Posts Tagged ‘no doubt’

There is no doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has to be the most caring …

There is no doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has to be the most caring, sincere, loving Man that exist today.

Mark Hamilton! Look How the Neothink Society Expands!

Dear Mark Hamilton,
It happened again! Just when I thought I had seen everything the Neothink Society has to offer, suddenly there is something new! Or actually… like three or four new things! It happened while I was listening to last Wednesday’s national A-Team call (2/17/2010): and I saw how your apprentices were creating even more values for me, for all members of the Neothink Society, and for the world. Their efforts in the direction of the Business Alliance and Health and Wellness helped me see a whole new vision. With so many people steadily building values, one little effort after one little integration, your Neothink Society really is growing into something that no one will be able to resist! I can hardly believe the value that I gain simply by being a member! Look at all of these BENEFITS! And they keep on growing from the pure love of your apprentices!
Mark Hamilton, I would love to learn more about the moment when you saw this vision: when you saw your apprentices growing and growing the value of the Neothink Society into a product that delivers 100x or 1000x or 10Millionx the value of what is paid by new members.
If there had been “no doubt” before about the coming Twelve Visions World; Now, Mark Hamilton, it is an absolute certainty!
Thank you for creating the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton. It is the most amazing thing that I have ever comprehended, and gets better with each passing week! I can hardly wait to add more of my own contributions to this absolute marvel!
Love & Pride to be here helping it grow!
Yon Cole

Thank you, Mark Hamilton.


I was given the opportunity to join this society a few months ago.  I don’t have any regrets for doing so.  I have a whole new appreciation for life; I especially treasure my time with my children so much more, since I only get to be with them on weekends.  I’m striving to become a more successful person and have no doubt that I will achieve this.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton.

Willy T

New Ways to Use My Mind!


WHO KNEW?!?! When I read about PowerThinking and Neothinking, two new tools presented by Neothink Founder Mark Hamilton in his multigenerational Manuscripts, I didn’t know if they were real or just interesting sounding mental constructs. But TODAY there is NO DOUBT! I can hardly BELIEVE IT! There really ARE new ways of USING MY MIND! The Mental Powers described in those incredible manuscripts are REAL! And I can FEEL the VITALITY Throbbing in my brain! This is the most intense and exciting thing that I have ever experienced!

Now I’m going to channel this intensity BACK IN TO MY WORK! But I just had to share that first!


My lifes story


As I grew up in the 60’s religion was a big part of my family life. Growing up in an old school Portuguese environment. Bible study on Saturday and church on Sunday. As I reached my teen years I started to rebel. Bad friends drugs and running wild became the norm. Then I decided to join the Marines in 1972.That helped me to grow up some more and help me to become a self leader. Then in 1973. I got married and was blessed with two beautiful children. Even though we married for the wrong reasons. We stood together for 19 long years. And in 1993 I found myself divorced. By the time the first Christmas without my family came I was a Heroin & Cocaine smoking snorting Addict Alcoholic Pot smoking fiend. Trying to kill myself during that first Christmas without my family. But some how I found away to see myself in the mirror for the first time in my life. I realized I need to do something before my children looses their father. So I had to self teach myself how to love myself all over again. Which in turn taught me how to respect myself. And let me tell you that wasn’t an easy task to do in fact it was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. And in the process of going through all that. I started to do searches on the computer for a better way because what I was doing was going nowhere fast. Then out of the blue I got a white envelope with red strips on it from some unknown. I opened it and read it. The letter was from Mark Hamilton. And let me tell you that insignificant letter changed my whole life by changing my way of thinking. I quickly read all the letters that were sent to me. An I bought all the multigenerational manuscripts. I gained knowledge I never knew existed. And that knowledge I’m speaking of has value unrivaled to any knowledge that I gather in the past. That knowledge has turned me from a follower into a self leader once again. I may not be financially rich yet. But that will come no doubt in my mind it will come. I am rich with an amazing array of knowledge. And because of all that knowledge. I’m now a member of the Neothink Society. I just became a New NTWarrior. And I honestly support and believe in the TVP. For our country need this TVP so we can Escape this AC we find ourselves in now that seems to be getting worst by the seconds. Things need to change have to change and must change not just for us but for our children and our children’s children and beyond.
A special Thanks to Mark Hamilton. And to all my Neothinking Brothers and Sisters of the Neothink Society.

I will stand with you Bro…


Dearest Mark,

Although I have not joined a clubhouse for reasons we don’t need to go into now, I have read, absorbed and reveled in the literature, watched all your mentor levels, listened to 95% of the links sent to me by Neothink Members and Tom Cary. Additionally, I have spoken to many people about Neothink, the Society and the TVP. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for who you are, the giant contribution to human development, through integrations, honesty and real values you bring to  everyone.

I will stand with you Bro, no doubt, and when the time comes I will be an advocate for you and Neothink will all of my abilities.

Attached is my Endorsement, which will cut like a knife through the illusion the media or anyone else tries to foist on Neothink, the members and you.

You Rock!


Mark Hamilton stands for integrity, honesty–plain and simple

There is no doubt about it, the Neothink literature is beyond brilliant and obviously the work of above genius Individuals, i.e., Mark Hamilton. In his multi-generational authorship he explains what you were meant to be and not what society has condemned you to be. Hating society is not what Neothink is all about, it’s about change that promotes the growth of the individual.

Barak Obama is all about change and society is slow to accept it. Their first reaction was the media creating an alter-Obama that plagued him in his campaign and even more in his Presidency. You can’t believe everything the media says, because there is no doubt that Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party will receive the same negative exposure.

The truth of the matter is that Mark Hamilton’s literature alone will change the way you look at yourself and the world. Neothink is about being creative and introspective and seeing life and society in a whole new light. One person at a time everyone will come to embrace the Neothink ideas. It really does come down to “If you love your job, you’ll never have to work another day in your life”. Too many of us never find a life of abundance and love, but Mark Hamilton does. He’s shared it with me and now he’s ready to share it with America. Thanks to Mark Hamilton I can say the air seems to be fresher and the sun shines a little brighter. He has made a tremendous effort to make my and your lives better.

Mark Hamilton stands for integrity, honesty–plain and simple.  Neothink could be called “me-think” or “I-think” because that is the whole point of the society–to make one think on his/her own.  TVP gives us true HOPE.  All of us know that the politicians in Washington have not “gotten it done” for quite some time.  The two parties are at such loggerheads that only more power, more control will satisfy them.  We need a government based on love, reason, and “no initial force.”  Thank you, Mark.

Dale A. W

Words alone can not describe how grateful and good I feel

Dear Mark,
I’ve been meaning to write you for some time now, and I first want to start out by saying  Thank You!!  Words alone can not describe how grateful and good I feel. The Neothink books I’ve read, to say they have changed my life would be an understatement! The value I have received from reading them is priceless.

For those of you reading this and have ears to hear, listen to what I’ve learned in my own words. The story of my life could only be described as magical. From the time I was born until now I could tell you stories of my life that many of you would not believe, but I assure you are true. There’s no doubt if I shared this story and it was made into a movie it would break all the records and touch many of you deep within your heart and soul.

When I was a child I always knew there was more to this world than what I could see with my own two eyes .I knew as a child that there was something magical about this world in which I was a part of, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. As I grew older that magic seemed to fade with my past, until one day my situation had hit rock bottom and it was gone. I was as low as you could possibly get and I wanted answers. So I started seeking, asking why this? Why me? I started my journey that led me out of this negative cesspool of reality I was living. You know that saying, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Well I asked and it was given, I sought for something and boy did I find it, I knocked and the door was opened and all I had to do was have the courage to walk through it.
For the past 5 years I have been on one awesome ride that I call the magic of life and I wish everyone could feel as good as I do right now. A few years ago the secret was released to the general public, it’s also called the law of attraction, and all I have to say is WAKE UP!!!!! EVERYONE, WAKE UP!!!! Just yesterday I was flipping through the channels and the was a 13 year old gymnast being interviewed and the reporter asked how were you able to nail that performance and do you know what she said? I focused and I used the secret to see myself do it before I started. When I saw this I wish I could have shook that little girls hand. Now if this little girl gets it, can I ask one question? Why doesn’t everyone else? Is it fear? Lack of courage? Or is it that you see the lie to be real and what’s really real a lie? Have we all been duped? So dark is the con of man is what comes to my mind. The secret follows biblical writing and is backed by science. Here is a quote from the bible Mark 9-23, Jesus said to him,” if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes”. Albert Einstein said” thoughts become things” . Thomas A. Edison said a few years before he died” Ideas come from space”, and Buddha said many centuries ago” All that we are is the result of what we have thought”.
Lets go back in history and see that a few great people who had incredible powers and powers of influence and how they were dealt with. Let’s start with Jesus, he healed people, raised people from the dead, walked on water ,turned water into wine and you know the rest. So what happened to him? He was a threat to the corrupt church at the time and a threat to the Roman government so they nailed him to a cross. How about Joan of Arc, an illiterate peasant girl who at age 17 led the outnumbered French army to defeat the superior English army in one the greatest upsets in military history. She saved her country, put a king into power and because the church and the French and English politicians feared her power, she was convicted of heresy and sorcery and publicly burned alive at the age of 19. So what’s my point of bringing this up, for the last 2000 years and even before man has used government and religion to control and manipulate the uneducated masses I call the herd. The truth is we all have this power maybe not to the extent Jesus and Joan of Arc had, but we do have it. It was given to each and every one of us at birth when you breathed your first breath. You have always had it you just didn’t know you had it. Now you have to learn how to tap into it.

What gives one man the right to tell another what to do? what to believe? Are we born to blindly follow? what is the truth? Honestly I think the truth is whatever some one can get you to believe. I think the truth can just be some ones opinion, and lately I have found out many things I thought were true to be a lie, disguised as the truth. I came to realize that the little man behind the curtain with all the smoke and mirrors trying to scare everybody has no greater power than I. A man only has power over another if you let him. Just like the only value money has is the value we give it.

I could talk to you until I’m blue in the face but I can’t make you believe anything, nor would I want to try. It’s like leading a horse to water but you cant make him drink it.You have to come to a point in your life when you seek the truth and when you finally find it you will know and believe it on your own. Like this reference from the bible John 8-32 “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.

I have learned so much in the past 5 years but I have barely scratched the surface, and I’m still learning and will never stop. Once you get there you’ll know what I mean. You will live the magic of life and the more you believe the more it will happen and the more it happens the more you will believe. Open your eyes and see the good that is all of us. Keep your ears open and listen, its all around you. Find a meaning in a movie, listen to the words in a song, and on a hot summer night look up at the stars and as they shine down on you, remember to let your light shine. The white light energy that’s connected to your heart that we call our soul. They say home is where the heart is. I think its time we all find our way back home. A wise man once said to a tin man, a heart is not judged by how much you love ,but by how much you are loved by others. My Grandfather always had a quote that hung in his office it said” love wasn’t put in the heart to stay for love isn’t love until you give it away”.

I have come to find meanings in a few quotes from songs that have helped me change the way I look at life.”Its along way to the top if you want to rock and roll” ,have the courage to take the first step, fear is man made (false energy appearing real).”long live the day that I decided to fly from the inside”,you have too look inside of your self and like what you see, you have to go in to get out. How can any one love you? if you don’t love yourself. “Always trust in who you are and nothing else matters”, we’re all spiritual beings having a physical experience, not physical beings having a spiritual experience.”The road to nowhere leads to me” only I control my thoughts,beliefs, and decisions so I can have, be or do whatever I want in this world.
When I grew up my mom was a big Elvis fan and you can even ask the neighbors 12 houses down because the heard Elvis too.
There was this one song that he sang, If I can Dream was the title and there was a part in the song that went like this “and as long as a man has the strength to dream he can redeem his soul and fly”. I think Walt Disney said it best”A dream is a wish your heart makes”. I guess what I’m trying to say is, just like we all have different finger prints, we all have different dreams there are no two alike. Follow your heart it will always lead you to your dreams. And lastly be yourself because every one else is taken. Learn to live the magic that life truly is.

The Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement

Greetings everyone I am Reverend Dale R of the Church of the Universal Life. I’ve been associated with the Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement for about 3 years now. Mark Hamilton has been My Mentor, a very dear Friend in Deed.  I am a very Proud owner of Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts.  Over the past 3 years I have , along with the other “original 300” members’ have listened to Mark discuss his visions of the S.O.S. Clubhouses , future Advertising, and bringing together the Twelve Visions Party.  The Extent of Passion, Love, and focus, from Mark Hamilton towards this Puzzle.  Pieces for bringing in the Twelve Visions World. has been  no less than outstanding.  There is no Doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has our best interest in mind. Mark Hamilton also comes from His Heart.  I always tell everyone that I speak to ,to ALWAYS  speak from the Heart, listen from the Heart, and come from the Heart in all things.

The Neothink society and The TVP …

The Neothink society and The TVP really will be sum of the greatest things I was involved with. Mark Hamilton, his business, and the values it brought me are nothing less than life saving. Without it i would’ve been lost in this world we live in today. Now I and my family will live like we were meant to.  If The TVP is a success i have no doubt everyone else would too. I know someday soon society will realize this and the race will be on.

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and The TVP THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!

March 2025