Posts Tagged ‘oppression’

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A …

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!

I owe my life to the Neothink literature and the man that wrote them, Mark Hamilton. He has helped me more than any government assistance ever could, for he has taught me how to think. How to become a self-leader and to live the life I was meant to live. I was stuck in a rut of depression and oppression, until my Neothink family found me and gave me the hope to carry on. They showed me that the perfect world I always knew existed could actually be created here on Earth. When I first connected with my new family, I knew I was finally home. Like every other person in this world, I have a dream. Only my dream isn’t lost and forgotten, locked away with the child of my past, it is alive, living and breathing, and growing with every step that I take. A dream is like a flame, it must be fed to stay alive. It is a life force that needs to be cherished and appreciated.

Neothink has shown me how to multiply productivity and how creating value for others is the true root of happiness. Because, when we can view ourselves as a valuable contribution, then when we can accept love from others. Love is why we do what we do. It’s the motivational force that backs us. Awaken your inner child and play at life. I do, every day, and because I have this mentality, I stay forever young. People have even mentioned how young I look, and that I don’t age, because I am in tune with my inner child. If this is but just a taste of the fruits of life, then I intend to live forever.


Jessika T

I Encountered Neothink

My name is Mike C here in CA central Valley.
My testimonial is this… I was deep in stagnation as well in mysticism.
back in late 2004 I encounter with Neothink I received your invitation to
be part of this society.
well as an old man with a traditional “believes” well rooted into my
psychic. I decide to get inside I order the first orientation pamphlet.
Then I ordered the first heirloom for me is (priceless) information
I ordered the second heirloom…… that was my turning point.
that book specially the SECOND INSIGHT opened my eyes!!!!
Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you…. because where else can go
is nothing up there but irrationalities, cruelties and oppression
I am 64 year old virtually blind.
I believe in you Mark I believed in your dad Mark Hamilton. This a
historical DAD the dawn of freedom for all of us and eventually for
all humanity.
“GO” FO IT” Mark you wll have my 100% support.
sincerely Mike C

Change is possible

Throughout history, mankind has been put in situations that forced change. It started with consciousness. When we were able to say I am, that is when we began to understand our power to change our situation. We developed the ability to control fire, invented the wheel, and eventually we learned how to fly. Mankind changed from being controlled by nature, to being able to have some control over nature itself. We have the power to create a world how we see fit. We can unite to create peace through love or we can separate and start wars because of fear. Throughout history we have faced the choices to go one way or the other. Somehow, we ended up here. We will continue to face crossroads. Slavery in the late 1800’s forced us to decide. Oppression and genocide in the early 1900’s again forced us to decide. Today, we are faced with a less clear decision. Our government has been deceiving us through a controlled media. They have been coercing us and trying to steal our rights. They have been suppressing us using a monetary system that they control with the Federal Reserve System. They are doing all of this in such a way that the average american is unaware. Slowly but surly, they are attempting to take away that which america has always stood for. A government for the people and by the people must be re-established. The choice that we must face today is just as relevant as slavery was in the late 1800’s and genocide was in the early 1900’s. Today, we face a dying freedom to be that which we are. We are being forced to open our eyes, the eyes that have been shut by a political and social spell that has been cast by the elect. We need honest people to lead this country. The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party represent a nation of true Americans who want to bring fully integrated honesty back into a government for the people and by the people. We are the revolution! Together, change is possible!

Dear Mark Hamilton,

As with most people in the world I had been looking for something more in my life. After joining the Neothink Society I slowly began to see that I already had everything I needed in my life. I have also learned that life doesn’t have to be complicated and our efforts are usually misspent making things more difficult than they need be. I am still learning from you and the society and I have a long way to go, but I am a much happier and relaxed person. I appreciate my life so much more. The love I share with my wife has become so much deeper and continues to grow each day.

While I’m not yet actually a member of the TVP, I agree 100% with the premise. In fact, when I first read about the concept and in fact read the story of Miss Annabelle, I was bowled over and immediately filled with anxious anticipation. I look forward the success the TVP. Over the many years of my life I have watched the erosion of the my rights and the movement toward the socialistic rule. I had been becoming more and more concerned and frightened at the direction of government. It wasn’t until I learned of the TVP movement that my heart was lifted and I dared to hope that we might actually be able to get back to the way our founding fathers had intended and perhaps even better. I love my country, but I hate and fear what has been happening especially in recent years. The oppression must stop and I believe that the TVP can accomplish that.

In closing I would like to say that there is nothing malevolent about the Neothink Society. I fact the Neothink Society is a group that is full of the most honest and forthright people on the planet. They are the most helpful, giving, sincere, loving and hard working people you will ever meet. Neothink Society does not mislead or coerce anyone. It is an adventure in learning and discovery. Discovery of yourself. Who you are and what you are and what life is really all about. More people need to know about and learn about the Neothink Society.

With great admiration,

William H

March 2025