will opposition, people who will try to make us look like a bunch of kooks. We are not, we are a proud group of ordinary people who have discovered the truth about society and it’s hoax. The hoax that drags you down to make you believe that you can’t make a difference. Believe me you can! You can be, do or have anything and everything you want. All you have to do is BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!
Very Sincerely,
Kimberly J. C

I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton


I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton and his TVP, the Neothink Society means to me. My first contact was when I received my Neothink book and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. The power of Neothink is so real all the feelings that was going through me that day and night I will never forget, It wonderful, fantastic and I loved It, I felt like a child again. I am in my late sixties not a educated person, left school at 14 went to work with my grandfather whom I loved, went through many hardships in my life, All through all my life I have been always searching for that something I could not find, until I got a letter from the Neothink Society, That was the starting of my new life, I am now moving in the direction of becoming the person Im meant to be, thank you. Mark every word in all your literature is right, It has opened my eyes to all the corruption, greed and lies that the Governments and Neo Cheaters are doing to us all, it must be stopped. Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who are the Voice of Honesty with the Universal Law (Prime Law) must not be stopped. Only by Depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were meant to live. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, TVP have their way and means to turn the U S around once again to make their Country a World Leader.  Thank you I am with you all the way.  David .

Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton


Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton I am very happy to write my testimonial in support.  When the opportunity came to join Neothink for my partner there was no hesitation in my mind and I was glad to pay the joining fee for her even though money was an extreme issue at the time.  To date I have only read the Neothink Discovery book.  The teachings inside have already made a change in my life and my ability to use my though processes though the teachings of Integrated Thinking contained in the book.  I feel myself slowly beginning to change and I am starting to overcome the different challenges that have plagued me so far in my life.  I feel the love and compassion contained in the writings of Mark Hamilton for myself and all of us as well and it is important that ordinary people like you and me have the opportunity to create a force for good to ensure that everyone will prosper as we all should.  We have a basic right and need to work together to create ourselves a prosperous civilization that we and children will be able to live in joyously.  I feel that with the TVP party that Mark Hamilton intends to start that we the people will have the most needed opportunity that false politicians cannot and will not ever deliver.  I am happy to give my time as I am able to help with other people create this deserved bright future for us all.

With Regards

Graeme Y

Kimberly J. C


I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening up an entirely new world of wonder and contentment.  They have opened my eyes and my heart and made me realize that with neothink, the TVP, true honesty and dedication we can change this crazy mixed up world for the betterment of all.  The world needs to see that love, honestly and a new way of thinking can and will change everything for the better, as it has in my life as well as my family.
I am sure that there will opposition, people who will try to make us look like a bunch of kooks.  We are not, we are a proud group of ordinary people who have discovered the truth about society and it’s hoax.  The hoax that drags you down to make you believe that you can’t make a difference.  Believe me you can!  You can be, do or have anything and everything you want.  All you have to do is BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!
Very Sincerely,
Kimberly J. C

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around

The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down,
It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became
a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us
is not right  All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out  our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing  America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around

The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down,
It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became
a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us
is not right  All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out  our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing  America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

March 2025