Posts Tagged ‘nothingness’

Embrace Yourself

Hello and welcome,
When first exposed to Neothink over 10 years ago I was frightened. Let me explain… The Honesty of Neothink unflinchingly pulls the rug out from under the dishonest and destructive illusions of a loser oriented world that most of the population base their existence on today. Many such as myself hit that unflinching wall of Honesty and are shaken to their core. I was so seeped in irrationality and blaming others that when exposed to Neothink and its related materials, my dishonest world was left without a foot to stand on. My laziness was exposed to stark reality and I had nowhere to run. Neothink weakens and then mercilessly annihilates the foundation of a dying, unhappy world.
Great news right? I agree, but still I did not embrace what I knew to be right. An unhappy failure in every area of my existence, I dug my self deeper into that anti-life world of loss. I won’t go into detail why in this letter as it has been a deeply personal experience. Suffice it to say that some when exposed “can’t handle the truth”, or in this case the Honesty (yes, there is a difference).
Having the bogus beliefs and personal destructive mysticism you base your existence on suddenly shown for what they are can be a bit scary. But I am here to tell you there is nothing to fear in the world of Genuine Honesty. I do not share these things to frighten or discourage. Rather my message is not to make the same mistake I had. Do not flee from the liberating light of Complete Honesty. Do as I and many others have now done and are doing even as you read this, coldly and completely discard that dying world of failure. Holding on to that life-diminishing nothingness is not worth it. Embrace a living world and you too will hold the key to Wealth, Health, and Peace.
As a final note I would like to extend my gratitude to Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and all that have made such a transformation possible.
Thank you for your time,
WL “Slim” Crump

To anyone who doesn’t think they’re being controlled

To anyone who doesn’t think they’re being controlled ask yourself, how come every decent American even the ones who voted for George Bush during the previous election was upset when his brother cheated for him in Florida, but yet he still became President, and we all excepted it and kept our mouths shut. The answer is simple they keep us all separate and disliking each other with religions, racial differences, and petty nothingness, so we can never combine for the common good and concentrate on the real enemy which is them. Now ask yourself if all Americans would have stood up and demanded a recount would Bush have been our President for eight years. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

March 2025